SophiaFramework UNIVERSE 5.3 |
BREW 2.0 | BREW 2.1 | BREW 3.1 | BREW 4.0 |
O | O | O | O |
Public Functions | |
SFBAddrRecSmp |
AEEAddrCat category
, AEEAddrField* items
, SInt32 itemCount
Create a new address record.
SFCError |
EnumCategoryInit( Void )
Initialize the enumeration of address record categories supported by the address book on the device.
SFCError |
AEEAddrCat category
Initialize the enumeration of the fields supported in the address book for a given category.
Bool |
AEEAddrCat* category
Enumerate the next address record category supported by the address book on the device.
Bool |
AEEAddrFieldInfo* fieldInfo
Enumerate the next field supported in this category.
SFBAddrRecSmp |
EnumNextRec( Void )
Enumerate the next record that matches the search criteria that has been specified during the previous call to SFBAddrBook::EnumRecInit().
SFCError |
AEEAddrCat category
, AEEAddrFieldID fieldId
, VoidPtr data
, UInt16 dataSize
Initialize the enumeration of records in the address book based on the specified search criteria.
SFCError |
AEEAddrCat category
, AEEAddrFieldID fieldId
, SFXBufferPtr data
Initialize the enumeration of records in the address book based on the specified search criteria.
SFCError |
GetLastError( Void )
Return the error that has occurred with the most recent address book operation.
UInt16 |
GetNumRecs( Void )
Return a count of the number of address records present in this address book.
UInt32 |
GetProperties( Void )
Return the properties of this SFBAddrBook interface.
SFBAddrRecSmp |
UInt16 id
Retrieve pointer to the address record whose ID is specified.
static SFBAddrBookSmp |
SFCErrorPtr exception = null
Create a new SFBAddrBook instance,
static SFBAddrBookSmp |
, SFCErrorPtr exception = null
Create a new SFBAddrBook instance,
SFCError |
RemoveAllRecs( Void )
Remove all records in a given address book.
Void |
UInt32 properties
Set the properties of this SFBAddrBook interface.
Protected Functions | |
static SFBBaseSmp |
, SFCErrorPtr exception = null
(inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface.
static SFBBaseSmp |
SFBQuerySmpConstRef query
, SFCErrorPtr exception = null
(inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface using the SFBQuery instance.
[ public ] SFBAddrRecSmp CreateRec( AEEAddrCat category // category to which this address belongs. AEE_ADDR_CAT_NONE indicates "don’t care". Using AEE_ADDR_CAT_NONE is not recomended because the device may return null, or add a new category, or add to an existing default category AEEAddrField* items // array of field(s) for the new address record to be put into the address book SInt32 itemCount // number of field(s) in the pItems array of fields );
[ public ] SFCError EnumCategoryInit(Void);
[ public ] SFCError EnumFieldsInfoInit( AEEAddrCat category // specifies the category for which the field support is to be enumerated. // if this parameter is set to AEE_ADDR_CAT_NONE, this function initializes the enumeration of all the fields supported for all categories );
[ public ] Bool EnumNextCategory( AEEAddrCat* category // contains the category information );
The enumeration must have been initialized using SFBAddrBook::EnumCategoryInit before using this function.
[ public ] Bool EnumNextFieldsInfo( AEEAddrFieldInfo* fieldInfo // on input, this must be a valid pointer to the AEEAddrFieldInfo structure. // if the return value is true, this parameter contains information about the next type of field supported in this category );
It returns information about the fields supported for the given category. The enumeration must have been initialized using SFBAddrBook::EnumFieldsInfoInit before using this function.
BREW API IADDRBOOK_EnumNextFieldsInfo | AEEAddrFieldInfo | SFBAddrBook::EnumFieldsInfoInit
[ public ] SFBAddrRecSmp EnumNextRec(Void);
The SFBAddrBook::EnumRecInit function must be called successfully before invoking this function.
[ public ] SFCError EnumRecInit( AEEAddrCat category // category type to be matched. // if this is set to AEE_ADDR_CAT_NONE, it is ignored AEEAddrFieldID fieldId //AEEAddrFieldID to be matched. // if this is set to AEE_ADDRFIELD_NONE, it is ignored. // before specifying a field here, it must be checked if the address book permits searching based on this field. // this can be done using the functions IADDRBOOK_EnumFieldsInfoInit() and IADDRBOOK_EnumNextFieldsInfo() VoidPtr data // if non-null, pData specifies the actual data that must be matched. // if null, it is ignored UInt16 dataSize // specifies the sizeof(pData) );
[ public ] SFCError EnumRecInit( AEEAddrCat category // category type to be matched. // if this is set to AEE_ADDR_CAT_NONE, it is ignored AEEAddrFieldID fieldId //AEEAddrFieldID to be matched. // if this is set to AEE_ADDRFIELD_NONE, it is ignored. // before specifying a field here, it must be checked if the address book permits searching based on this field. // this can be done using the functions IADDRBOOK_EnumFieldsInfoInit() and IADDRBOOK_EnumNextFieldsInfo() SFXBufferPtr data // if not null, matched data is specified. // if null, failure );
After enumeration has been initialized, the SFBAddrBook::EnumNextRec function can be used to iterate through the records that match this search criteria.
BREW API IADDRBOOK_EnumRecInit | AEEAddrCat | AEEAddrFieldID | SFBAddrBook::EnumNextRec | SFBAddrBook::EnumFieldsInfoInit | SFBAddrBook::EnumNextFieldsInfo
[ public ] SFCError GetLastError(Void);
[ public ] UInt16 GetNumRecs(Void);
[ public ] UInt32 GetProperties(Void);
Introduced BREW Client 2.1
[ public ] SFBAddrRecSmp GetRecByID( UInt16 id // id of the record that needs to be retrieved from the address book );
The Record ID of a record can be obtained using SFBAddrRec::GetRecID.
[ public, static ] SFBAddrBookSmp NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null // Error );
[ public, static ] SFBAddrBookSmp NewInstance( AEECLSID clsid = AEECLSID_ADDRBOOK // Class ID SFCErrorPtr exception = null // Error );
The parameter clsid is specified by the ClassID of IAddressBook interface. Only the AEECLSID_ADDRBOOK is avilable in BREW 2.0, In BREW 2.1, the AEECLSID_RUIM is also avilable.
[ public ] SFCError RemoveAllRecs(Void);
Because this function has a huge impact on the address book, it may not be supported on all devices. If this function is not supported, the value EUNSUPPORTED is returned.
Introduced BREW Client 2.1
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