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8.2. Error / Warnig Message

8.2.1. "fatal error C1083: cannot open include file 'SophiaFramework.hpp'"

Is your include or library file correctly set up? Include Files Search Path Verification

Select [Tools (menu)]-[Options (menu)]-[Directories (tab)] and in the drop-down menu titled [Show directories for:] select the [Include files] item.

Verify that the SophiaFramework path is set in the displayed list box as follows:

C:\Program Files\Sophia Cradle\SophiaFramework\5.3\Include

If the path is not set up, it can be set manually by clicking on the bottom blank area of the list box. Library Search Path Verification

Select [Tools (menu)]-[Options (menu)]-[Directories (tab)] and in the drop-down menu titled [Show directories for:] select the [Library files] item.

Verify that the SophiaFramework path is set in the displayed list box as follows:

C:\Program Files\Sophia Cradle\SophiaFramework\5.3\Library

If the path is not set up, it can be set manually by clicking on the bottom blank area of the list box.

8.2.2. "non-POD object cannot be passed as '...' argument"

Is your usage of the SFXHelper function or other BREW functions correct?

8.2.3. When using RealView Compilation Tools for BREW 1.2, link errors occur.

Has Build 848 for RealView Compilation Tools for BREW 1.2(RVCTB 1.2) been applied? It is available at ADS 1.2: Build 848 patch for Windows ( ARM Ltd ).

[Note] About your Build version for RVCT for BREW 1.2

Your Build version for RVCT for BREW 1.2 can be confirmed by using the armcpp command.

When your setting for RVCT for BREW 1.2 complier option is "OPT = -Ospace -O2 --no_inlinemax", -Ospace should be changed for -Otime.



# Compiler optimization options

OPT = -Ospace -O2               # Full compiler optimization for space




# Compiler optimization options

# OPT = -Ospace -O2               # Full compiler optimization for space
OPT = -Otime -O2
