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Class which represents heap.
#include <SFXHeap.h.hpp>
class SFXHeap;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXHeapClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXHeapClass


SFXHeap Class and SFXClusterHeap Class

Both the SFXHeap class and the SFXClusterHeap class provide the dynamic heap management function.

The SFXClusterHeap class provides the block allocation mechanism, but the SFXHeap class does not.

If the heap size is not updated frequently, using the SFXHeap class is recommended from the perspective of memory efficiency.

Attach Function and Detach Function

The SFXHeap::Attach function delegates the control privilege of Void data to the SFXHeap object. The SFXHeap::Detach function has the reverse functionality.

What is delegation?: In object oriented programming, delegation means that an object have another deputy object behave like itself.

Example 821. How to Use the Attach Function

SFXHeap<SInt16> heap;
VoidPtr swap;

// allocate memory
swap = MemoryAllocate(10240); 

// delegate the control privilege of Void data(swap) to the SFXHeap object(heap)
heap.Attach(swap, 10240);
// hereafter, the Void data(swap) will be handled as the SFXHeap object


// after used, the allocated memory will be released automatically

Example 822. How to Use the Detach Function

SFXHeap heap;
VoidPtr swap;
UInt32 length;


// delegate the control privilege of SFXHeap object(heap) to the Void data(swap)
swap = heap.Detach(&length);
// hereafter, the SFXHeap object(heap) will be handled as the Void data(swap)


// after used, the Void data(swap) must be released explicitly


SFXClusterHeap | Heap Class


SFXHeap( Void )
Constructor of the SFXHeap class.
Public Functions
SFCError Attach( VoidPtr heap , UInt32 size )
Attach the specified area to this heap object.
Bool Contains( VoidConstPtr heap , UInt32 size )
Check whether or not this heap object contains some of the specified area.
VoidPtr Detach( UInt32Ptr size = null )
Detach the heap area from this heap object.
SFXHeap< T > const &
EmptyInstance( Void )
Get the empty heap object.
Void Free( Void )
Release the heap area which this heap object manages.
VoidPtr GetHeap( Void )
Get the pointer to the heap that the SFXHeap object manages.
VoidConstPtr GetHeap( Void )
Get the pointer to the heap that the SFXHeap object manages.
UInt32 GetSize( Void )
Get the heap size of this heap object.
VoidConstPtr Protect( VoidConstPtr heap , UInt32 size )
Protect the specified area.
SFCError Resize( UInt32 size )
Resize this heap.
Void Unprotect( VoidConstPtr protect , VoidConstPtr heap )
Unprotect the protected area.
operator T *( Void )
Convert into the typr of "T *".
Bool operator==( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "==".
Bool operator==( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "==".
Bool operator==( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "==".
Bool operator>=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of ">=".
Bool operator>=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of ">=".
Bool operator>=( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of ">=".
Bool operator>( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of ">".
Bool operator>( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of ">".
Bool operator>( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of ">".
Bool operator<=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "<=".
Bool operator<=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "<=".
Bool operator<=( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "<=".
Bool operator<( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "<".
Bool operator<( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "<".
Bool operator<( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "<".
Bool operator!=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "!=".
Bool operator!=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "!=".
Bool operator!=( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "!=".
Global Functions
Bool operator==( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "==".
Bool operator==( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "==".
Bool operator==( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "==".
Bool operator>=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of ">=".
Bool operator>=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of ">=".
Bool operator>=( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of ">=".
Bool operator>( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of ">".
Bool operator>( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of ">".
Bool operator>( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of ">".
Bool operator<=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "<=".
Bool operator<=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "<=".
Bool operator<=( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "<=".
Bool operator<( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "<".
Bool operator<( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "<".
Bool operator<( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "<".
Bool operator!=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , SFXHeap< M > const & right )
Check the relation of "!=".
Bool operator!=( SFXHeap< T > const & left , VoidConstPtr right )
Check the relation of "!=".
Bool operator!=( VoidConstPtr left , SFXHeap< T > const & right )
Check the relation of "!=".

Constructor of the SFXHeap class.
[ public, explicit ]

Attach the specified area to this heap object.
[ public ]
SFCError Attach(
    VoidPtr heap   // pointer to the area to attach to this heap object
    UInt32 size    // size of the area to attach to this heap object

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this heap object contains some of the specified area or the argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM


This function attaches the specified area to this heap object. After this function is executed, the specified area can be handled as the SFXHeap object.

[Note] Note
When this heap object is released, the specified area will be released automatically together with this heap object.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap;
VoidPtr swap;

// allocate the memory of 10240 bytes to swap
swap = MemoryAllocate(10240); 

// attach the swap area to the heap object
heap.Attach(swap, 10240);
// hereafter, the swap area can be handled as the heap object


// after used, the swap area will be released automatically together with the heap object


SFXHeap::Detach | SFXHeap::Contains

Check whether or not this heap object contains some of the specified area.
[ public, const ]
Bool Contains(
    VoidConstPtr heap   // pointer to the area to compare with
    UInt32 size         // size of the area to compare with (in bytes)

Return value

  • If contain: true
  • Otherwise: false


This function checks whether or not this heap object contains some of the specified area.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap(100, 10);

heap.Resize(100);  // set the size of the heap object to 100 bytes

// area1 is contained by the heap object
VoidConstPtr area1 = static_cast<BytePtr>(heap.GetHeap()) + 10;  

// area2 is not contained by the heap object
VoidConstPtr area2 = static_cast<BytePtr>(heap.GetHeap()) + 100;  

if (heap.Contains(area1, 200)) {

    // since the heap object contains the area1 area, the statement below will be executed
    TRACE("The heap object contains area1.");

if (!heap.Contains(area2, 200)) {

    // since the heap object does not contain the area2 area, the statement below will be executed
    TRACE("The heap object does not contain area2.");

Detach the heap area from this heap object.
[ public ]
VoidPtr Detach(
    UInt32Ptr size = null   // pointer to the variable where the size of the detached heap area will be stored

Return value

Pointer to the detached heap area


This function detaches and returns the pointer to the heap area which this heap object has controled.

The size of the heap area will be returned into the size argument after this function is called.

[Caution] Caution
The detached heap area will not be copied.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap;
VoidPtr swap;
UInt32 length;


// detach the heap area from the heap object and set the swap variable to this pointer
// the size of the detached heap area will be stored into the length variable
swap = heap.Detach(&length);

// hereafter, the heap area of the heap object will be handled via the swap variable


// after used, the detached heap area must be released explicitly



Get the empty heap object.
[ public, static ]
SFXHeap< T > const & EmptyInstance(Void);


This function gets the empty heap object.

Release the heap area which this heap object manages.
[ public ]
Void Free(Void);


This function releases the heap area which this heap object manages.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap;


heap.Free();   // release the heap area which the heap object manages



Get the pointer to the heap that the SFXHeap object manages.
[ public ]
VoidPtr GetHeap(Void);
[ public, const ]
VoidConstPtr GetHeap(Void);

Return value

Return the pointer to the heap that the SFXHeap object manages.


SFXHeap<SInt16> heap;

// set heap size
if (heap.Resize(sizeof(SInt16) * 128) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
    TRACE("addr = 0x%08X", heap.GetHeap());  // addr = 0x0686FF80

Get the heap size of this heap object.
[ public, const ]
UInt32 GetSize(Void);

Return value

Heap size of this heap object.


This function gets the size of the heap area which this heap object manages.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap;

// set the heap size
if (heap.Resize(0x200) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

    // get the heap size
    TRACE("size = 0x%x", heap.GetSize());  // size = 0x200


SFXHeap::Resize | SFXHeap::Attach

Protect the specified area.
[ public, const ]
VoidConstPtr Protect(
    VoidConstPtr heap   // pointer to the area to protect
    UInt32 size         // size of the area to protect

Return value

Pointer to the protected area.


If this heap contains some of the specified area, this function will allocate another area outside of this heap area, where the contents of the specified area will be copied. Otherwise, this function will only return the pointer to the specified area.

After you perform some processings regarding to the area protected by the SFXHeap::Protect function, you have to call the SFXHeap::Unprotect function.

[Note] Note
The SFXHeap::Unprotect function will release the area which is allocated by the SFXHeap::Protect function. If the SFXHeap::Protect function has allocated no area, nothing will happen.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap;
VoidConstPtr protect;

heap.Resize(0x200);  // set the heap size to 0x200 bytes

// _area1 = _heap + 0x100 
// _area2 = _heap + 0x200 
VoidConstPtr _heap(heap.GetHeap());
VoidConstPtr _area1(static_cast<BytePtr>(heap.GetHeap()) + 0x100);
VoidConstPtr _area2(static_cast<BytePtr>(heap.GetHeap()) + 0x200);

TRACE("addr of _heap  = 0x%08X", _heap);   // addr of _heap  = 0x0585BD50
TRACE("addr of _area1 = 0x%08X", _area1);  // addr of _area1 = 0x0585BE50
TRACE("addr of _area2 = 0x%08X", _area2);  // addr of _area2 = 0x0585BF50

// HEAP:   [ _heap, _heap + 0x200 )
// AREA_1: [ _area1, _area1 + 0x100 )
// AREA_2: [ _area2, _area2 + 0x100 )

// HEAP ∩ AREA_1 ≠ Φ
// protect AREA_1
if ((protect = heap.Protect(_area1, 0x100)) != null) {
    // the [ protect, protect + 0x100 ) area will be allocated outside of HEAP
    TRACE("addr of protect = 0x%08X", protect); // addr of protect = 0x0585BF80
    // unprotect: release the [ protect, protect + 0x100 ) area which Protect() has allocated
    heap.Unprotect(protect, _area1);

// HEAP ∩ AREA_2 = Φ
// protect AREA_2
if ((protect = heap.Protect(_area2, 0x100)) != null) {
    // since AREA_2 and HEAP have no common area, the value of protect will equal that of _area2
    TRACE("addr of protect = 0x%08X", protect); // addr of protect = 0x0585BF50
    // unprotect: since Protect() has allocated no area, nothing will happen
    heap.Unprotect(protect, _area2);


SFXHeap::Unprotect | SFXHeap::Attach | SFXHeap::Contains

Resize this heap.
[ public ]
SFCError Resize(
    UInt32 size   // heap size (in bytes)

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function resizes this heap. The specified memory will be allocated to this heap.

[Caution] Caution
If this heap is resized, the pointer to the heap which the SFXHeap::GetHeap function returns will be changed too.


SFXHeap<Byte> heap;

heap.Resize(0x200);  // set the heap size to 0x200 bytes


SFXHeap::Attach | SFXHeap::GetHeap | SFXHeap::GetSize

Unprotect the protected area.
[ public, const ]
Void Unprotect(
    VoidConstPtr protect   // pointer to the protected area, which SFXHeap::Protect() has returned
    VoidConstPtr heap      // pointer to the area to protect, which has been specified in the heap argument of SFXHeap::Protect()


This function unprotects the area protected by the SFXHeap::Protect function.

If this heap contains some of the area to protect, this function will release the area outside of this heap area which has been allocated by the SFXHeap::Protect function. Otherwise, this function will do nothing.

[Note] Note
If this heap contains some of the area to protect, the value of the protect argument will be different from that of the heap argument. Otherwise, both values of these two arguments are the same.



SFXHeap::operator T *
Convert into the typr of "T *".
[ public, const ]
operator T *(Void);

Return value

If heap is allocated, return a pointer to the heap. Otherwise return a null pointer.

Check the relation of "==".
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left    // SFXHeap object to compare with
    SFXHeap< M > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left   // SFXHeap object to compare with
    VoidConstPtr right          // pointer to the heap to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    VoidConstPtr left            // pointer to the heap to compare with
    SFXHeap< T > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with

Return value

  • If address of left equals that of right: true
  • Otherwise: false


Both head address of left heap and that of right heap are compared with.

Check the relation of ">=".
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator>=(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left    // SFXHeap object to compare with
    SFXHeap< M > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator>=(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left   // SFXHeap object to compare with
    VoidConstPtr right          // pointer to the heap to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator>=(
    VoidConstPtr left            // pointer to the heap to compare with
    SFXHeap< T > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with

Return value

  • If address of left is bigger than or equals that of right: true
  • Otherwise: false


Both head address of left heap and that of right heap are compared with.

Check the relation of ">".
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator>(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left    // SFXHeap object to compare with
    SFXHeap< M > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator>(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left   // SFXHeap object to compare with
    VoidConstPtr right          // pointer to the heap to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator>(
    VoidConstPtr left            // pointer to the heap to compare with
    SFXHeap< T > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with

Return value

  • If address of left is bigger than that of right: true
  • Otherwise: false


Both head address of left heap and that of right heap are compared with.

Check the relation of "<=".
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator<=(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left    // SFXHeap object to compare with
    SFXHeap< M > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator<=(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left   // SFXHeap object to compare with
    VoidConstPtr right          // pointer to the heap to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator<=(
    VoidConstPtr left            // pointer to the heap to compare with
    SFXHeap< T > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with

Return value

  • If address of left is less than or equals that of right: true
  • Otherwise: false


Both head address of left heap and that of right heap are compared with.

Check the relation of "<".
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator<(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left    // SFXHeap object to compare with
    SFXHeap< M > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator<(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left   // SFXHeap object to compare with
    VoidConstPtr right          // pointer to the heap to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator<(
    VoidConstPtr left            // pointer to the heap to compare with
    SFXHeap< T > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with

Return value

  • If address of left is less than that of right: true
  • Otherwise: false


Both head address of left heap and that of right heap are compared with.

Check the relation of "!=".
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left    // SFXHeap object to compare with
    SFXHeap< M > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    SFXHeap< T > const & left   // SFXHeap object to compare with
    VoidConstPtr right          // pointer to the heap to compare with
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    VoidConstPtr left            // pointer to the heap to compare with
    SFXHeap< T > const & right   // SFXHeap object to compare with

Return value

  • If address of left does not equal that of right: true
  • Otherwise: false


Both head address of left heap and that of right heap are compared with.