SophiaFramework UNIVERSE 5.3 |
This class distributes an event to the responder tree. Some private functions of this class are used only in the SFYResponder class and will not be used directly in the applet development.
Since the SFYApplication class contains an instance of this class by default and automatically performs all the calling and setting necessary for the application, you don't have to operate on this class.
In case of contructing another responder tree, developer needs to use this class directly as the code below. At this time, in order to distribute an event to the responder tree, the instance of this class needs to be bound with the root responder of the responder tree.
Example 866. Construct the responder tree
SFYDistributer _distributer; SFZRootSmp _root; SFCError error; // initialize the SFYDistributer instance if ((error = _distributer.Initialize()) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) { // create the root of the responder tree if ((_root = SFZRoot::NewInstance(&error)) != null) { // bind the root of the responder tree with the SFYDistributer instance _root->SetDistributer(&_distributer); // here describe other initialization _root->SetRealBound(_root->GetSuitableBound()); _root->SetStateVisible(true); ... } }
Distributer | Responder Tree Root Responder | Root(Basic) | SFYResponder | SFYRenderer | SFYApplication | SFZRoot | SFXEvent
Constructor/Destructor |
SFYDistributer( Void ) Constructor of the SFYDistributer class.
~SFYDistributer( Void ) Destructor of the SFYDistributer class.
Public Functions | |
Void |
ClearHandler( Void ) Unregister all handlers from this SFYDistributer instance.
Void |
ClearTracer( Void ) Unregister all dispatching rules from the tracer of this SFYDistributer instance.
SFCError |
Initialize( Void ) Initialize this distributer.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
, SFYHandler::RuleRecConstRef rule
) Register the handler.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
, SFYHandler::HandlerSPP spp
, VoidPtr reference
) Register the handler.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SFYHandler::RuleRecConstPtr rule
, SInt32 length
) Register the handler.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SFYHandler::HandlerSPPConstPtr spp
, VoidPtrConstPtr reference
, SInt32 length
) Register the handler.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
, SFYTracer::RuleRecConstRef rule
) Register the tracer.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
, SFYTracer::OrderEnum order
, SFYTracer::StateEnum state
, Bool overload
) Register the tracer.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SFYTracer::RuleRecConstPtr rule
, SInt32 length
) Register the tracer.
SFCError |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SFYTracer::OrderEnumConstPtr order
, SFYTracer::StateEnumConstPtr state
, BoolConstPtr overload
, SInt32 length
) Register the tracer.
Void |
Terminate( Void ) Terminate this distributer.
Void |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
, SFYHandler::RuleRecConstRef rule
) Unregister the handles from this distributer that match the specified condition.
Void |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
, SFYHandler::HandlerSPP spp
, VoidPtr reference
) Unregister the handles from this distributer that match the specified condition.
Void |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SFYHandler::RuleRecConstPtr rule
, SInt32 length
) Unregister the handles from this distributer that match the specified condition.
Void |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SFYHandler::HandlerSPPConstPtr spp
, VoidPtrConstPtr reference
, SInt32 length
) Unregister the handles from this distributer that match the specified condition.
Void |
SFXEventRangeConstRef range
) Unregister the dispatching rules from the tracer of this distributer which matches the specified condition.
Void |
SFXEventRangeConstPtr range
, SInt32 length
) Unregister the dispatching rules from the tracer of this distributer which matches the specified condition.
[ public, explicit ] SFYDistributer(Void);
[ public ] ~SFYDistributer(Void);
[ public ] Void ClearHandler(Void);
This function unregisters all handlers from this SFYDistributer instance.
SFYDistributer::RegisterHandler | SFYDistributer::UnregisterHandler | SFYDistributer | Handler
[ public ] Void ClearTracer(Void);
This function unregisters all dispatching rules from the tracer of this SFYDistributer instance.
SFYDistributer::RegisterTracer | SFYDistributer::UnregisterTracer | SFYDistributer | Tracer
[ public ] SFCError Initialize(Void);
This function initializes all the resources necessary for distributing an event to the responders of the responder tree bound with this distributer.
Before binding this distributer with the responder tree, it needs to be initialized by calling this function.
SFYDistributer::Terminate | Responder Tree | Responder Space | Distributer | Root(Basic) |
[ public ] SFCError RegisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range SFYHandler::RuleRecConstRef rule // handler rule );
[ public ] SFCError RegisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range SFYHandler::HandlerSPP spp // handler function VoidPtr reference // reference value );
[ public ] SFCError RegisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SFYHandler::RuleRecConstPtr rule // array of handler rule SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
[ public ] SFCError RegisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SFYHandler::HandlerSPPConstPtr spp // array of handler function VoidPtrConstPtr reference // array of reference value SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
represents the range of events which the handler will receive.
represents the set of handler functions and reference values.
This function registers specified handlers into this SFYDistributer instance.
It is possible to register more than one handler for the same event. At this time, handlers are called in the registered order or vice versa. If an event is handled by a handler, whether or not to boot up the next handler as long as it exists depends on the settings.
Method to receive the BREW-defined event whose dispatching rule is registered into the standard tracer with "distributing condition: None[SFYTracer::STATE_NONE]" | |
The BREW-defined event whose dispatching rule is registered into the standard tracer with "distributing condition: None[SFYTracer::STATE_NONE] will be distributed to no responder including the root(SFZRoot) which the SFYApplication class contains by default. This is because the rules of the standard tracer are registered into the SFYDistributer instance. To receive this event, you have to register its handler directly into the SFYDistributer instance as follows:
SFYDistributer _distributer; SFCError error; register one handler at a time error = _distributer.RegisterHandler(SFXEventRange(SFEVT_KEY, SFEVT_KEY, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END), XANDLER_INTERNAL(OnKey) ); register more than one handler at a time together static SFXEventRange::AtomRecConst range[] = { { SFEVT_KEY, SFEVT_KEY, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END}, {SFEVT_KEY_PRESS, SFEVT_KEY_PRESS, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END}, { SFEVT_KEY_RELEASE, SFEVT_KEY_RELEASE, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END} }; SFYHandler::RuleRec rule[lengthof(range)]; rule[0].spp = XANDLER_FUNCTION(OnKey); rule[0].reference = this; rule[1].spp = XANDLER_FUNCTION(OnKeyPress); rule[1].reference = this; rule[2].spp = XANDLER_FUNCTION(OnKeyRelease); rule[2].reference = this; error = _distributer.RegisterHandler(atomic_cast(range), rule, lengthof(range));
SFYDistributer::UnregisterHandler | SFYDistributer::ClearHandler | SFYApplication::GetDistributer | SFYDistributer | SFXEvent | SFXEventRange | Handler | Standard Tracer
[ public ] SFCError RegisterTracer( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range SFYTracer::RuleRecConstRef rule // tracer rule );
[ public ] SFCError RegisterTracer( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range SFYTracer::OrderEnum order // processing order SFYTracer::StateEnum state // distributing condition Bool overload // overloading condition );
[ public ] SFCError RegisterTracer( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SFYTracer::RuleRecConstPtr rule // array of tracer rule SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
[ public ] SFCError RegisterTracer( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SFYTracer::OrderEnumConstPtr order // array of processing order SFYTracer::StateEnumConstPtr state // array of distributing condition BoolConstPtr overload // array of overloading condition SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
represent the event range to which the tracer rules adjust.
represents the set of processing order, distributing condition, and overloading condition.
This function registers specified dispatching rules into the tracer of this SFYDistributer instance.
If more than one dispatching rule for the same event are registered, only the last registered dispatching rule will be effective.
SFYDistributer _distributer; SFCError error; register one dispatching rule into the tracer of a responder at a time error = _distributer.RegisterTracer(SFXEventRange(SFEVT_APP_START, SFEVT_APP_START, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END), SFYTracer::ORDER_BACKWARD, SFYTracer::STATE_ALL, true); register more than one dispatching rule into the tracer of a responder at a time static SFXEventRange::AtomRecConst range[] = { { SFEVT_APP_START, SFEVT_APP_START, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END}, { SFEVT_APP_STOP, SFEVT_APP_STOP, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END}, { SFEVT_APP_RESUME, SFEVT_APP_RESUME, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END}, { SFEVT_APP_SUSPEND, SFEVT_APP_SUSPEND, SFP16_BEGIN, SFP16_END} }; static SFYTracer::RuleRecConst rule[lengthof(range)] = { { SFYTracer::ORDER_BACKWARD, SFYTracer::STATE_ALL, true}, { SFYTracer::ORDER_FORWARD, SFYTracer::STATE_ALL, true}, { SFYTracer::ORDER_BACKWARD, SFYTracer::STATE_ALL, true}, { SFYTracer::ORDER_FORWARD, SFYTracer::STATE_ALL, true} }; error = _distributer.RegisterTracer(atomic_cast(range), rule, lengthof(range));
SFYDistributer::UnregisterTracer | SFYDistributer::ClearTracer | SFYDistributer | SFXEventRange | SFXEvent | SFYTracer | Tracer
[ public ] Void Terminate(Void);
This function releases all the resources necessary for distributing an event to the responders of the responder tree bound with this distributer and terminates this distributer itself.
In case this distributer is bound with the responder tree, it is necessary to terminate all responders of the responder tree before calling this function.
SFYDistributer::Initialize | Responder Tree | Responder Space | Distributer | Root(Basic) |
[ public ] Void UnregisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range SFYHandler::RuleRecConstRef rule // handler rule );
[ public ] Void UnregisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range SFYHandler::HandlerSPP spp // handler function VoidPtr reference // reference value );
[ public ] Void UnregisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SFYHandler::RuleRecConstPtr rule // array of handler rule SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
[ public ] Void UnregisterHandler( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SFYHandler::HandlerSPPConstPtr spp // array of handler function VoidPtrConstPtr reference // array of reference value SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
represents the range of events which the handler will receive.
represents the set of handler functions and reference values.
This function unregisters the handler from this SFYDistributer instance which matches the specified condition.
Only the handler which maches the specified condition on the event range and the handler rule will be unregistered.
If more than one handler of the same condition are registered, the last registered one will be unregistered.
SFYDistributer::RegisterHandler | SFYDistributer::ClearHandler | SFYDistributer | SFXEvent | SFXEventRange | Handler
[ public ] Void UnregisterTracer( SFXEventRangeConstRef range // event range );
[ public ] Void UnregisterTracer( SFXEventRangeConstPtr range // array of event range SInt32 length // number of the elements of the array );
represent the event range to which the tracer rules adjust.
This function unregisters the dispatching rule from the tracer of this SFYDistributer instance which matches the specified condition.
Only the dispatching rule which maches the specified condition on event range will be unregistered from the tracer.
If more than one dispatching rule of the same condition are registered, the last registered one will be unregistered.
SFYDistributer::RegisterTracer | SFYDistributer::ClearTracer | SFYDistributer | SFXEvent | SFXEventRange | Tracer
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