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9.1. Overview

The responder system (hereafter called "responder system") of SophiaFramework UNIVERSE represents a group of classes whose name has the prefix of SFY or SFZ.

The responder system has the distributer to distribute an event and the renderer to draw GUI components on the device screen. By default, the standard GUI components such as a window, a menu, a dialog, or a control(button, label, tab and so on) are available.

If the responder system is used, there will be no need to implement the complex event dispatching, draw the GUI components, nor manage the states and the memories of the GUI components.

Therefore, you can rapidly and easily develop your BREW applet with the complex user interface.

[Note] Responder

In the responder system, the GUI component is called "responder".

Every responder inherits from SFYResponder, where GUI functions common among various responders are defined and implemented.

9.1.1. What is the responder system?

The responder system is the GUI framework to automatically dispatch the event and draw graphical user interface on the device screen only by placing GUI components called responder such as window, menu, dialog, control, or frame there.

Since there is no need to program the following complex processing if the responder system is used, productivity of applet development and maintenance improves remarkably.

Main features of the responder system:

  1. Dispatch the event to the appropriate responders.
  2. Draw the responder.
  3. Manage the state and the attribute of the responder.
  4. Manage the memory of the responder.
  5. The customizable general purpose responders such as window, dialog, menu, control, or frame are available.

Table 9.1. Main Standard General Purpose Responders Provided with SophiaFramework UNIVERSE

Class name Description
SFYApplication Template for the application class of an applet using the responder system.
SFYResponder All responders inherit from this class where features common to them are implemented. There is almost no possibility that this class is directly used in the general applet development.
SFZRoot General purpose root to place a window, dialog, menu, or frame.
SFZContainer General purpose container to place controls.
SFZWindow General purpose window to place controls or containers.
SFZDialog General purpose dialog to place controls or containers.
SFZMessageDialog Dialog to display a notification message.
SFZQuestionDialog Dialog to display a selection message.
SFZGridMenu Grid menu.
SFZTextMenu Text menu.
SFZFlexListMenu Flex list menu.
SFZTableView Responder which provides a view of tabular form with a table model.
SFZSingleTextLabelControl Label control to display a single uneditable text.
SFZSingleEditLabelControl Label control to display a single editable text.
SFZMultipleTextLabelControl Label control to display a multiple uneditable text.
SFZMultipleEditLabelControl Label control to display a multiple editable text.
SFZImageLabelControl Label control to display an image.
SFZSingleTextBoxControl Box control to display a single uneditable text.
SFZSingleEditBoxControl Box control to display a single editable text.
SFZMultipleTextBoxControl Box control to display a multiple uneditable text.
SFZMultipleEditBoxControl Box control to display a multiple editable text.
SFZImageBoxControl Box control to display an image.
SFZTextButtonControl Button control to display a text.
SFZImageButtonControl Button control to display an image.
SFZComboBoxControl Combo box control.
SFZListBoxControl List box control.
SFZFlexListBoxControl Flex list box control.
SFZCheckboxControl Check box control.
SFZRadiobuttonControl Radio button control.
SFZTabControl Tab control.
SFZTabPage Tab page for tab control.
SFZScrollBarControl Scroll bar control.
SFZContainerScrollBarControl Scroll bar control for container.
SFZSoftKeyControl SoftKey control.
SFZWebBrowserControl Simple web browser control.
SFZPlainFrame Plain frame.
SFZFlatFrame Flat frame.
SFZBevelFrame Bevel frame.
SFZTitlePlainFrame Plain frame with a title.
SFZTitleFlatFrame Flat frame with a title.
SFZTitleBevelFrame Bevel frame with a title.
SFYImageWidget Widget to display an image.
SFYSingleTextWidget Widget to display a single uneditable text.
SFYSingleEditWidget Widget to display a single editable text.
SFYMultipleTextWidget Widget to display a multiple uneditable text.
SFYMultipleEditWidget Widget to display a multiple editable text.
SFYWebBrowserWidget Widget to browse web pages.
[Note] List of the standard responders provided with SophiaFramework UNIVERSE

In addition to classes above, the abstract base classes with the SFY prefix are included in SophiaFramework UNIVERSE. One of these abstract base classes will be inherited from when the user-defined responder class is defined.

For the complete list of standard responders provided with SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, see Class reference classified by category: SFY responder.

[Important] SFYResponder and SFYApplication

All responders such as a window, a menu, a dialog, a control, a root, a frame inherit from the SFYResponder class.

Though SFYApplication does not inherit from SFYResponder, it contains the root(SFZRoot inheriting from SFYResponder) by default, which is located at the top position in the owner relationship of responders. Any responder-related operation of the SFYApplication class will be delegated to this root.

9.1.2. How to use the responder system

In the applet development using the responder system, define an application class inheriting from SFYApplication first.

In the project generated by AppWizard of SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, an application class inheriting from SFYApplication will be automatically generated immediately after selecting the "Use(SFY version)" option on the screen for GUI framework selection.

[Caution] Application class name, including capital alphabets[only for BREW 4.0 or above]

In general, the application class name will be made the same with the applet name.

The capital alphabets cannot be used for the applet name since BREW 4.0.

To use the capital alphabets for the application class name like "HelloWorld" or "USRApplication", it is necessary to convert the capital alphabet in the application class name into the corresponding small alphabet and then make it the applet name like "helloworld" or "usrapplication".

The code to make a window in an application class(root) is as follows:

Example 9.1. Making a window in an application class(root)

SFCError USRApplication::MakeWindow(Void)
    SFZWindowSmp window;
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);


    // create the instance of SFZWindow ("window" in the below)
    if ((window = SFZWindow::NewInstance(&error)) != null) {

        // set the window's parent responder to the application class(i.e., the root)
        error = window->SetParent(GetThis());
        if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

           // set the window's real region to the region obtained by deflating the device screen by (10, 10)
           window->SetRealBound(GetLocalBound().Deflate(10, 10));

           // set the window's state to "visible" + "active" + "enable" + "focus" together
           window->SetState(true, true, true, true);

           // move the window foremost

[Tip] Procedure to make a window
  1. Create the SFZWindow instance (called "window" in the below) with the SFZWindow::NewInstance function.
  2. Set the parent responder of "window" with the SFYResponder::SetParent function.
  3. Set the real region of "window" to to the rectangular region in its parent responder's local region coordinate system with the SFYResponder::SetRealBound function.
  4. Set the state of "window" with the SFYResponder::SetState function.
  5. Move the "window" and its child responders foremost with the SFYResponder::ToFront function.

Reference: SFZWindow | SFYResponder::GetThis | SFYResponder::GetLocalBound | SFXRectangle::Deflate

The code to make a text button control in a window is as follows:

Example 9.2. Make a text button control in a window

SFCError USRApplication::MakeTextButtonControl(Void)
    SFZWindowSmp window;
    SFZTextButtonControlSmp button;
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);


    // create the instance of SFZTextButtonControl ("text button control" in the below)
    if ((button = SFZTextButtonControl::NewInstance(&error)) != null) {

        // set the text button control's parent responder to the window
        error = button->SetParent(window);
        if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

            // set the text button control's label to "hello world"
            error = button->SetText("hello world");
            if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

                // get the suitable size for displaying the text button control within the window's local region, and set the origin to (10, 10)
                button->SetRealBound(button->GetSuitableBound().SetOrigin(10, 10));

                // set the text button control's state to "visible" + "active" + "enable" + "focus" together
                button->SetState(true, true, true, true);

[Tip] Procedure to make a text button control
  1. Create the SFZTextButtonControl instance (called "button" in the below) with the SFZTextButtonControl::NewInstance function.
  2. Set the parent responder of "button" to an existing responder already placed with the SFYResponder::SetParent function.
  3. Set the label of "button" with the SFZTextButtonControl::SetText function.
  4. Set the real region of "button" to the rectangular region in its parent responder's local region coordinate system with the SFYResponder::SetRealBound function.
  5. Set the state of "button" with the SFYResponder::SetState function.
[Important] SFYResponder::ToFront function

The control will not be moved foremost unless its parent responder such as a window, a dialog, or a container is moved foremost.

It will be automatically moved foremost after calling the SFYResponder::ToFront function of its parent responder.

Reference: SFZWindow | SFZTextButtonControl | SFYResponder::GetSuitableBound | SFXRectangle::SetOrigin

The code to display a string on BREW Output Window when the text button control is pushed is as follows:

Example 9.3. Registering and implementing the result handler

SFZTextButtonControlSmp button;


// register the "OnResult" result handler into the text button control
error = button->RegisterHandler(

// implement the "OnResult" result handler
XANDLER_IMPLEMENT_VOIDRESULT(USRApplication, OnResult, invoker, reason, result)
    // display "Text button control has been pushed." on BREW Output window
    TRACE("Text button control has been pushed.");

[Note] NOTE

The handler for result event (i.e., result handler) is registered into the text button control with the SFYResponder::RegisterHandler function.

The result handler (i.e result handler) is implemented with the XANDLER_IMPLEMENT_VOIDRESULT macro.

* The result event will occur when the text button control is pushed.

As stated above, the GUI applet can be rapidly developed with ease only by placing a control such as a text button control on a window, defining, implementing, and registering its handler booted up when the control is operated.

9.1.3. Structure of the Responder System

An application class inheriting from SFYApplication is placed at the top position in the hierarchy which manages responders such as a window, a menu, a dialog, a control, or a frame.

In the responder system, there is a layered structure that an application class contains the root(SFZRoot) by default, the root manages windows, menus, or dialogs, and a window or a dialog manages controls.

A dialog or a menu is positioned in the same layer as a window.

Container is the exceptional responder designed to manage controls or containers(only container), and be managed by a control or another container(container/window/dialog).

[Important] Frame

A frame(i.e frame responder) with a border and/or a title can be attached to a responder such as a window, a dialog, or a menu.

[Note] Application class and root

Though the application class is not the responder, it contains one responder called "root"(SFZRoot) by default.

Therefore, there are several cases that the application class may be treated as "root" in the following.

Figure 9.1. Owner relationship

Owner relationship

All responders such as a window, a menu, a dialog, or a control inherit from SFYResponder.

Figure 9.2. Inheritance relationship

Inheritance relationship