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Wrapper Class for the IMediaSVG interface.
#include <SFBMediaSVG.h.hpp>
class SFBMediaSVG : public SFBMedia;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFBMediaSVGClass


BREW 2.0 BREW 2.1 BREW 3.1 BREW 4.0




Public Functions
SFCError EnableClientFrameGeneration( Bool enable )
This function allows the application to control frame generation.
SFCError Focus( SInt16 event )
Send a focus event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError GenerateFrame( UInt32 frameTime )
Request a frame to be generated in client-controlled mode.
SFCError Key( SVGKeyData * key )
Send a key event to the SVG decoder.
NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBMediaSVG instance.
NewInstance( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null )
Create a new SFBMediaSVG instance.
SFCError Pan( SVGPanData * pan )
Send a pan event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError PointerClick( SVGPointerData * pointer )
Send a pointer click event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError PointerDown( SVGPointerData * pointer )
sends a pointer down event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError PointerLeave( SVGPointerData * pointer )
Send a pointer leave event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError PointerMove( SVGPointerData * pointer )
Send a pointer move event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError PointerOver( SVGPointerData * pointer )
This function sends a pointer over event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError PointerUp( SVGPointerData * pointer )
Send a pointer up event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError ResetFrame( Void )
Resets the current frame to original view, undoing prior zoom and pan events.
SFCError Rotate( SVGRotateData * rotate )
Send a rotate event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError SetBackgroundColor( RGBVAL color )
Set the frame background color.
SFCError SetBackgroundColor( SFXRGBColorConstRef color )
Set the frame background color.
SFCError SetDPI( UInt16 dpi )
Set the frame dots per inch (DPI).
SFCError SetDir( ACharConstPtr directory )
Set the default directory for external files.
SFCError SetDir( SFXAnsiStringConstRef directory )
Set the default directory for external files.
SFCError SetFrameDelay( UInt32 frame )
Set the frame delay for autmatic rendering mode.
SFCError Zoom( SVGZoomData * zoom )
Send a zoom event to the SVG decoder.
SFCError EnableChannelShare( Bool enable ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Enable/Disable exclusive playback of the media.
SFCError EnableFrameCallback( Bool enable ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Enable/Disable frame playback of the media.
SFCError FastForward( SInt32 time ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Fast forward lTimeMS milliseconds from the current position. The media is left in the current state.
SFCError GetClassID( AEECLSID* clsid ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieve the class ID of SFBMedia Interface object.
AEECLSID GetClassID( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieve the class ID of SFBMedia Interface object.
SFCError GetDecryptCaps( UInt32Ptr caps , UInt32ConstHandle formats ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieves the decryption capabilities, including the decryption formats, supported for the media.
SFCError GetFrame( SFBBitmapSmpPtr frame ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieves the current frame as SFBBitmap pointer.
SFCError GetMediaData( AEEMediaData* data ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Get the media data.
SFCError GetMediaParm( SInt32 id , SInt32Ptr param1 , SInt32Ptr param2 ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Get the parameters.
SFCError GetRect( SFXRectanglePtr imgRect , SFXRectanglePtr textRect ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieve the destination image rectangle and text rectangle.
SInt32 GetState( BoolPtr stateChanging ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Return the current state of SFBMedia Interface and also indicates if the SFBMedia Interface object is currently in state transition.
SFCError GetTotalTime( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Return the total playback time of the SFBMedia Interface object.
SFCError GetVolume( UInt16Ptr volume ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieve the volume of the current playback / recording.
UInt16 GetVolume( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieve the volume of the current playback / recording.
SFCError IsChannelShare( BoolPtr enable ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieves the current channel share setting.
SFCError IsFrameCallback( BoolPtr enable ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Retrieves the current frame callback enable/disable setting.
SFCError Pause( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Pause the media.
SFCError Play( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Start the playback of a media.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , VoidHandle handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFCError QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid , SFBBaseSmpPtr handle ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFBBaseSmp QueryInterface( AEECLSID clsid ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Ask an object for another API contract from the object in question.
SFCError Record( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Start the recording of a media.
SFCError RegisterNotify( PFNMEDIANOTIFY notify , VoidPtr data = null ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Register a callback notification function.
SFCError Resume( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Resume the media from the current position.
SFCError Rewind( SInt32 time ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Rewind the specified time from the current position. The media is left in the current state.
SFCError Seek( AEEMediaSeek seek , SInt32 time ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Seek the media position. The media is left in the current state.
SFCError SeekFrame( AEEMediaSeek seek , SInt32 frames ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Seek the media pos based on the seek reference and number of frames. Typically, this API is used for video formats to seek based on frames. The media is left in the current state.
Void Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , SFBQuerySmpPtr clone , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
SFBQuerySmp Self( AEECLSID clsidReq , AEECLSID clsidImp ) (inherits from SFBQuery)
Helper macro for those implementing an object with a single interface.
SFCError SetAudioDevice( AEESoundDevice device ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set the audio output device.
SFCError SetAudioPath( SInt32 path , UInt32 pause ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set the audio path for playback/recording.
SFCError SetDecryptInfo( AEEMediaDecryptInfo* info ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set required decryption info necessary to decrypt the media content.
SFCError SetMediaData( AEEMediaData* data ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set the media data and puts the media in Ready state.
SFCError SetMediaDataEx( AEEMediaDataEx* mediaContent , SInt32 count ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set a list of media data and puts the media in Ready state.
SFCError SetMediaParm( SInt32 id , SInt32 param1 , SInt32 param2 ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set specified the media parameters.
SFCError SetMuteCtl( Bool mute ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Mute / Unmute the current audio path.
SFCError SetPan( UInt16 pan ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set the pan factor of the current playback.
SFCError SetRect( SFXRectanglePtr imgRect , SFXRectanglePtr textRect ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set the destination image rectangle and text rectangle.
SFCError SetTickTime( UInt32 tick ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set periodicity of MM_TICK_UPDATE event sent to the application during playback/recording.
SFCError SetVolume( UInt16 volume ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Set the volume of the current playback / recording.
SFCError Stop( Void ) (inherits from SFBMedia)
Stop the playback/recording of media.
Protected Functions
FactoryByCreate( AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface.
FactoryByQuery( SFBQuerySmpConstRef query , AEECLSID id , SFCErrorPtr exception = null ) (inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface using the SFBQuery instance.

This function allows the application to control frame generation.
[ public ]
SFCError EnableClientFrameGeneration(
    Bool enable   // TRUE/FALSE => Enable/Disable client control of frame generation 

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure


BREW API IMEDIASVG_EnableClientFrameGeneration

Send a focus event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError Focus(
    SInt16 event   // focus event



Can have one of the following values:

  • MM_SVG_FOCUS_EVENT_BEGIN: Sets Focus to first visible focusable element
  • MM_SVG_FOCUS_EVENT_NEXT: Sets Focus to next visible focusable element
  • MM_SVG_FOCUS_EVENT_PREVIOUS: Sets Focus to previous visible focusable element
  • MM_SVG_FOCUS_EVENT_ACTIVATE: Activates Focus to the element with focus, might generate URL and/or file requests
  • MM_SVG_FOCUS_EVENT_END: Unsets focus to the frame

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_FOCUS.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Request a frame to be generated in client-controlled mode.
[ public ]
SFCError GenerateFrame(
    UInt32 frameTime   // Time in ms

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Send a key event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError Key(
    SVGKeyData * key   // Key data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_KEY.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Create a new SFBMediaSVG instance.
[ public, static ]
SFBMediaSVGSmp NewInstance(
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error
[ public, static ]
SFBMediaSVGSmp NewInstance(
    AEECLSID id                    // Class ID
    SFCErrorPtr exception = null   // Error

Send a pan event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError Pan(
    SVGPanData * pan   // Pan data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_PAN.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Send a pointer click event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError PointerClick(
    SVGPointerData * pointer   // Pointer data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_POINTER_CLICK.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



sends a pointer down event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError PointerDown(
    SVGPointerData * pointer   // Pointer data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_POINTER_DOWN.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Send a pointer leave event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError PointerLeave(
    SVGPointerData * pointer   // Pointer data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_POINTER_DOWN.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Send a pointer move event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError PointerMove(
    SVGPointerData * pointer   // Pointer data
  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_POINTER_MOVE.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



This function sends a pointer over event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError PointerOver(
    SVGPointerData * pointer   // ポインタのデータ

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_POINTER_OVER.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Send a pointer up event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError PointerUp(
    SVGPointerData * pointer   // Pointer data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_POINTER_UP.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Resets the current frame to original view, undoing prior zoom and pan events.
[ public ]
SFCError ResetFrame(Void);

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Send a rotate event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError Rotate(
    SVGRotateData * rotate   // Rotate data

Return value

  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_ROTATE.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure



Set the frame background color.
[ public ]
SFCError SetBackgroundColor(
    RGBVAL color   // Background color 
[ public ]
SFCError SetBackgroundColor(
    SFXRGBColorConstRef color   // Background color 

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure





Set the frame dots per inch (DPI).
[ public ]
SFCError SetDPI(
    UInt16 dpi   // Dots per inch

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure


By default frames are rendered with DPI of 72.



Set the default directory for external files.
[ public ]
SFCError SetDir(
    ACharConstPtr directory   // Directory (NULL terminated)
[ public ]
SFCError SetDir(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef directory   // Directory (NULL terminated)

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure


SVG content may contain external file references. If such a reference does not contain a directory path, the SVG decoder will use the path set by this function. By default this is the same directory path where the SVG file exists.



Set the frame delay for autmatic rendering mode.
[ public ]
SFCError SetFrameDelay(
    UInt32 frame   // Frame delay in ms

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure


By default frames are generated as often as possible (with a delay of 0). Increasing the delay between frames will cause fewer frames to be generated over the time of the SVG playback, creating choppier animation.



Send a zoom event to the SVG decoder.
[ public ]
SFCError Zoom(
    SVGZoomData * zoom   // Zoom data

Return value

  • SUCCESS: Successful. Operation completed.
  • MM_PENDING: Result returned via the registered callback with AEEMediaCmdNotify where nCmd is MM_CMD_SETMEDIAPARM, nSubCmd is MM_PARM_SVG_INPUT, nStatus is MM_STATUS_DONE or MM_STATUS_ABORT, and pCmdData is MM_SVG_EVENT_ZOOM.
  • EBADPARM: Bad parm
  • ENOMEMORY: Not enough memory
  • EBADSTATE: Cannot set parm in the current state
  • EUNSUPPORTED: Parm not supported by the class
  • EFAILED: General failure
