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24.1. SFY Responder

Class Name Description
SFYApplication Class which represents an application using the SFY or SFZ responders.
SFYResponder Abstract base class for all SFY or SFZ responders.
SFYTracer Class which manages the tracer.
SFYHandler Class which manages handlers.
SFYRenderer Class which draws a responder tree.
SFYDistributer Class which distributes an event to a responder tree.
SFYWidget Abstract base class of a responder which represents a widget.
SFYImageWidget Responder which represents a widget to display an image.
SFYSingleTextWidget Responder which represents a widget to display a single uneditable text.
SFYSingleEditWidget Responder which represents a widget to display a single uneditable text.
SFYMultipleTextWidget Responder which represents a widget to display a multiple uneditable text.
SFYMultipleEditWidget Responder which represents a widget to display a multiple editable text.
SFYWebBrowserWidget Responder which represents a simple web browser widget.
SFYMenu Abstract base class of a responder which represents a menu.
SFYContainer Abstract base class of a responder which represents a container.
SFYControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a control.
SFYBoxControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a box control.
SFYButtonControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a button control.
SFYCheckboxControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a check box control.
SFYLabelControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a label control.
SFYRadiobuttonControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a radio button control.
SFYScrollBarControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a scroll bar control.
SFYTabControl Abstract base class of a responder which represents a tab control.
SFYFrame Abstract base class of a responder which represents a frame.
SFYPlainFrame Abstract base class of a responder which represents a plain frame.
SFYFlatFrame Abstract base class of a responder which represents a flat frame.
SFYBevelFrame Abstract base class of a responder which represents a bevel frame.
SFZRoot Responder that is suitable for the root responder.
SFZContainer Responder which represents a general purpose container to place controls and/or containers.
SFZWindow Responder which represents a general purpose window to place controls and/or containers.
SFZDialog Responder which represents a general purpose dialog to place controls and/or containers.
SFZMessageDialog Responder which represents a dialog to display a notification message.
SFZQuestionDialog Responder which represents a dialog to display a selection message.
SFZFlexListMenu Responder which represents a flex list menu.
SFZGridMenu Responder which represents a grid menu.
SFZTextMenu Responder which represents a text menu.
SFZTableView Responder which provides a view of tabular form with a table model.
SFZTabControl Responder which represents a tab control.
SFZTabPage Responder which represents a tab page.
SFZScrollBarControl Responder which represents a scroll bar control.
SFZContainerScrollBarControl Responder which represents a scroll bar control for container.
SFZSingleTextLabelControl Responder which represents a label control to display a single uneditable text.
SFZSingleEditLabelControl Responder which represents a label control to display a single editable text.
SFZMultipleTextLabelControl Responder which represents a label control to display a multiple uneditable text.
SFZMultipleEditLabelControl Responder which represents a label control to display a multiple editable text.
SFZSingleTextBoxControl Responder which represents a box control to display a single uneditable text.
SFZSingleEditBoxControl Responder which represents a box control to display a single editable text.
SFZMultipleTextBoxControl Responder which represents a box control to display a multiple uneditable text.
SFZMultipleEditBoxControl Responder which represents a box control to display a multiple editable text.
SFZTextButtonControl Responder which represents a button control to display a text.
SFZImageButtonControl Responder which represents a button control to display an image.
SFZImageBoxControl Responder which represents a box control to display an image.
SFZImageLabelControl Responder which represents a label control to display an image.
SFZComboBoxControl Responder which represents a combo box control.
SFZListBoxControl Responder which represents a list box control.
SFZFlexListBoxControl Responder which represents a flex list box control.
SFZCheckboxControl Responder which represents a check box control.
SFZRadiobuttonControl Responder which represents a radio button control.
SFZSoftKeyControl Responder which represents a SoftKey control.
SFZWebBrowserControl Responder which represents a simple web browser control.
SFZPlainFrame Responder which represents a plain frame.
SFZFlatFrame Responder which represents a flat frame.
SFZBevelFrame Responder which represents a bevel frame.
SFZTitlePlainFrame Responder which represents a plain frame with a title.
SFZTitleFlatFrame Responder which represents a flat frame with a title.
SFZTitleBevelFrame Responder which represents a bevel frame with a title.
SFXBaseEditor Base class to edit the native text input control of the standard BREW.
SFXEditor Concrete class to edit the native text input control of the standard BREW.
SFXEditProperty Class to edit the property of the native BREW text input control.
SFXResponderPointer Smart pointer template for the Responder class.
SFXEvent Class which represents an event.
SFXEventRange Class which represents an event range.