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Class which generates a random number using the Linear Congruential Generator method(LCG method).
#include <SFXLCGRandom.h.hpp>
class SFXLCGRandom;


The SFXLCGRandom class generates a 48-bit random number using the same algorithm as the drand48 function of UNIX.

The same sequence of random numbers will be generated from the same seed.


// if no seed is set, the elapsed time after the power is turned ON will become the seed
SFXLCGRandom random;

// generate a random number between SINT32_MINIMUM and SINT32_MAXIMUM
SInt32 n1 = random.GetSInt32(); 

// set the seed

// generate a random number between 0 and UINT08_MAXIMUM
UInt08 n2 = random.GetUInt08(); 


SFXBrewRandom | SFXMTRandom


SFXLCGRandom( UInt32 seed = 0 )
Constructor of the SFXLCGRandom class.
Public Functions
Bool GetBool( Void )
Generate a random number of Bool type.
Float32 GetFloat32( Void )
Generate a random number of Float32 type.
Float64 GetFloat64( Void )
Generate a random number of Float64 type.
SInt08 GetSInt08( Void )
Generate a random number of SInt08 type.
SInt16 GetSInt16( Void )
Generate a random number of SInt16 type.
SInt32 GetSInt32( Void )
Generate a random number of SInt32 type.
SInt64 GetSInt64( Void )
Generate a random number of SInt64 type.
UInt08 GetUInt08( Void )
Generate a random number of UInt08 type.
UInt16 GetUInt16( Void )
Generate a random number of UInt16 type.
UInt32 GetUInt32( Void )
Generate a random number of UInt32 type.
UInt64 GetUInt64( Void )
Generate a random number of UInt64 type.
Void Randomize( UInt32 seed = 0 )
Set the seed for generating a random number.

Constructor of the SFXLCGRandom class.
[ public, explicit ]
    UInt32 seed = 0   // seed to generate a random number


If 0 is set to the "seed" argument, a seed is automatically set up based on the elapsed time after the device is turned on. In case that time cannot be obtained, "0x1234ABCD" is set to this argument.

Generate a random number of Bool type.
[ public ]
Bool GetBool(Void);

Return value

Return the generated random number of Bool type.


Return the Bool-casted value of the 41th-from-lowest bit of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of Float32 type.
[ public ]
Float32 GetFloat32(Void);

Return value

The return value takes the value from 0 to less than 1.


Return the Float32-casted value of the 24 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer divided by 16777216.

Generate a random number of Float64 type.
[ public ]
Float64 GetFloat64(Void);

Return value

The return value takes the value from 0 to less than 1.


Return the Float64-casted value of a composition of the 26 or 27 bits of two random numbers of unsigned 48-bit integer divided by 9007199254740992.

Generate a random number of SInt08 type.
[ public ]
SInt08 GetSInt08(Void);


Return the SInt08-casted value of the highest 8 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of SInt16 type.
[ public ]
SInt16 GetSInt16(Void);


Return the SInt16-casted value of the highest 16 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of SInt32 type.
[ public ]
SInt32 GetSInt32(Void);


Return the SInt32-casted value of the highest 32 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of SInt64 type.
[ public ]
SInt64 GetSInt64(Void);


Return the SInt64-casted value of the highest 32 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of UInt08 type.
[ public ]
UInt08 GetUInt08(Void);


Return the UInt08-casted value of the highest 8 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of UInt16 type.
[ public ]
UInt16 GetUInt16(Void);


Return the UInt16-casted value of the highest 16 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of UInt32 type.
[ public ]
UInt32 GetUInt32(Void);


Return the UInt32-casted value of the highest 32 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Generate a random number of UInt64 type.
[ public ]
UInt64 GetUInt64(Void);


Return the UInt64-casted value of the highest 32 bits of a random number of unsigned 48-bit integer.

Set the seed for generating a random number.
[ public ]
Void Randomize(
    UInt32 seed = 0   // seed to generate a random number


If 0 is set to the "seed" argument, a seed is automatically set up based on the elapsed time after the device is turned on. In case that time cannot be obtained, "0x1234ABCD" is set to this argument.