SophiaFramework UNIVERSE 5.3 |
SFB3D | Wrapper Class for the I3D interface. |
SFB3DModel | Wrapper Class for the I3DModel interface. |
SFB3DUtil | Wrapper Class for the I3DUtil interface. |
SFBAClockCtl | Wrapper Class for the IAClockCtl interface. |
SFBAddrBook | Wrapper Class for the IAddrBook interface. |
SFBAddrInfo | Wrapper Class for the IAddrInfo interface. |
SFBAddrInfoCache | Wrapper Class for the IAddrInfoCache interface. |
SFBAddrRec | Wrapper Class for the IAddrRec interface. |
SFBAlarmMgr | Wrapper Class for the IAlarmMgr interface. |
SFBAppHistory | Wrapper Class for the IAppHistory interface. |
SFBApplet | Wrapper Class for the IApplet interface. |
SFBAppletCtl | Wrapper Class for the IAppletCtl interface. |
SFBAStream | Wrapper Class for the IAStream interface. |
SFBBacklight | Wrapper Class for the IBacklight interface. |
SFBBase | Wrapper Class for the IBase interface. |
SFBBattery | Wrapper Class for the IBattery interface. |
SFBBCMCSDB | Wrapper Class for the IBCMCSDB interface. |
SFBBearerTechnology | Wrapper Class for the IBearerTechnology interface. |
SFBBitmap | Wrapper Class for the IBitmap interface. |
SFBBitmapDev | Wrapper Class for the IBitmapDev interface. |
SFBBitmapDev2 | Wrapper Class for the IBitmapDev2 interface. |
SFBBitmapFX | Wrapper Class for the IBitmapFX interface. |
SFBBitmapRot | Wrapper Class for the IBitmapRot interface. |
SFBBitmapScale | Wrapper Class for the IBitmapScale interface. |
SFBBN | Wrapper Class for the IBN interface. |
SFBBNEng | Wrapper Class for the IBNEng interface. |
SFBBT | Wrapper Class for the IBT interface. |
SFBBTA2DP | Wrapper Class for the IBTA2DP interface. |
SFBBTA2DPNotifier | Wrapper Class for the IBTA2DPNotifier interface. |
SFBBTAG | Wrapper Class for the IBTAG interface. |
SFBBTAudioGateway | Wrapper Class for the IBTAudioGateway interface. |
SFBBTAVRCPTarget | Wrapper Class for the IBTAVRCPTarget interface. |
SFBBTConnection | Wrapper Class for the IBTConnection interface. |
SFBBTDevDB | Wrapper Class for the IBTDevDB interface. |
SFBBTMgr | Wrapper Class for the IBTMgr interface. |
SFBBTSDP | Wrapper Class for the IBTSDP interface. |
SFBBTServiceDiscovery | Wrapper Class for the IBTServiceDiscovery interface. |
SFBBTSIOPort | Wrapper Class for the IBTSIOPort interface. |
SFBBTSPP | Wrapper Class for the IBTSPP interface. This class is not directly used. |
SFBBTSPPClient | Wrapper Class for the IBTSPPClient interface. |
SFBBTSPPServer | Wrapper Class for the IBTSPPServer interface. |
SFBCall | Wrapper Class for the ICall interface. |
SFBCallHistory | Wrapper Class for the ICallHistory interface. |
SFBCallMgr | Wrapper Class for the ICallMgr interface. |
SFBCallOrigOpts | Wrapper Class for the ICallOrigOpts interface. |
SFBCamera | Wrapper Class for the ICamera interface. |
SFBCertBag | Wrapper Class for the ICertBag interface. |
SFBCertChain | Wrapper Class for the ICertChain interface. |
SFBCertParse | Wrapper Class for the ICertParse interface. |
SFBCipher | Wrapper Class for the ICipher interface. |
SFBCipher1 | Wrapper Class for the ICipher1 interface. |
SFBCipherFactory | Wrapper Class for the ICipherFactory interface. |
SFBCipherWrapper | Wrapper Class for the ICipherWrapper interface. |
SFBClipboard | Wrapper Class for the IClipboard interface. |
SFBControl | Wrapper Class for the IControl interface. |
SFBCoreNotifier | Wrapper Class for the ICoreNotifier interface. |
SFBDatabase | Wrapper Class for the IDatabase interface. |
SFBDateCtl | Wrapper Class for the IDateCtl interface. |
SFBDBMgr | Wrapper Class for the IDBMgr interface. |
SFBDBRecord | Wrapper Class for the IDBRecord interface. |
SFBDialog | Wrapper Class for the IDialog interface. |
SFBDIB | Wrapper Class for the IDIB interface. |
SFBDispatcher | Wrapper Class for the IDispatcher interface. |
SFBDisplay | Wrapper Class for the IDisplay interface. |
SFBDLS | Wrapper Class for the IBDLS interface. |
SFBDLSLinker | Wrapper Class for the IBDLSLinker interface. |
SFBDNS | Wrapper Class for the IDNS interface. |
SFBDNSConfig | Wrapper Class for the IDNSConfig interface. |
SFBDNSConfig2 | Wrapper Class for the IDNSConfig2 interface. |
SFBEnv | Wrapper Class for the IEnv interface. |
SFBFIFO | Wrapper Class for the IFIFO interface. |
SFBFile | Wrapper Class for the IFile interface. |
SFBFileMgr | Wrapper Class for the IFileMgr interface. |
SFBFilePort | Wrapper Class for the IFilePort interface. |
SFBFileSystem | Wrapper Class for the IFileSystem interface. |
SFBFlip | Wrapper Class for the IFlip interface. |
SFBFont | Wrapper Class for the IFont interface. |
SFBForceFeed | Wrapper Class for the IForceFeed interface. |
SFBFOTA | Wrapper Class for the IFOTA interface. |
SFBGetLine | Wrapper Class for the IGetLine interface. |
SFBGraphics | Wrapper Class for the IGraphics interface. |
SFBHash | Wrapper Class for the IHash interface. |
SFBHashCTX | Wrapper Class for the IHashCTX interface. |
SFBHeap | Wrapper Class for the IHeap interface. |
SFBHTMLViewer | Wrapper Class for the IHtmlViewer interface. |
SFBImage | Wrapper Class for the IImage interface. |
SFBImageCtl | Wrapper Class for the IImageCtl interface. |
SFBImageDecoder | Wrapper Class for the IImageDecoder interface. |
SFBItemStore | Wrapper Class for the IItemStore interface. |
SFBJoystick | Wrapper Class for the IJoystick interface. |
SFBKeysMapping | Wrapper Class for the IKeysMapping interface. |
SFBLicense | Wrapper Class for the ILicense interface. |
SFBLocalStorage | Wrapper Class for the ILocalStorage interface. |
SFBLogger | Wrapper Class for the ILogger interface. |
SFBMcastSession | Wrapper Class for the IMcastSession interface. |
SFBMedia | Wrapper Class for the IMedia interface. |
SFBMediaAAC | Wrapper Class for the IMediaAAC interface. |
SFBMediaADPCM | Wrapper Class for the IMediaADPCM interface. |
SFBMediaMIDI | Wrapper Class for the IMediaMIDI interface. |
SFBMediaMIDIOutMsg | Wrapper Class for the IMediaMIDIOutMsg interface. |
SFBMediaMIDIOutQCP | Wrapper Class for the IMediaMIDIOutQCP interface. |
SFBMediaMMF | Wrapper Class for the IMediaMMF interface. |
SFBMediaMP3 | Wrapper Class for the IMediaMP3 interface. |
SFBMediaMPEG4 | Wrapper Class for the IMediaMPEG4 interface. |
SFBMediaPHR | Wrapper Class for the IMediaPHR interface. |
SFBMediaPMD | Wrapper Class for the IMediaPMD interface. |
SFBMediaQCP | Wrapper Class for the IMediaQCP interface. |
SFBMediaSVG | Wrapper Class for the IMediaSVG interface. |
SFBMediaUtil | Wrapper Class for the IMediaUtil interface. |
SFBMemAStream | Wrapper Class for the IMemAStream interface. |
SFBMenuCtl | Wrapper Class for the IMenuCtl interface. |
SFBMod | Wrapper Class for the IMod interface. |
SFBModel | Wrapper Class for the IModel interface. |
SFBModule | Wrapper Class for the IModule interface. |
SFBModuleSupport | Wrapper Class for the IModelSupport interface. |
SFBMultipartyCall | Wrapper Class for the IMultipartyCall interface. |
SFBNetMgr | Wrapper Class for the INetMgr interface. |
SFBNetUtils | Wrapper Class for the INetUtils interface. |
SFBNetwork | Wrapper Class for the INetwork interface. |
SFBNotifier | Wrapper Class for the INotifier interface. |
SFBOBEXCli | Wrapper Class for the IOBEXCli interface. |
SFBOBEXHeader | Wrapper Class for the IOBEXHeader interface. |
SFBOBEXSrv | Wrapper Class for the IOBEXSrv interface. |
SFBOBEXSrvSession | Wrapper Class for the IOBEXSrvSession interface. |
SFBParameters | Wrapper Class for the IParameters interface. |
SFBParameters1 | Wrapper Class for the IParameters1 interface. |
SFBPeek | Wrapper Class for the IPeek interface. |
SFBPhoneCtl | Wrapper class fot the IPhoneCtl interface. |
SFBPhoneNotifier | Wrapper Class for the IPhoneNotifier interface. |
SFBPimCallHistoryUtil | Wrapper Class for the pim_ICallHistoryUtil interface. |
SFBPimMessageStore | Wrapper Class for the pim_IMessageStore interface. |
SFBPimRecordStore | Wrapper Class for the pim_IRecordStore interface. |
SFBPort | Wrapper Class for the IPort interface. |
SFBPort1 | Wrapper Class for the IPort1 interface. |
SFBPosDet | Wrapper Class for the IPosDet interface. |
SFBPrivSet | Wrapper Class for the IPrivSet interface. |
SFBPubKey | Wrapper Class for the IPubKey interface. |
SFBPubKeyEng | Wrapper Class for the IPubKeyEng interface. |
SFBPubKeyUtil | Wrapper Class for the IPubKeyUtil interface. |
SFBQoSBundle | Wrapper Class for the IQoSBundle interface. |
SFBQoSErrorSpec | Wrapper class for the IQoSErrorSpec interface. |
SFBQoSFilter | Wrapper class for the IQoSFilter interface. |
SFBQoSFlow | Wrapper class for the IQoSFlow interface. |
SFBQoSList | Wrapper class for the IQoSList interface. |
SFBQoSSession | Wrapper class for the IQoSSession interface. |
SFBQoSSpec | Wrapper class for the IQoSSpec interface. |
SFBQuery | Wrapper Class for the IQI interface. |
SFBRAMCache | Wrapper Class for the IRAMCache interface. |
SFBRawBlockCipher | Wrapper Class for the IRawBlockCipher interface. |
SFBRealloc | Wrapper Class for the IRealloc interface. |
SFBRecordStore | Wrapper Class for the IRecordStore interface. |
SFBRegistry | Wrapper Class for the IRegistry interface. |
SFBRemoteControlTarget | Wrapper Class for the IRemoteControl_Target interface. |
SFBResourceCtl | Wrapper class for the IResourceCtl interface. |
SFBRingerMgr | Wrapper Class for the IRingerMgr interface. |
SFBRSA | Wrapper Class for the IRSA interface. |
SFBRscPool | Wrapper Class for the IRscPool interface. |
SFBShell | Wrapper Class for the IShell interface. |
SFBSignal | Wrapper Class for the ISignal interface. |
SFBSignalBus | Wrapper Class for the ISignalBus interface. |
SFBSignalCBFactory | Wrapper Class for the ISignalCBFactory interface. |
SFBSignalCtl | Wrapper Class for the ISignalCtl interface. |
SFBSingleton | Wrapper Class for the ISingleton interface. |
SFBSMS | Wrapper class for the ISMS interface. |
SFBSMSBCConfig | Wrapper class for the ISMSBCConfig interface. |
SFBSMSBCSrvOpts | Wrapper class for the ISMSBCSrvOpts interface. |
SFBSMSMsg | Wrapper class for the ISMSMsg interface. |
SFBSMSStorage | Wrapper class for the ISMSStorage interface. |
SFBSMSStorage2 | Wrapper Class for the ISMSStorage2 interface. |
SFBSocket | Wrapper Class for the ISocket interface. |
SFBSockPort | Wrapper Class for the ISockPort interface. |
SFBSound | Wrapper Class for the ISound interface. |
SFBSoundPlayer | Wrapper Class for the ISoundPlayer interface. |
SFBSource | Wrapper Class for the ISource interface. |
SFBSourceUtil | Wrapper Class for the ISourceUtil interface. |
SFBSprite | Wrapper Class for the ISprite interface. |
SFBSSL | Wrapper Class for the ISSL interface. |
SFBSSLRootCerts | Wrapper Class for the SSLRootCerts Interface |
SFBStatic | Wrapper Class for the IStatic interface. |
SFBSuppsTrans | Wraper class for the ISuppsTrans interface. |
SFBTAPI | Wrapper Class for the ITAPI interface. |
SFBTelephone | Wrapper class for the ITelephone interface. |
SFBTextCtl | Wrapper Class for the ITextCtl interface. |
SFBThread | Wrapper Class for the IThread interface. |
SFBTimeCtl | Wrapper Class for the ITimeCtl interface. |
SFBTopVisibleCtl | Wrapper class fot the ITopVisibleCtl interface. |
SFBTransform | Wrapper Class for the ITransform interface. |
SFBUnzipAStream | Wrapper Class for the IUnzipAStream interface. |
SFBvCalObject | Wrapper Class for the IvCalObject interface. |
SFBvCalStore | Wrapper Class for the IvCalStore interface. |
SFBvCard | Wrapper Class for the IvCard interface. |
SFBVersion | Wrapper Class for the IVersion interface. |
SFBViewer | Wrapper Class for the IViewer interface. |
SFBvObject | Wrapper Class for the IvObject interface. |
SFBvObjectParser | Wrapper Class for the IvObjectParser interface. |
SFBVocoder | Wrapper Class for the IVocoder interface. |
SFBvParm | Wrapper Class for the IvParm interface. |
SFBvProperty | Wrapper Class for the IvProperty interface. |
SFBWeb | Wrapper Class for the IWeb interface. |
SFBWebEng | Wrapper class for the IWebEng interface. |
SFBWebOpts | Wrapper Class for the IWebOpts interface. |
SFBWebReq | Wrapper class for the IWebReq interface. |
SFBWebResp | Wrapper Class for the IWebResp interface. |
SFBWebUtil | Wrapper Class for the IWebUtil interface. |
SFBWIFI | Wrapper Class for the IWIFI interface. |
SFBWIFIOpts | Wrapper Class for the IWIFIOpts interface. |
SFBWindowMgr0 | Wrapper Class for the IWindowMgr0 interface. |
SFBX509Chain | Wrapper Class for the IX509Chain interface. |
SFBxOpts | Wrapper Class for the IxOpts interface. |
SFCApplication | Base class for all applications. |
SFCCore | Class that provides the core functions of SophiaFramework. |
SFCInvoker | Base class which provides the function to receive an event. |
SFDDebug | Class for debugging. |
SFDNew | Class to record the position of source code that allocates memory. |
SFDWatcher | Class to operate memory for debugging. |
SFORefObject | Object class which has the reference counting mechanism. |
SFOTableCellImageReactor | Class which provides the drawing function of table cells. |
SFOTableCellReactor | Abstract class which provides the interfaces about the drawing of table cells and the behavior of selected cells. |
SFOTableCellTextReactor | Class which provides the drawing and editing text functions of table cells. |
SFOTableCellToggleReactor | Class which provides the check box functions of table cells. |
SFOTableModel | Concrete table model class which is used by the the SFZTableView class. |
SFOTableModelBase | Abstract table model class which is used by the SFZTableView class. |
SFOTableViewColumn | Class which represents a column of a table view. |
SFRApplication | Responder which represents an application. |
SFRBrowserControl | Responder which implements a simple Web Browser. |
SFRButtonBase | Base class for all button controls. |
SFRButtonControl | Responder which represents a button control. |
SFRCheckboxBase | Base class for all checkbox controls. |
SFRCheckboxControl | Responder which represents a checkbox control. |
SFRComboboxControl | Responder which represents a combobox control. |
SFRControl | Responder which represents a control. |
SFRDialog | Responder which represents a dialog. |
SFREditboxControl | Responder which represents an editbox control. |
SFRFrame | Responder which provides the function of frame. |
SFRFrameDialog | Responder which represents a frame dialog. |
SFRFrameFrame | Responder which represents a frame with simple frame. |
SFRFrameMenu | Responder which represents a frame menu. |
SFRFrameWindow | Responder which represents a frame window. |
SFRHandler | Internal class to manage an event handler. |
SFRLabelBase | Base class for all label controls. |
SFRLabelControl | Responder which represents a label control. |
SFRMenu | Responder which represents a menu. |
SFRMessageDialog | Responder which represents a dialog with at most 1 button. |
SFRMultiDialog | Responder which represents a dialog with at most 3 buttons. |
SFRPane | Base class for all panes. |
SFRPlainDialog | Responder which represents a plain dialog without neither title nor frame. |
SFRPlainFrame | Responder which represents a frame without neither title nor frame. |
SFRPlainMenu | Responder which represents a plain menu without neither title nor frame. |
SFRPlainPane | Responder which represents a plain pane without neither title nor frame. |
SFRPlainWindow | Responder which represents a plain window without neither title nor frame. |
SFRRadiobuttonBase | Base class for all radiobutton controls. |
SFRRadiobuttonControl | Responder which represents a radiobutton control. |
SFRResponder | Base class for all responders. |
SFRTabControl | Responder which represents a tab control. |
SFRTabPane | Responder which represents a tab pane for the tab control. |
SFRTextMenu | Responder which represents a text menu. |
SFRTitleDialog | Responder which represents a dialog with a title. |
SFRTitleFrame | Responder which represents a frame with a title. |
SFRTitleMenu | Responder which represents a menu with a title. |
SFRTitleWindow | Responder which represents a window with a title. |
SFRToolbox | Class to register or unregister the related event-handlers together. |
SFRTracer | Internal class to manage a tracer. |
SFRWindow | Responder which represents a window. |
SFXAnsiString | Class which represents a string of the AChar type. |
SFXAnsiStringStreamReader | Class for a stream to read the AChar string from. |
SFXAnsiStringStreamWriter | Class for a stream to write the AChar string onto. |
SFXAny | Storage class which stores a value of any types. |
SFXArc | Class which represents an arc. |
SFXArray | Class which represents an array. |
SFXAscii | Class for processing an ASCII character. |
SFXBaseEditor | Base class to edit the native text input control of the standard BREW. |
SFXBevelColor | Class which represents the light color(L), base color(B), and dark color(D) for the 3-D looking rectangle(bevel). |
SFXBinaryStream | Base class which represents a stream for reading or writing the binary sequence. |
SFXBinaryStreamReader | Class for a stream to read the binary sequence from. |
SFXBinaryStreamWriter | Class for a stream to write the binary sequence onto. |
SFXBrewPointer | Smart pointer template for the BREW interface. |
SFXBrewRandom | Class which generates a random number using the random number generation function of BREW API. |
SFXBuffer | Class which represents a buffer. |
SFXCallback | Class for dealing with the callback. |
SFXCircle | Class which represents a circle. |
SFXClip | Class which represents the clipping region. |
SFXClusterHeap | Class which represents a heap that supports block allocation. |
SFXConfig | Class which manages various application settings. |
SFXDate | Class which represents a date. |
SFXDateDuration | Class which represents a date duration. |
SFXDevice | Class which makes the AEEDeviceInfo structure easy to use. |
SFXDirectory | Class for operating a directory. |
SFXEditor | Concrete class to edit the native text input control of the standard BREW. |
SFXEditProperty | Class to edit the property of the native BREW text input control. |
SFXElasticStreamReader | Class for a stream to read data from using the elastic buffer. |
SFXElasticStreamWriter | Class for a stream to write data into using the elastic buffer. |
SFXEllipse | Class which represents an ellipse. |
SFXEndian | Class for converting the endian. |
SFXEvent | Class which represents an event. |
SFXEventBypass | Class which manages the highest priority event handler. |
SFXEventRange | Class which represents an event range. |
SFXFile | Class for operating a file. |
SFXFlatHashMap | Class which represents a map utilizing a hash table to achieve high performance in search. |
SFXFrameColor | Class which represents the frame color(F) and the shadow colow(S) for the 3-D looking rectangle(frame). |
SFXGraphics | Class for drawing a diagram or a text. |
SFXGrid | Class which represents the grid coordinates. |
SFXHashmap | Alias name for SFXLinkedHashMap. |
SFXHeap | Class which represents heap. |
SFXHelper | Wrapper class of helper functions. |
SFXHierarchyProperty | Class for hierarchical properties. |
SFXHTTPConnection | Class for the HTTP communication. |
SFXInetAddress | Class for managing a domain name and/or an IP address. |
SFXInputStream | Base class which represents a stream for reading. |
SFXLCGRandom | Class which generates a random number using the Linear Congruential Generator method(LCG method). |
SFXLine | Class which represents a line. |
SFXLinkedHashMap | Class which represents a map utilizing a hash table and a list, to achieve high performance in search and to keep inserted order. |
SFXList | Class which represents a bidirectional linked list. |
SFXMailField | Class for encoding and decoding the mail header. |
SFXMailMessage | Class for processing a mail message. |
SFXMailUtility | Utility class for processing a mail message. |
SFXMargin | Class which represents the top, bottom, left and right margins of rectangle. |
SFXMemory | Storage class for the memory stream. |
SFXMTRandom | Class which generates a random number using the Mersenne Twister method(MT method). |
SFXOldHashmap | [DEPRECATED] Class which represents a map utilizing a hash table to achieve high performance in search. |
SFXOutputStream | Base class which represents a stream for writing. |
SFXPath | Class for operating a file path and a directory path. |
SFXPie | Class which represents a pie. |
SFXPixel | Class which represents a pixel coordinate. |
SFXPolygon | Class which represents a polygon. |
SFXPolyline | Class which represents a polyline. |
SFXPOP3 | Class for processing the POP3 protocol. |
SFXPOP3Receiver | Class for receiving a POP3 mail. |
SFXProperty | Class which manages several pairs of string key and its string value. |
SFXRectangle | Class which represents a rectangle. |
SFXRefObjectPointer | Smart pointer template for the reference counting object class. |
SFXResponderPointer | Smart pointer template for the Responder class. |
SFXRGBColor | Class which represents a RGBA color. |
SFXRingBuffer | Class which represents a ring buffer. |
SFXShiftJIS | Class for processing a Shift_JIS character. |
SFXSize | Class which represents a size(height and width). |
SFXSMTP | Class for processing the SMTP protocol. |
SFXSMTPSender | Class for sending a SMTP mail. |
SFXSOAPParser | Class that parses a SOAP message using the DOM method. |
SFXSOAPRPC | Class for processing the SOAP-RPC protocol. |
SFXSOAPServiceProxy | Class which creates a proxy and implements dynamic binding using the WSDL document. |
SFXSOAPWriter | Class for creating a SOAP message. |
SFXSocketAddress | Class for managing a domain name and/or an IP address and a port number. |
SFXSource | Storage class for reading data from the ISource interface(SFBSource storage). |
SFXSSLSocket | Class for the SSL socket communication. |
SFXStack | Class which represents a stack. |
SFXStorage | Base class which represents the storage. |
SFXStream | Base class of stream. |
SFXStreamReader | Class for accessing a stream for reading. |
SFXStreamWriter | Class for accessing a stream for writing. |
SFXStringStream | Base class which represents a stream for reading or writing a string. |
SFXTableItem | Concrete template class which represents an item [row] of a table model. |
SFXTableItemBase | Abstract class which represents an item [row] of a table model. |
SFXTask | Class for dealing with the task. |
SFXTCPSocket | Class for the TCP socket communication. |
SFXTextEncoding | Class for converting a string from one encoding into another. |
SFXTimer | Class for dealing with the timer. |
SFXTriangle | Class which represents a triangle. |
SFXTrigonometric | Class which performs high-speed trigonometric calculation using the trigonometric table. |
SFXTypeInfo | Class which provides the type infomation. |
SFXUDPSocket | Class for the UDP socket communication. |
SFXWideString | Class which represents the string of the WChar type. |
SFXWideStringStreamReader | Class for a stream to read the WChar string from. |
SFXWideStringStreamWriter | Class for a stream to write the WChar string onto. |
SFXXMLAttribute | [XML] Class which represents an Attribute node. |
SFXXMLCDATASection | [XML] Class which represents a CDATASection node. |
SFXXMLComment | [XML] Class which represents a Comment node. |
SFXXMLDefaultHandler | [XML] Base class for implementing the event handlers for the SAX Parser. |
SFXXMLDocument | [XML] Class which represents a Document node. |
SFXXMLDocumentFragment | [XML] Class which represents a DocumentFragment node. |
SFXXMLDocumentType | [XML] Class which represents a DocumentType node. |
SFXXMLDOMParser | [XML] Class for parsing the XML document using the DOM method. |
SFXXMLElement | [XML] Class which represents an Element node. |
SFXXMLEntity | [XML] Class which represents an Entity node. |
SFXXMLEntityReference | [XML] Class which represents an EntityReference node. |
SFXXMLGrammar | [XML] Base class of grammars such as DTD or XML Schema. |
SFXXMLNode | [XML] Base class which represents a DOM Node. |
SFXXMLNotation | [XML] Class which represents a Notation node. |
SFXXMLProcessingInstruction | [XML] Class which represents a ProcessingInstruction node. |
SFXXMLSAXParser | [XML] Class for parsing the XML document using the SAX method. |
SFXXMLText | [XML] Class which represents a Text node. |
SFXZIPDecoder | Storage class for decompressing the DEFLATE compressed data by gzip. |
SFYApplication | Class which represents an application using the SFY or SFZ responders. |
SFYBevelFrame | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a bevel frame. |
SFYBoxControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a box control. |
SFYButtonControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a button control. |
SFYCheckboxControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a check box control. |
SFYContainer | Abstract class which represents a container. |
SFYControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a control. |
SFYDistributer | Class which distributes an event to a responder tree. |
SFYFlatFrame | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a flat frame. |
SFYFrame | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a frame. |
SFYHandler | Class which manages handlers. |
SFYImageWidget | Responder which represents a widget to display an image. |
SFYLabelControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a label control. |
SFYMenu | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a menu. |
SFYMultipleEditWidget | Responder which represents a widget to display a multiple editable text. |
SFYMultipleTextWidget | Responder which represents a widget to display a multiple uneditable text. |
SFYPlainFrame | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a plain frame. |
SFYRadiobuttonControl | Abstract class of the control that represents a radio button. |
SFYRenderer | Class which draws a responder tree. |
SFYResponder | Abstract base class for all SFY or SFZ responders. |
SFYScrollBarControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a scroll bar control. |
SFYSingleEditWidget | Responder which represents a widget to display a single editable text. |
SFYSingleTextWidget | Responder which represents a widget to display a single uneditable text. |
SFYTabControl | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a tab control. |
SFYTracer | Class which manages the tracer. |
SFYWebBrowserWidget | Responder which represents a simple web browser widget. |
SFYWidget | Abstract base class of a responder which represents a widget. |
SFZBevelFrame | Responder which represents a bevel frame. |
SFZCheckboxControl | Responder which represents a check box control. |
SFZComboBoxControl | Responder which represents a combo box control. |
SFZContainer | Responder which represents a general purpose container to place controls and/or containers. |
SFZContainerScrollBarControl | Responder which represents a scroll bar control for container. |
SFZDialog | Responder which represents a general purpose dialog to place controls and/or containers. |
SFZFlatFrame | Responder which represents a flat frame. |
SFZFlexListBoxControl | Responder which represents a flex list box control. |
SFZFlexListMenu | Responder which represents a flex list menu. |
SFZGridMenu | Responder which represents a grid menu. |
SFZImageBoxControl | Responder which represents a box control to display an image. |
SFZImageButtonControl | Responder which represents a button control to display an image . |
SFZImageLabelControl | Responder which represents a label control to display an image. |
SFZListBoxControl | Responder which represents a list box control. |
SFZMessageDialog | Responder which represents a dialog to display a notification message. |
SFZMultipleEditBoxControl | Responder which represents a box control to display a multiple editable text. |
SFZMultipleEditLabelControl | Responder which represents a label control to display a multiple editable text. |
SFZMultipleTextBoxControl | Responder which represents a box control to display a multiple uneditable text. |
SFZMultipleTextLabelControl | Responder which represents a label control to display a multiple uneditable text. |
SFZPlainFrame | Responder which represents a plain frame. |
SFZQuestionDialog | Responder which represents a dialog to display a selection message. |
SFZRadiobuttonControl | Responder which represents a radio button control. |
SFZRoot | Responder that is suitable for the root responder. |
SFZScrollBarControl | Responder which represents a scroll bar control. |
SFZSingleEditBoxControl | Responder which represents a box control to display a single editable text. |
SFZSingleEditLabelControl | Responder which represents a label control to display a single editable text. |
SFZSingleTextBoxControl | Responder which represents a box control to display a single uneditable text. |
SFZSingleTextLabelControl | Responder which represents a label control to display a single uneditable text. |
SFZSoftKeyControl | Responder which represents a SoftKey control. |
SFZTabControl | Responder which represents a tab control. |
SFZTableView | Responder which provides a view of tabular form with a table model. |
SFZTabPage | Responder which represents a tab page. |
SFZTextButtonControl | Responder which represents a button control to display a text. |
SFZTextMenu | Responder which represents a text menu. |
SFZTitleBevelFrame | Responder which represents a bevel frame with a title. |
SFZTitleFlatFrame | Responder which represents a flat frame with a title. |
SFZTitlePlainFrame | Responder which represents a plain frame with a title. |
SFZWebBrowserControl | Responder which represents a simple web browser control. |
SFZWindow | Responder which represents a general purpose window to place controls and/or containers. |
static_exception | Template class which implements the pseudo-exception handling. |
va_ref | Template class which implements call-by-reference on variable-length argument function. |
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