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Class which represents an arc.
#include <SFXArc.h.hpp>
class SFXArc;

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXArcClass




SFXArc( Void )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
SFXArc( SFXArcConstRef param )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
SFXArc( SInt16 x , SInt16 y , SInt16 radius , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
SFXArc( SFXPixelConstRef origin , SInt16 radius , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
SFXArc( SFXCircleConstRef circle , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
SFXArc( SFXCircleConstRef circle )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
SFXArc( SFXPieConstRef pie )
Constructor of the SFXArc class.
Public Functions
SFXArcRef AddArc( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the extent angle.
SFXArcRef AddOrigin( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef AddOrigin( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef AddRadius( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the radius.
SFXArcRef AddStart( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the beginning angle.
SFXArcRef AddX( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the X coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef AddY( SInt16 param )
Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef DivArc( SInt16 param )
Divide the extent angle by the specified value.
SFXArcRef DivOrigin( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Divide the coordinates of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef DivOrigin( SInt16 param )
Divide the coordinates of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef DivRadius( SInt16 param )
Divide the radius by the specified value.
SFXArcRef DivStart( SInt16 param )
Divide the beginning angle by the specified value.
SFXArcRef DivX( SInt16 param )
Divide the X coordinate of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef DivY( SInt16 param )
Divide the Y coordinate of the center by the specified value.
Bool Equals( SFXArcConstRef param )
Check whether this arc equals the specified arc or not.
Bool Equals( SFXCircleConstRef circle , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Check whether this arc equals the specified arc or not.
Bool Equals( SFXPixelConstRef origin , SInt16 radius , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Check whether this arc equals the specified arc or not.
Bool Equals( SInt16 x , SInt16 y , SInt16 radius , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Check whether this arc equals the specified arc or not.
SInt16 GetArc( Void )
Get the extent angle.
SFXPixelConstRef GetOrigin( Void )
Get the coordinates of the center.
SInt16 GetRadius( Void )
Get the radius.
SInt16 GetStart( Void )
Get the beginning angle.
SInt16 GetX( Void )
Get the X coordinate of the center.
SInt16 GetY( Void )
Get the Y coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef ModArc( SInt16 param )
Set the extent angle to the remainder of the division of this extent angle by the specified value.
SFXArcRef ModOrigin( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of the center to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXArcRef ModOrigin( SInt16 param )
Set the coordinates of the center to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXArcRef ModRadius( SInt16 param )
Set the radius to the remainder of the division of this radius by the specified value.
SFXArcRef ModStart( SInt16 param )
Set the beginning angle to the remainder of the division of this beginning angle by the specified value.
SFXArcRef ModX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of the center to the remainder of the division of this X coordinate by the specified value.
SFXArcRef ModY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of the center to the remainder of the division of this Y coordinate by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulArc( SInt16 param )
Multiply the extent angle by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulOrigin( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Multiply the coordinates of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulOrigin( SInt16 param )
Multiply the coordinates of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulRadius( SInt16 param )
Multiply the radius by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulStart( SInt16 param )
Multiply the beginning angle by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulX( SInt16 param )
Multiply the X coordinate of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef MulY( SInt16 param )
Multiply the Y coordinate of the center by the specified value.
SFXArcRef NegArc( Void )
Negate the sign of the extent angle.
SFXArcRef NegOrigin( Void )
Negate the sign of the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef NegRadius( Void )
Negate the sign of the radius.
SFXArcRef NegStart( Void )
Negate the sign of the beginning angle.
SFXArcRef NegX( Void )
Negate the sign of X coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef NegY( Void )
Negate the sign of Y coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef Normalize( Void )
Normalize the arc.
SFXArcRef Offset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
SFXArcRef Offset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
SFXArcRef Set( SFXArcConstRef param )
Set the arc
SFXArcRef Set( SInt16 x , SInt16 y , SInt16 radius to set , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Set the arc
SFXArcRef Set( SFXPixelConstRef origin , SInt16 radius , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Set the arc
SFXArcRef Set( SFXCircleConstRef circle , SInt16 start , SInt16 arc )
Set the arc
SFXArcRef Set( SFXCircleConstRef circle )
Set the arc
SFXArcRef Set( SFXPieConstRef pie )
Set the arc
SFXArcRef SetArc( SInt16 param )
Set the extent angle.
SFXArcRef SetOrigin( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef SetOrigin( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Set the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef SetRadius( SInt16 param )
Set the radius.
SFXArcRef SetStart( SInt16 param )
Set the beginning angle.
SFXArcRef SetX( SInt16 param )
Set the X coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef SetY( SInt16 param )
Set the Y coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef SubArc( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the extent angle.
SFXArcRef SubOrigin( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef SubOrigin( SFXPixelConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center.
SFXArcRef SubRadius( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the radius.
SFXArcRef SubStart( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the beginning angle.
SFXArcRef SubX( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef SubY( SInt16 param )
Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of the center.
SFXArcRef Unoffset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
SFXArcRef Unoffset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
ZeroInstance( Void )
Get the instance that represents 0.
SFXArcRef operator+=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
SFXArcRef operator-=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
SFXArcRef operator=( SFXArcConstRef param )
Assign an arc.
SFXArc::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXArc * param )
Convert SFXArc into SFXArc::AtomRec.
SFXArc::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXArc const * param )
Convert SFXArc into SFXArc::AtomRec.
AEEArc * interface_cast( SFXArc * param )
Convert SFXArc into AEEArc.
AEEArc const * interface_cast( SFXArc const * param )
Convert SFXArc into AEEArc.
Bool operator==( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXArcConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXArc operator-( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center of an arc and move this arc.
Bool operator!=( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXArcConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXArc operator+( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center of an arc and move this arc.
Structure that represents an arc.
Global Functions
SFXArc::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXArc * param )
Convert SFXArc into SFXArc::AtomRec.
SFXArc::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXArc const * param )
Convert SFXArc into SFXArc::AtomRec.
AEEArc * interface_cast( SFXArc * param )
Convert SFXArc into AEEArc.
AEEArc const * interface_cast( SFXArc const * param )
Convert SFXArc into AEEArc.
Bool operator==( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXArcConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXArc operator-( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center of an arc and move this arc.
Bool operator!=( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXArcConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXArc operator+( SFXArcConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center of an arc and move this arc.

Constructor of the SFXArc class.
[ public, explicit ]
[ public ]
    SFXArcConstRef param   // 
[ public, explicit ]
    SInt16 x        // X coordinate of the center
    SInt16 y        // Y coordinate of the center
    SInt16 radius   // radius
    SInt16 start    // beginning angle (in degrees)
    SInt16 arc      // extent angle (in degrees)
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXPixelConstRef origin   // coordinate of the center
    SInt16 radius             // radius
    SInt16 start              // beginning angle (in degrees)
    SInt16 arc                // extent angle (in degrees)
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXCircleConstRef circle   // source circle of origin and radius
    SInt16 start               // beginning angle (in degrees)
    SInt16 arc                 // extent angle (in degrees)
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXCircleConstRef circle   // source circle
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXPieConstRef pie   // source pie


If the argument is set only by SFXCircle class, the beginning angle will be 0 degree,and the extent angle will be 360 degrees.


BREW API AEEArc | SFXArc::operator=

Add the specified value to the extent angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddArc(
    SInt16 param   // value to add


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::DivArc | SFXArc::ModArc | SFXArc::NegArc

Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddOrigin(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to add to Y coordinate
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddOrigin(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to move


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::NegX | operator+ | SFXArc::operator+= | SFXArc::Offset

Add the specified value to the radius.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddRadius(
    SInt16 param   // value to add


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegRadius

Add the specified value to the beginning angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddStart(
    SInt16 param   // value to add


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::DivStart | SFXArc::ModStart | SFXArc::NegStart

Add the specified value to the X coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddX(
    SInt16 param   // value to add


SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::NegX

Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef AddY(
    SInt16 param   // value to add


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::NegY

Divide the extent angle by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivArc(
    SInt16 param   // divide by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::DivStart | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::ModArc | SFXArc::NegArc

Divide the coordinates of the center by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivOrigin(
    SInt16 x   // divide X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivOrigin(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::NegOrigin

Divide the radius by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivRadius(
    SInt16 param   // divide by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegRadius

Divide the beginning angle by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivStart(
    SInt16 param   // divide by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::ModStart | SFXArc::NegStart

Divide the X coordinate of the center by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivX(
    SInt16 param   // divide by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::NegX

Divide the Y coordinate of the center by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef DivY(
    SInt16 param   // divide by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::NegY

Check whether this arc equals the specified arc or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXArcConstRef param   // arc to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXCircleConstRef circle   // circle to compare
    SInt16 start               // beginning angle
    SInt16 arc                 // extent angle
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXPixelConstRef origin   // origin
    SInt16 radius             // radius
    SInt16 start              // beginning angle
    SInt16 arc                // extent angle
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SInt16 x        // X coordinate of the center
    SInt16 y        // Y coordinate of the center
    SInt16 radius   // radius
    SInt16 start    // beginning angle
    SInt16 arc      // extent angle

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false



Get the extent angle.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetArc(Void);


SFXArc::SetArc | SFXArc::GetX | SFXArc::GetY | SFXArc::GetRadius | SFXArc::GetStart | SFXArc::GetOrigin

Get the coordinates of the center.
[ public, const ]
SFXPixelConstRef GetOrigin(Void);


SFXArc::SetOrigin | SFXArc::GetX | SFXArc::GetY | SFXArc::GetRadius | SFXArc::GetStart | SFXArc::GetArc

Get the radius.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetRadius(Void);


SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::GetX | SFXArc::GetY | SFXArc::GetStart | SFXArc::GetArc | SFXArc::GetOrigin

Get the beginning angle.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetStart(Void);



Get the X coordinate of the center.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetX(Void);


SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::GetY | SFXArc::GetRadius | SFXArc::GetStart | SFXArc::GetOrigin

Get the Y coordinate of the center.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetY(Void);


SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::GetX | SFXArc::GetRadius | SFXArc::GetStart | SFXArc::GetArc | SFXArc::GetOrigin

Set the extent angle to the remainder of the division of this extent angle by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModArc(
    SInt16 param   // divide the extent angle by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::ModStart | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::DivArc | SFXArc::NegArc

Set the coordinates of the center to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModOrigin(
    SInt16 x   // divide X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y   // divide Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModOrigin(
    SInt16 param   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegOrigin

Set the radius to the remainder of the division of this radius by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModRadius(
    SInt16 param   // divide the radius by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::NegRadius

Set the beginning angle to the remainder of the division of this beginning angle by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModStart(
    SInt16 param   // divide the beginning angle by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::DivStart | SFXArc::NegStart

Set the X coordinate of the center to the remainder of the division of this X coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModX(
    SInt16 param   // divide X coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegX

Set the Y coordinate of the center to the remainder of the division of this Y coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef ModY(
    SInt16 param   // divide Y coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of param argument is 0.


SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegY

Multiply the extent angle by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulArc(
    SInt16 param   // multiply by this value


SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::DivArc | SFXArc::ModArc | SFXArc::NegArc

Multiply the coordinates of the center by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulOrigin(
    SInt16 x   // multiply X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y   // multiply Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulOrigin(
    SInt16 param   // multiply the coordinates by this value


SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::NegOrigin | operator+ | SFXArc::operator+= | SFXArc::Offset

Multiply the radius by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulRadius(
    SInt16 param   // multiply by this value


SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegRadius

Multiply the beginning angle by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulStart(
    SInt16 param   // multiply by this value


SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::DivStart | SFXArc::ModStart | SFXArc::NegStart

Multiply the X coordinate of the center by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulX(
    SInt16 param   // multiply by this value


SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::NegX

Multiply the Y coordinate of the center by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef MulY(
    SInt16 param   // multiply by this value


SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::NegY

Negate the sign of the extent angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef NegArc(Void);


SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::DivArc | SFXArc::ModArc | SFXArc::NegX | SFXArc::NegY | SFXArc::NegRadius | SFXArc::NegStart | SFXArc::NegOrigin

Negate the sign of the coordinates of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef NegOrigin(Void);


SFXArc::AddOrigin | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::MulOrigin | SFXArc::DivOrigin | SFXArc::ModOrigin | SFXArc::NegX | SFXArc::NegY | SFXArc::NegRadius

Negate the sign of the radius.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef NegRadius(Void);


SFXArc::AddRadius | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::MulRadius | SFXArc::DivRadius | SFXArc::ModRadius | SFXArc::NegX | SFXArc::NegY | SFXArc::NegOrigin

Negate the sign of the beginning angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef NegStart(Void);


SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::DivStart | SFXArc::ModStart

Negate the sign of X coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef NegX(Void);


SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::NegY | SFXArc::NegOrigin | SFXArc::NegRadius

Negate the sign of Y coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef NegY(Void);


SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::NegX | SFXArc::NegOrigin | SFXArc::NegRadius

Normalize the arc.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Normalize(Void);


If the radius is a positive number, do nothing.

If the radius is negative, negate its sign.


SFXArc arc(75, 75, -20, 60, 45);

arc.Normalize(); // normalize the arc

TRACE("x = %d, y = %d, radius = %d, start = %d, arc = %d", arc.GetX(), arc.GetY(), arc.GetRadius(), arc.GetStart(), arc.GetArc()); // x = 75, y = 75, radius = 20, start = 60, arc = 45

Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Offset(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to X coordinate (to move on X axis)
    SInt16 y   // value to add to Y coordinate (to move on Y axis)
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Offset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates (moving direction)


operator+ | operator-

Set the arc
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Set(
    SFXArcConstRef param   // arc to set
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Set(
    SInt16 x               // X coordinate of the center to set
    SInt16 y               // Y coordinate of the center to set
    SInt16 radius to set   // radius
    SInt16 start           // beginning angle (in degrees) to set
    SInt16 arc             // extent angle (in degrees) to set
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Set(
    SFXPixelConstRef origin   // coordinates of the center to set
    SInt16 radius             // radius to set
    SInt16 start              // beginning angle (in degrees) to set
    SInt16 arc                // extent angle (in degrees) to set
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Set(
    SFXCircleConstRef circle   // source circle of origin and radius to set
    SInt16 start               // beginning angle (in degrees) to set
    SInt16 arc                 // extent angle (in degrees) to set
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Set(
    SFXCircleConstRef circle   // circle to set
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Set(
    SFXPieConstRef pie   // pie to set


If the argument is set only by SFXCircle class, the beginning angle will be 0 degree,and the extent angle will be 360 degrees.


SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::SetStart | SFXArc::SetArc | SFXArc::SetOrigin | SFXArc::operator=

Set the extent angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetArc(
    SInt16 param   // extent angle to set


SFXArc::GetArc | SFXArc::Set | SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::SetStart | SFXArc::SetOrigin

Set the coordinates of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetOrigin(
    SInt16 x   // X coordinate of the center to set
    SInt16 y   // Y coordinate of the center to set
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetOrigin(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // coordinates of the center to set


SFXArc::GetOrigin | SFXArc::Set | SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::SetStart | SFXArc::SetArc

Set the radius.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetRadius(
    SInt16 param   // radius to set


SFXArc::GetRadius | SFXArc::Set | SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::SetStart | SFXArc::SetArc | SFXArc::SetOrigin

Set the beginning angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetStart(
    SInt16 param   // beginning angle to set


SFXArc::GetStart | SFXArc::Set | SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::SetArc | SFXArc::SetOrigin

Set the X coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetX(
    SInt16 param   // X coordinate of the center to set


SFXArc::GetX | SFXArc::Set | SFXArc::SetY | SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::SetStart | SFXArc::SetArc | SFXArc::SetOrigin

Set the Y coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SetY(
    SInt16 param   // Y coordinate of the center to set


SFXArc::GetY | SFXArc::Set | SFXArc::SetX | SFXArc::SetRadius | SFXArc::SetStart | SFXArc::SetArc | SFXArc::SetOrigin

Subtract the specified value from the extent angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubArc(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract


SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::AddArc | SFXArc::MulArc | SFXArc::DivArc | SFXArc::ModArc | SFXArc::NegArc

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubOrigin(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from X coordinate of the center
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from Y coordinate of the center
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubOrigin(
    SFXPixelConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of the center


SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::SubArc | operator- | SFXArc::operator-= | SFXArc::Offset

Subtract the specified value from the radius.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubRadius(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract




SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::SubOrigin

Subtract the specified value from the beginning angle.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubStart(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract


SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::AddStart | SFXArc::MulStart | SFXArc::DivStart | SFXArc::ModStart | SFXArc::NegStart

Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubX(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract


SFXArc::SubY | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::AddX | SFXArc::MulX | SFXArc::DivX | SFXArc::ModX | SFXArc::NegX

Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of the center.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef SubY(
    SInt16 param   // value to subtract


SFXArc::SubX | SFXArc::SubRadius | SFXArc::SubStart | SFXArc::SubArc | SFXArc::SubOrigin | SFXArc::AddY | SFXArc::MulY | SFXArc::DivY | SFXArc::ModY | SFXArc::NegY

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Unoffset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates
[ public ]
SFXArcRef Unoffset(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from X coordinate
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from Y coordinate


SFXArc::Offset | operator- | operator+

Get the instance that represents 0.
[ public, static ]
SFXArcConstRef ZeroInstance(Void);


This function returns the 0 instance, which means that 0 or null is set to all the member variables of its corresponding AtomRec struct.


SFXArc arc(75, 75, 20, 60, 45);

arc = SFXArc::ZeroInstance();  // initialize arc
TRACE("x = %d, y = %d, radius = %d, start = %d, arc = %d", arc.GetX(), arc.GetY(), arc.GetRadius(), arc.GetStart(), arc.GetArc()); // x = 0, y = 0, radius = 0, start = 0, arc = 0



Convert SFXArc into SFXArc::AtomRec.
[ public, friend ]
SFXArc::AtomRec * atomic_cast(
    SFXArc * param   // arc to cast
[ public, friend ]
SFXArc::AtomRec const * atomic_cast(
    SFXArc const * param   // arc to cast



Convert SFXArc into AEEArc.
[ public, friend ]
AEEArc * interface_cast(
    SFXArc * param   // arc to cast
[ public, friend ]
AEEArc const * interface_cast(
    SFXArc const * param   // arc to cast

Assign an arc.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef operator=(
    SFXArcConstRef param   // source arc



Check the "==" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    SFXArcConstRef left    // arc to compare
    SFXArcConstRef right   // arc to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false



Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef operator-=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates



Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of the center of an arc and move this arc.
[ public, friend ]
SFXArc operator-(
    SFXArcConstRef left     // source arc
    SFXGridConstRef right   // value to subtract from the coordinates of the center of the arc


SFXArc::Offset | SFXArc::SubOrigin

Check the "!=" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    SFXArcConstRef left    // arc to compare
    SFXArcConstRef right   // arc to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false



Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center and move this arc.
[ public ]
SFXArcRef operator+=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates of the center


SFXArc::AddOrigin | operator+

Add the specified value to the coordinates of the center of an arc and move this arc.
[ public, friend ]
SFXArc operator+(
    SFXArcConstRef left     // source arc
    SFXGridConstRef right   // value to add to the coordinates of the center of the arc


SFXArc::Offset | SFXArc::AddOrigin

Structure that represents an arc.
struct AtomRec {
  SFXCircle::AtomRec  circle;  // circle
  SInt16              start;   // beginning angle
  SInt16              arc;     // extent angle