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Wrapper Class for the ICertParse interface.
#include <SFBCertParse.h.hpp>
class SFBCertParse : public SFBParameters1;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFBCertParseClass


BREW 2.0 BREW 2.1 BREW 3.1 BREW 4.0




Public Functions
Void Find( SFBxOptsSmpConstRef opts , CertDataIssuerAndSerial const * IssuerAndSerial , SInt32Ptr certXOpt , SInt32Ptr certIndex )
This function searches collections of certificates by subject, issuer and/or serial number
SFCError GetBasic( CertDataBasic * basic )
Get basic and small fields in a certificate
SFCError GetBasicEfficiently( CertDataBasic * basic )
Get basic and small fields in a certificate except TrustOverrideID.
SFCError GetField( SInt32 id , UInt08ConstHandle field , SInt32Ptr len )
This function gets a field out of an X.509 certificate.
SFCError GetFieldPart( CertDataPartRequest const * req , CertDataCertPart * part )
This function gets individual X.509 v3 extensions or parts out of the subject or issuer DN.
SFCError GetPubKeyParameters( SFBParametersPtr param )
This function gets the public key out of the certificate
SFCError GetStruct( SInt32 id , VoidPtr pStruct , SInt32 size )
Get a structure or data blob from a parsed certificate.
SFCError GetStruct( SInt32 id , SFXBufferPtr buf )
Get a structure or data blob from a parsed certificate.
NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBCertParse instance.
NewInstance( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBCertParse instance.
Void SetASN1OIDMap( ASN1OIDMap const * map )
Add additional mapping from OID to ASN1OIDs
SFCError SetCert( UInt08ConstPtr certificate , SInt32 len )
Set the certificate to be parsed
SFCError SetCertByOpt( SFBxOptsSmpConstRef opts , SInt32 id , SInt32 index )
Set the certificate with an SFBxOpt containing the cert.
SFCError SetParam( SInt32 id , VoidConstPtr data , UInt32 length ) (inherits from SFBParameters1)
This method sets a parameter value.
SFCError SetParam( SInt32 id , SFXBufferConstRef data ) (inherits from SFBParameters1)
This method sets a parameter value.
SFCError SetParam( SInt32 id , SFXAnsiStringConstRef data ) (inherits from SFBParameters1)
This method sets a parameter value.

This function searches collections of certificates by subject, issuer and/or serial number
[ public ]
Void Find(
    SFBxOptsSmpConstRef opts                          // opts to search or NULL 
    CertDataIssuerAndSerial const * IssuerAndSerial   // Issuer and/or serial number to search for 
    SInt32Ptr certXOpt                                // xOpt type (cert type) of cert found 
    SInt32Ptr certIndex                               // index of cert found 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: certificate was found
  • AEE_EFAILED: no certificate found
  • AEE_EBADPARAM: if any of the parameters are NULL


The xOpt type and index returned are valid only until options (certs) are added to or removed from the collection.

The search can be by issuer, by serial number or both. To not search by issuer or serial, set the associated pointer in pstIssuerAndSerial to NULL.

The options searched include any sub IxOpts objects that have been added as XOPT_DEFAULTS. First options of type/id CERTDATAOPT_ROOT_CERTS are searched, then CERTDATAOPT_BRANCH_CERTS and finally CERTDATAOPT_LEAF_CERT.

If the search is successful the certificate found is set as the one being parsed. This overrides any cert set by ICertParse_SetCert() or ICertParse_SetCertByOpt().


BREW API ICertParse_Find

Get basic and small fields in a certificate
[ public ]
SFCError GetBasic(
    CertDataBasic * basic   // Place to put fields retrieved. Caller supplies the storage

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: Fetched basic details about the certificate
  • AEE_EFAILED: No certificate set
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: The certificate was NULL or can't be parsed
  • CERTDATA_BAD_FORMAT: The certificate was in bad format
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_VALIDITY: The validity dates were bad
This returns only the first error encountered for the certificate; there may be multiple problems with any given certificate.


The year handling in the dates conforms to RFC 2549/3280. Four digit years in GeneralizedTime are handled. Two digit years in UTCTime less than 50 are consider 2000 and above; years greater than or equal to 50 are mapped from 1950 up to 1999.


BREW API ICertParse_GetBasic

Get basic and small fields in a certificate except TrustOverrideID.
[ public ]
SFCError GetBasicEfficiently(
    CertDataBasic * basic   // place to put fields retrieved. Caller supplies the storage


BREW API ICertParse_GetBasic_Efficiently | SFBCertParse::GetBasic

This function gets a field out of an X.509 certificate.
[ public ]
SFCError GetField(
    SInt32 id                 // ID
    UInt08ConstHandle field   // Place to put pointer to field 
    SInt32Ptr len             // Place to put length of field 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS; Certificate field was successfully returned
  • AEE_EFAILED: No certificate set
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: the certificate was NULL or can't be parsed
  • AEE_EBADPARAM: requested non-existent field


This allows fetching most of the fields in a certificate. In most cases the part is unparsed. For example the ASN.1 DER encoding of the date, subject or key is returned unparsed. The serial number is parsed and just the actual serial number is returned.


BREW API ICertParse_GetField | SFBCertParse::GetFieldPart

This function gets individual X.509 v3 extensions or parts out of the subject or issuer DN.
[ public ]
SFCError GetFieldPart(
    CertDataPartRequest const * req   // The description of the request 
    CertDataCertPart * part           // Filled in with the response. 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: Field part was returned
  • AEE_EFAILED: No certificate set
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: the certificate was NULL or can't be parsed
  • AEE_EBADPARM: asked for a field that we don't know about
  • AEESEC_X509_NO_PART: could not find an instance of OID requested


While certificate extensions and subject and issuer parts aren't semantically related, they are similar enough in structure that this same function is used to get them.


BREW API ICertParse_GetField | SFBCertParse::GetField

This function gets the public key out of the certificate
[ public ]
SFCError GetPubKeyParameters(
    SFBParametersPtr param   // Place to store the public key parameters 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: pub key was returned
  • AEE_EFAILED: No certificate set
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: certificate parsed incorrectly
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_KEY: key can't be parsed out
  • AEESEC_X509_UNKNOWN_KEY: key isn't of a known format
  • AEE_EBADPARM: NULL was passed in for piPubKeyParms


BREW API ICertParse_GetPubKeyParameters

Get a structure or data blob from a parsed certificate.
[ public ]
SFCError GetStruct(
    SInt32 id         // Identifies which structure to fetch
    VoidPtr pStruct   // Pointer to memory into which struct is copied 
    SInt32 size       // Size of the block of memory pointed to by pStruct 
[ public ]
SFCError GetStruct(
    SInt32 id          // Identifies which structure to fetch
    SFXBufferPtr buf   // Pointer to memory into which struct is copied 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: Fetched basic details about the certificate
  • AEE_EFAILED: No certificate set
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: The certificate was NULL or can't be parsed
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_VALIDITY: The validity dates were bad
  • AEE_ENOMEMORY: Out of memory
  • AEE_EBADPARM: nStructID refers to structure that is not known, nStructSize is too small, or possibly the hash requested is not supported
  • AEE_ECLASSNOTSUPPORT: Hash requested is not available
This returns only the first error encountered for the certificate; there may be multiple problems with any given certificate.


Returns data about a certificate by copying it into the buffer or structure provided by the caller. The parameter nStructID identifies what is copied. This contrasts to SFBCertParse::GetField which returns a pointer to the certificate stored internally and thereby has a more complicated and limited lifetime.


BREW API ICertParse_GetStruct

Create a new SFBCertParse instance.
[ public, static ]
SFBCertParseSmp NewInstance(
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error
[ public, static ]
SFBCertParseSmp NewInstance(
    AEECLSID id                    // Class ID
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error

Add additional mapping from OID to ASN1OIDs
[ public ]
Void SetASN1OIDMap(
    ASN1OIDMap const * map   // The translation map 


This adds to the map for this instance of ICertParse.



Set the certificate to be parsed
[ public ]
SFCError SetCert(
    UInt08ConstPtr certificate   // Pointer to a DER encoded X.509 certificate 
    SInt32 len                   // Length of the buffer pointed to by certificate 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: Certificate set successfully
  • AEE_EFAILED: pCert is NULL or nCertLen is empty
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: error parsing the cert


Sets the certificate to be parsed.


BREW API ICertParse_SetCert

Set the certificate with an SFBxOpt containing the cert.
[ public ]
SFCError SetCertByOpt(
    SFBxOptsSmpConstRef opts   // An object with SFBxOpts interface to search for certs 
    SInt32 id                  // The option ID to search for (usually the cert type) 
    SInt32 index               // The index or instance of the cert to set for parsing 

Return value

  • AEE_SUCCESS: Certificate successfully set
  • AEE_EFAILED: nOptID and nIndex couldn't be found in piCerts
  • AEESEC_X509_BAD_CERT: error parsing the certificate


Sets the certificate to be parsed.
