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Class for processing the POP3 protocol.
#include <SFXPOP3.h.hpp>
class SFXPOP3;

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXPOP3Class


Procedure to receive a POP3 mail

  1. Create the SFXPOP3 instance. At this time, resources for receiving a POP3 mail are not allocated.
  2. To perform the initialization for receiving a POP3 mail, call the SFXPOP3::Open function. And then to connect to the POP3 server, call the SFXPOP3::Connect function. In the SFXPOP3::Connect function, register a callback function which will be notified of the completion of receiving a POP3 mail.
  3. A POP3 mail can be received when the connection to the POP3 server is established.
  4. Send a POP3 command to the POP3 server using the function such as SFXPOP3::SendCommand.
  5. The callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function will be notified when the response to a POP3 command from the POP3 server is received.
  6. When finish receiving a POP3 mail, call the SFXPOP3::SendQuitCommand function to send the QUIT command to the POP3 server. And finally after confirming the response from the POP3 server, call the SFXPOP3::Close function to terminate the connection to the POP3 server.
[Note] Detailed information on the POP3 protocol

POP3 specification: RFC1939 (Post Office Protocol - Version 3)

Example 827. Implementation of the SFXPOP3Receiver class

***     File            : SFXPOP3Receiver.f.hpp


#include <SFXGeneral/SFXEnvironment.h.hpp>



***     File            : SFXPOP3Receiver.h.hpp


#include <SFXGeneral/SFXEnvironment.h.hpp>
#include <SFXProtocol/SFXMail/SFXPOP3Receiver.f.hpp>
#include <SFXProtocol/SFXMail/SFXPOP3.h.hpp>
#include <SFXCollection/SFXArray.h.hpp>

class SFXPOP3Receiver {
        enum ProgressEnum {
            PROGRESS_NONE                       = 0,
        enum AuthEnum {
            AUTH_NONE                           = 0,
        enum StateEnum {
            STATE_STANDBY                       = 0,

        typedef Void                            (*CallbackSPP)                  (SFCError error, VoidPtr reference);
        struct MailInfo {
            UInt32                              size;
            SFXAnsiString                       uidl;
            SFXAnsiString                       mail;
        SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(SFXArray<SFXAnsiStringPtr>, UidlArray)
        SFMTYPEDEFALIAS(SFXArray<MailInfoPtr>, MailArray)

                StateEnum                       _state;
                ProgressEnum                    _progress;
                CallbackSPP                     _spp;
                VoidPtr                         _reference;
                SFXPOP3                         _pop3;
                SFXSocketAddress                _server;
                SFXAnsiString                   _user;
                SFXAnsiString                   _password;
                SInt32                          _line;
                UInt32                          _limit;
                UidlArray                       _singleUidlArray;
                UidlArrayPtr                    _targetUidlArray;
                Bool                            _invertTarget;
                Bool                            _isAutoDelete;
                SInt32                          _deleteCandNum;
                Bool                            _noUidl;
                AuthEnum                        _auth;
                Bool                            _apop;
                MailArray                       _receivedMailArray;
                SFXPOP3::NumberSizeRecPtr       _numSizeList;
                SInt32                          _numSizeCount;
                SFXPOP3::NumberUidlRecPtr       _numUidlList;
                SInt32                          _numUidlCount;
                SInt32                          _numSizeIndex;
                UInt32                          _index;
                MailInfo                        _nextMailInfo;
                Bool                            _isSSL;
                UInt32                          _sslTrustMode;

        explicit                                SFXPOP3Receiver                 (Void);
                                                ~SFXPOP3Receiver                (Void);
                SFXPOP3Ref                      GetSFXPOP3                      (Void);
                ProgressEnum                    GetProgress                     (Void) const;
                Void                            SetSSLMode                      (Bool isSSL);
                Bool                            GetSSLMode                      (Void) const;
                Void                            SetTrustMode                    (UInt32 sslTrustMode);
                UInt32                          GetTrustMode                    (Void) const;
                Void                            SetAutoDelete                   (Bool isAutoDelete);
                Bool                            GetAutoDelete                   (Void) const;
                Void                            Cancel                          (Void);
                Void                            Clear                           (Void);
                Void                            SetServer                       (SFXSocketAddressConstRef server);
                Void                            SetLimit                        (UInt32 limit);
                Void                            SetNumberOfLines                (SInt32 number);
                SFCError                        SetAccount                      (SFXAnsiStringConstRef user, SFXAnsiStringConstRef password, AuthEnum auth = AUTH_APOP_AND_USERPASS);
                SFCError                        Receive                         (CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference);
                SFCError                        Receive                         (SFXAnsiStringConstRef targetUidl, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference);
                SFCError                        Receive                         (UidlArrayPtr targetUidlArray, Bool invertTarget, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference);
                SFCError                        Delete                          (CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference);
                SFCError                        Delete                          (SFXAnsiStringConstRef uidl, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference);
                SFCError                        Delete                          (UidlArrayPtr targetUidlArray, Bool invertTarget, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference);
                MailArrayConstRef               GetReceivedMailArray            (Void) const;
                SFCError                        ProceedConnect                  (Void);
                SFCError                        ProceedUser                     (Void);
                SFCError                        ProceedPass                     (Void);
                SFCError                        ProceedList                     (Void);
                SFCError                        ProceedUidl                     (Bool receiving);
                SFCError                        ProceedReceivingRetr            (Void);
                SFCError                        SendAuthCommand                 (Void);
                SFCError                        ReceiveNextMail                 (BoolPtr next);
                SFCError                        DeleteNextMail                  (BoolPtr next);
                Void                            Finish                          (SFCError error);
                SFCError                        SetSingleUidl                   (SFXAnsiStringConstRef uidl);
                Void                            FreeNumSizeList                 (Void);
                Void                            FreeNumUidlList                 (Void);
                Void                            FreeSingleUidl                  (Void);
                Bool                            IsTargetUidl                    (SFXAnsiStringConstRef uidl);
                SInt32                          FindNextTarget                  (Void);


#include <SFXProtocol/SFXMail/SFXPOP3Receiver.i.hpp>


***     File            : SFXPOP3Receiver.i.hpp


#include <SFXGeneral/SFXEnvironment.h.hpp>

/*public */inline SFXPOP3Ref SFXPOP3Receiver::GetSFXPOP3(Void)
    return _pop3;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::GetSFXPOP3 //

/*public */inline SFXPOP3Receiver::ProgressEnum SFXPOP3Receiver::GetProgress(Void) const
    return _progress;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::GetProgress //

/*public */inline Void SFXPOP3Receiver::SetSSLMode(Bool isSSL)
    _isSSL = isSSL;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetSSLMode //

/*public */inline Bool SFXPOP3Receiver::GetSSLMode(Void) const
    return _isSSL;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::GetSSLMode //

/*public */inline Void SFXPOP3Receiver::SetTrustMode(UInt32 sslTrustMode)
    _sslTrustMode = sslTrustMode;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetTrustMode //

/*public */inline UInt32 SFXPOP3Receiver::GetTrustMode(Void) const
    return _sslTrustMode;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::GetTrustMode //

/*public */inline Void SFXPOP3Receiver::SetAutoDelete(Bool isAutoDelete)
    _isAutoDelete = isAutoDelete;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetAutoDelete //

/*public */inline Bool SFXPOP3Receiver::GetAutoDelete(Void) const
    return _isAutoDelete;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::GetAutoDelete //

/*public */inline Void SFXPOP3Receiver::SetServer(SFXSocketAddressConstRef server)
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetServer //

/*public */inline Void SFXPOP3Receiver::SetLimit(UInt32 limit)
    _limit = limit;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetLimit //

/*public */inline Void SFXPOP3Receiver::SetNumberOfLines(SInt32 number)
    _line = number;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetNumberOfLines //

/*public */inline SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::Receive(CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference)
    return Receive(null, false, spp, reference);
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Receive //

/*public */inline SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::Delete(CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference)
    return Delete(null, false, spp, reference);
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Delete //

/*public */inline SFXPOP3Receiver::MailArrayConstRef SFXPOP3Receiver::GetReceivedMailArray(Void) const
    return _receivedMailArray;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::GetReceivedMailArray //



***     File            : SFXPOP3Receiver.i.cpp

#include <SFXProtocol/SFXMail/SFXPOP3Receiver.h.hpp>

/*public */SFXPOP3Receiver::SFXPOP3Receiver(Void) : _state(STATE_STANDBY), _progress(PROGRESS_NONE), _line(-1), _limit(0), _targetUidlArray(null), _isAutoDelete(false), _deleteCandNum(0), _noUidl(false), _auth(AUTH_NONE), _numSizeList(null), _numUidlList(null), _isSSL(false), _sslTrustMode(SSL_TRUST_MODE_FAIL)
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SFXPOP3Receiver //

/*public */SFXPOP3Receiver::~SFXPOP3Receiver(Void)
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::~SFXPOP3Receiver //

/*public */Void SFXPOP3Receiver::Cancel(Void)
    _state = STATE_STANDBY;
    _progress = PROGRESS_NONE;
    _spp = null;
    _reference = null;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Cancel //

/*public */Void SFXPOP3Receiver::Clear(Void)
    MailArray::Iterator itor;
    SFXAnsiStringPtr string;
    MailInfoPtr minfo;

    _server.Set(0, 0);

    itor = _receivedMailArray.GetFirstIterator();
    while (itor.HasNext()) {
        minfo = itor.GetNext();
        ::delete minfo;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Clear //

/*public */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::SetAccount(SFXAnsiStringConstRef user, SFXAnsiStringConstRef password, AuthEnum auth)
    SFCError error;

    if ((error = _user.Set(user)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
        if ((error = _password.Set(password)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            _auth = auth;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetAccount //

/*public */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::Receive(SFXAnsiStringConstRef targetUidl, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference)
    SFCError error;

    if (!targetUidl.IsEmpty()) {
        if ((error = SetSingleUidl(targetUidl)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            error = Receive(&_singleUidlArray, false, spp, reference);
    else {
        error = SFERR_INVALID_PARAM;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Receive //

/*public */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::Receive(UidlArrayPtr targetUidlArray, Bool invertTarget, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference)
    SFCError error;

    if (_state == STATE_STANDBY) {
        _targetUidlArray = targetUidlArray;
        _invertTarget = invertTarget;
        _apop = false;
        _spp = spp;
        _reference = reference;
        if ((error = _pop3.Open()) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            if ((error = _pop3.SetTrustMode(_sslTrustMode)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                if ((error = _pop3.Connect(_server, XALLBACK_INTERNAL(OnPOP3Receive))) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                    _state = STATE_RECEIVING;
                    _progress = PROGRESS_CONNECT;
            if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
    else {
        error = SFERR_INVALID_STATE;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Receive //

/*public */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::Delete(SFXAnsiStringConstRef uidl, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference)
    SFCError error;

    if (!uidl.IsEmpty()) {
        if ((error = SetSingleUidl(uidl)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            error = Delete(&_singleUidlArray, false, spp, reference);
    else {
        error = SFERR_INVALID_PARAM;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Delete //

/*public */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::Delete(UidlArrayPtr targetUidlArray, Bool invertTarget, CallbackSPP spp, VoidPtr reference)
    SFCError error;

    if (_state == STATE_STANDBY) {
        _targetUidlArray = targetUidlArray;
        _invertTarget = invertTarget;
        _spp = spp;
        _reference = reference;
        if ((error = _pop3.Open()) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            if ((error = _pop3.SetTrustMode(_sslTrustMode)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                if ((error = _pop3.Connect(_server, XALLBACK_INTERNAL(OnPOP3Delete))) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                    _state = STATE_RECEIVING;
                    _progress = PROGRESS_CONNECT;
            if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
    else {
        error = SFERR_INVALID_STATE;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Delete //

/*private */XALLBACK_IMPLEMENT_SFXPOP3(SFXPOP3Receiver, OnPOP3Receive, error)
    Bool next;

    if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
        switch (_progress) {
            case PROGRESS_CONNECT:
                error = ProceedConnect();
            case PROGRESS_USER:
                error = ProceedUser();
            case PROGRESS_PASS:
                error = ProceedPass();
            case PROGRESS_LIST:
                error = ProceedList();
            case PROGRESS_UIDL:
                error = ProceedUidl(true);
            case PROGRESS_RETR:
            case PROGRESS_TOP:
                error = ProceedReceivingRetr();
            case PROGRESS_DELE:
                if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
                    if ((error = ReceiveNextMail(&next)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                        if (!next) {
                            _progress = PROGRESS_QUIT;
                            error = _pop3.SendQuitCommand();
                else {
                    error = SFERR_FAILED;
            case PROGRESS_QUIT:
                if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
                    _progress = PROGRESS_DONE;
                else {
                    error = SFERR_FAILED;
            case PROGRESS_DONE:
            case PROGRESS_NONE:
                error = SFERR_FAILED;
    if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedConnect(Void)
    SFCError error;

    if (_auth == AUTH_NONE || _user.IsEmpty() && _password.IsEmpty()) {
// skip user authorization
        _progress = PROGRESS_LIST;
        error = _pop3.SendListCommand();
    else {
        error = SendAuthCommand();
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedConnect //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedUser(Void)
    SFCError error;

    if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
        _progress = PROGRESS_PASS;
        error = _pop3.SendPassCommand(_password);
    else {
        error = SFERR_FAILED;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedUser //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedPass(Void)
    SFCError error;

    if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
        _progress = PROGRESS_LIST;
        error = _pop3.SendListCommand();
    else {
        if (_apop && _auth == AUTH_APOP_AND_USERPASS) {
// The server does not support APOP.
            _apop = false;
            _progress = PROGRESS_USER;
            error = _pop3.SendUserCommand(_user);
        else {
            error = SFERR_MAIL_INVALID_PASSWORD;
    return error;
}//SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedPass //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedList(Void)
    SFCError error;

    if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
        if ((error = _pop3.GetListResponse(&_numSizeList, &_numSizeCount)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            if (_numSizeCount > 0) {
                _progress = PROGRESS_UIDL;
                error = _pop3.SendUidlCommand();
            else {
                _progress = PROGRESS_QUIT;
                error = _pop3.SendQuitCommand();
    else {
        error = SFERR_FAILED;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedList //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedUidl(Bool receiving)
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);
    Bool nextMail(false);

    if (!_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
        if (_targetUidlArray == null && !_invertTarget) {
            _noUidl = true; // The server is not support uidl command.
        else {
            error = SFERR_MAIL_NOT_SUPPORT_UIDL;
    if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
        if (!_noUidl) {
            error = _pop3.GetUidlResponse(&_numUidlList, &_numUidlCount);
        else {
            _numUidlCount = _numSizeCount;
        if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            if (!receiving || _numUidlCount > 0) {
                _index = 0;
                _numSizeIndex = 0;
                error = (receiving) ? (ReceiveNextMail(&nextMail)) : (DeleteNextMail(&nextMail));
            if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                if (!nextMail) {
                    error = _pop3.SendQuitCommand();
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedUidl //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedReceivingRetr(Void)
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);
    MailInfoPtr minfo;
    Bool next;

    if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
        if ((minfo = ::new MailInfo) != null) {
            if ((error = _receivedMailArray.InsertLast(minfo)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                minfo->size = _nextMailInfo.size;
                if ((error = minfo->uidl.Set(_nextMailInfo.uidl)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                    if (_progress == PROGRESS_RETR) {
                        error = _pop3.GetRetrResponse(&minfo->mail);
                    else {
                        error = _pop3.GetTopResponse(&minfo->mail);
                    if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                        if (_isAutoDelete) {
                            _progress = PROGRESS_DELE;
                            error = _pop3.SendDeleCommand(_deleteCandNum);
                        else {
                            if ((error = ReceiveNextMail(&next)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                                if (!next) {
                                    _progress = PROGRESS_QUIT;
                                    error = _pop3.SendQuitCommand();
            if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                ::delete minfo;
        else {
            error = SFERR_NO_MEMORY;
    else {
        error = SFERR_FAILED;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::ProceedReceivingRetr //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::ReceiveNextMail(BoolPtr next)
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);
    SInt32 number;

    if (_limit > 0 && _index >= _limit) {
        *next = false;
    else {
        if ((number = FindNextTarget()) > -1) {
            _deleteCandNum = number;
            if (_line < 0) {
                _progress = PROGRESS_RETR;
                error = _pop3.SendRetrCommand(number);
            else {
                _progress = PROGRESS_TOP;
                error = _pop3.SendTopCommand(number, _line);
            *next = true;
        else {
            *next = false;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::ReceiveNextMail //

/*private */XALLBACK_IMPLEMENT_SFXPOP3(SFXPOP3Receiver, OnPOP3Delete, error)
    Bool next;

    if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
        switch (_progress) {
            case PROGRESS_CONNECT:
                error = ProceedConnect();
            case PROGRESS_USER:
                error = ProceedUser();
            case PROGRESS_PASS:
                error = ProceedPass();
            case PROGRESS_LIST:
                error = ProceedList();
            case PROGRESS_UIDL:
                error = ProceedUidl(false);
            case PROGRESS_DELE:
                if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
                    if ((error = DeleteNextMail(&next)) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                        if (!next) {
                            _progress = PROGRESS_QUIT;
                            error = _pop3.SendQuitCommand();
                else {
                    error = SFERR_FAILED;
            case PROGRESS_QUIT:
                if (_pop3.IsResponseOk()) {
                    _progress = PROGRESS_DONE;
                else {
                    error = SFERR_FAILED;
            case PROGRESS_RETR:
            case PROGRESS_TOP:
            case PROGRESS_DONE:
            case PROGRESS_NONE:
                error = SFERR_FAILED;
    if (error != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::DeleteNextMail(BoolPtr next)
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);
    SInt32 number;

    if ((number = FindNextTarget()) > -1) {
        _progress = PROGRESS_DELE;
        error = _pop3.SendDeleCommand(number);
        *next = true;
    else {
        *next = false;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::DeleteNextMail //

/*private */Void SFXPOP3Receiver::Finish(SFCError error)
    _state = STATE_STANDBY;
    if (_spp != null) {
        _spp(error, _reference);
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::Finish //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::SetSingleUidl(SFXAnsiStringConstRef uidl)
    SFCError error;
    SFXAnsiStringPtr string;

    if ((string = ::new SFXAnsiString(uidl)) != null) {
        if ((error = _singleUidlArray.InsertLast(string)) != SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
            ::delete string;
    else {
        error = SFERR_NO_MEMORY;
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SetSingleUidl //

/*private */Void SFXPOP3Receiver::FreeNumSizeList(Void)
    if (_numSizeList != null) {
        ::delete [] _numSizeList;
        _numSizeList = null;
        _numSizeCount = 0;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::FreeNumSizeList //

/*private */Void SFXPOP3Receiver::FreeNumUidlList(Void)
    if (_numUidlList != null) {
        ::delete [] _numUidlList;
        _numUidlList = null;
        _numUidlCount = 0;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::FreeNumUidlList //

/*private */Void SFXPOP3Receiver::FreeSingleUidl(Void)
    UidlArray::Iterator itor;

    if (!_singleUidlArray.IsEmpty()) {
        itor = _singleUidlArray.GetFirstIterator();
        while (itor.HasNext()) {
            ::delete itor.GetNext();
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::FreeSingleUidl //

/*private */Bool SFXPOP3Receiver::IsTargetUidl(SFXAnsiStringConstRef uidl)
    Bool result(false);
    SInt32 r0;

    if (_targetUidlArray == null) {
        result = true;
    else {
        for (r0 = 0; r0 < _targetUidlArray->GetSize(); ++r0) {
            if (_targetUidlArray->Get(r0)->Equals(uidl)) {
        result = (r0 < _targetUidlArray->GetSize());
        if (_invertTarget) {
            result = !result;
    return result;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::IsTargetUidl //

/*private */SInt32 SFXPOP3Receiver::FindNextTarget(Void)
    SInt32 result(-1);
    UInt32 number;
    UInt32 size;
    SInt32 r0;

    if (_noUidl) {
        if (_numSizeIndex < _numSizeCount) {
            _nextMailInfo.size = _numSizeList[_numSizeIndex].size;
            result = _numSizeIndex;
    else {
        for (; _numSizeIndex < _numSizeCount; ++_numSizeIndex) {
            number = _numSizeList[_numSizeIndex].number;
            size = _numSizeList[_numSizeIndex].size;
            for (r0 = 0; r0 < _numUidlCount; ++r0) {
                if (_numUidlList[r0].number == number) {
                    if (IsTargetUidl(_numUidlList[r0].uidl)) {
                        _nextMailInfo.size = size;
                        _nextMailInfo.uidl = _numUidlList[r0].uidl;
                        result = number;
            if (result > -1) {
    return result;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::FindNextTarget //

/*private */SFCError SFXPOP3Receiver::SendAuthCommand(Void)
    SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);
    SFXAnsiString challenge;
    SInt32 start, end;

    switch (_auth) {
        case AUTH_ONLY_APOP:
            _apop = true;
            _progress = PROGRESS_PASS;
            if ((error = challenge.Set(_pop3.GetResponseText())) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
                if ((start = challenge.FirstIndexOf('<')) >= 0) {
                    if ((end = challenge.LastIndexOf('>')) >= 0) {
                        error = _pop3.SendApopCommand(_user, _password, challenge.Substring(start, end));
                    else {
                        error = SFERR_FAILED;
                else {
                    error = SFERR_FAILED;
        case AUTH_ONLY_USERPASS:
            _progress = PROGRESS_USER;
            error = _pop3.SendUserCommand(_user);
        case AUTH_NONE:
    return error;
}// SFXPOP3Receiver::SendAuthCommand //


SFXPOP3Receiver | Mail Receiving | RFC1939(Post Office Protocol - Version 3)


SFXPOP3( Void )
Constructor of the SFXPOP3 class,
~SFXPOP3( Void )
Destructor of the SFXPOP3 class.
Public Functions
Void Cancel( Void )
Cancel receiving a POP3 mail.
Void Close( Void )
Close the connection to the POP3 server.
SFCError Connect( SFXSocketAddressConstRef address , CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
Connect to the POP3 server.
SFCError GetListResponse( NumberSizeRecHandle recHandle , SInt32Ptr recCount )
Get the response of LIST command.
SFCError GetListResponse( NumberSizeRecPtr rec )
Get the response of LIST command.
SFCError GetLocalAddress( SFXSocketAddressPtr result )
Get the local IP address and port number.
SFCError GetRemoteAddress( SFXSocketAddressPtr result )
Get the remote IP address and port number.
VoidConstPtr GetResponseBuffer( UInt32Ptr size = null )
Get the response buffer.
SFXAnsiString GetResponseText( Void )
Get the response text.
SFCError GetResponseText( SFXAnsiStringPtr result )
Get the response text.
SFCError GetRetrResponse( ACharConstHandle response )
Get the response to the RETR command.
SFCError GetRetrResponse( SFXAnsiStringPtr response )
Get the response to the RETR command.
Bool GetSSLMode( Void )
Get the SSL connection mode.
SFCError GetStatResponse( UInt32Ptr count = null , UInt32Ptr size = null )
Get the response of the STAT command.
SFCError GetTopResponse( ACharConstHandle response )
Get the response to the TOP command.
SFCError GetTopResponse( SFXAnsiStringPtr response )
Get the response to the TOP command.
UInt32 GetTrustMode( Void )
Get the SSL trust mode.
SFCError GetUidlResponse( NumberUidlRecHandle recHandle , SInt32Ptr recCount )
Get the response to the UIDL command.
SFCError GetUidlResponse( NumberUidlRecPtr rec )
Get the response to the UIDL command.
Bool IsResponseErr( Void )
Check whether the response status of the latest POP3 command is "-ERR" or not.
Bool IsResponseOk( Void )
Check whether the response status of the latest POP3 command is "+OK" or not.
SFCError Open( Void )
Perform the initialization for connecting to the POP3 server.
SFCError SendApopCommand( SFXAnsiStringConstRef user , SFXAnsiStringConstRef password , SFXAnsiStringConstRef challenge )
Send the APOP command.
SFCError SendCommand( ACharConstPtr command , UInt32 size , Bool multiline )
Send the POP3 command.
SFCError SendCommand( SFXAnsiStringConstRef command , Bool multiline )
Send the POP3 command.
SFCError SendDeleCommand( SInt32 number )
Send the DELE command.
SFCError SendListCommand( Void )
Send the LIST command.
SFCError SendListCommand( SInt32 number )
Send the LIST command.
SFCError SendNoopCommand( Void )
Send the NOOP command.
SFCError SendPassCommand( SFXAnsiStringConstRef password )
Send the PASS command.
SFCError SendQuitCommand( Void )
Send the QUIT command.
SFCError SendRetrCommand( SInt32 number )
Send the RETR command.
SFCError SendRsetCommand( Void )
Send the RSET command.
SFCError SendStatCommand( Void )
Send the STAT command.
SFCError SendTopCommand( SInt32 number , UInt32 lines )
Send the TOP command.
SFCError SendUidlCommand( Void )
Send the UIDL command.
SFCError SendUidlCommand( SInt32 number )
Send the UIDL command.
SFCError SendUserCommand( SFXAnsiStringConstRef user )
Send the USER command.
Void SetSSLMode( Bool isSSL )
Set the SSL connection mode.
SFCError SetTrustMode( UInt32 sslTrustMode )
Set the SSL trust mode.
Type that represents the callback function specified in the SFXPOP3::Connect function.
Structure to store the return value of the SFXPOP3::GetListResponse function.
Structure to store the return value of the SFXPOP3::GetUidlResponse function.

Constructor of the SFXPOP3 class,
[ public, explicit ]


This constructor turns the SSL connection mode off.

Resources for receiving a POP3 mail will not be allocated when the SFXPOP3 instance is created. Those resources will be allocated after calling the SFXPOP3::Open function.



Destructor of the SFXPOP3 class.
[ public, virtual ]


This destructor closes the POP3 connection.



Cancel receiving a POP3 mail.
[ public ]
Void Cancel(Void);


The SFXTCPSocket::Cancel function is called internally in this function.



Close the connection to the POP3 server.
[ public ]
Void Close(Void);


Resources for receiving a POP3 mail will be released. If during processing, it will be canceled.

[Note] How to terminate the connection to the POP3 server

After confirming the response to the QUIT command sent by the SFXPOP3::SendQuitCommand function from the POP3 server, terminate the connection to the POP3 server using the SFXPOP3::Close function


SFXPOP3::SendQuitCommand | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939(Post Office Protocol - Version 3)

Connect to the POP3 server.
[ public ]
SFCError Connect(
    SFXSocketAddressConstRef address   // IP address and port number of the POP3 server 
    CallbackSPP spp                    // callback function
    VoidPtr reference                  // argument for the callback



Specify the POP3 server IP address and port number.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If socket is not opened or it has already been connected (including connection processing): SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If IP address and port number of the POP3 server have not been set: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If failed to create the SFBNetMgr instance: SFERR_FAILED
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY
  • For other network errors: get error value by the BREW API ISOCKET_GetLastError function.


[Caution] Error when connecting to the POP3 server

An error occurred when connecting to the POP3 server is notified to the callback function.


SFXPOP3::Open | SFXPOP3::Close | SFXPOP3::CallbackSPP | BREW API ISOCKET_GetLastError

Get the response of LIST command.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetListResponse(
    NumberSizeRecHandle recHandle   // list of mail message numbers
    SInt32Ptr recCount              // number of items in mail list
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetListResponse(
    NumberSizeRecPtr rec   // mail message number



Specify a handle to store the pointer to the array of the SFXPOP3::NumberSizeRec structure of a mail message number and its size obtained from the POP3 server. This array must be released by the caller using the delete[] operator.


Specify a pointer to the variable to store the size of the recHandle array obtained from the POP3 server.


Specify a pointer to the variable to store the SFXPOP3::NumberSizeRec structure of a mail message number and its size obtained from the POP3 server.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If invalid argument: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If connection has not been established, or the status of response to the last POP3 command is not "+OK": SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If failed to parse the response: SFERR_INVALID_FORMAT
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The LIST command is the command to get the size of mail messages from the POP3 server.

The usage of the SFXPOP3::GetListResponse function differs depending on the number of arguments of the SFXPOP3::SendListCommand function.

When the SFXPOP3::SendListCommand function is called with no argument

The "recHandle" and "recCount" arguments need to be specified. All mail message numbers and their sizes will be obtained.

When the SFXPOP3::SendListCommand function is called with one argument

Only the "rec" argument needs to be specified. The size of mail message which number is specified by the SFXPOP3::SendListCommand function will be obtained.

The SFXPOP3::GetListResponse function will fail and return SFERR_INVALID_FORMAT if the arguments are not properly set for the corresponding arguments of the SFXPOP3::SendListCommand function called. The return value other than SFERR_NO_ERROR means that invalid values may be set to the arguments.


SFXPOP3::SendListCommand | SFXPOP3::NumberSizeRec | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Get the local IP address and port number.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetLocalAddress(
    SFXSocketAddressPtr result   //  pointer to the variable to store the local IP address and port number

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • For other network errors: get error value by the BREW API ISOCKET_GetLastError function.


This function gets the local IP address and port number of the internal socket.


SFXInetAddress::LocalInetAddress | SFXTCPSocket::GetLocalAddress | BREW API ISOCKET_GetLastError

Get the remote IP address and port number.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetRemoteAddress(
    SFXSocketAddressPtr result   // pointer to the variable to store the remote IP address and port number

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • For other network errors: get error value by the BREW API ISOCKET_GetLastError function.


This function gets the remote IP address and port number of the peer connected by the internal socket.


SFXTCPSocket::GetRemoteAddress | BREW API ISOCKET_GetLastError

Get the response buffer.
[ public, const ]
VoidConstPtr GetResponseBuffer(
    UInt32Ptr size = null   // buffer size



Specify a pointer to the variable to store the size of the response buffer obtained from the POP3 server. Specify null if unnecessary.

Return value

Response buffer


At the head of the buffer, there is a response("+OK" or "-ERR" ) from the POP3 server and an additional message.

If the response has only one line, "\r\n" is not included in the buffer.

If the response has more than one line, ".\r\n" of the last line and the period at the begining of lines are not included in the buffer.

The obtained buffer is valid as long as the status does not change. The buffer will be invalid if the state is changed by sending a command or calling the SFXPOP3::Close function.


SFXPOP3::GetResponseText | SFXPOP3::Connect | SFXPOP3::Close | RFC1939: 3. Basic Operation

Get the response text.
[ public, const ]
SFXAnsiString GetResponseText(Void);
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetResponseText(
    SFXAnsiStringPtr result   // pointer to the variable to store the response text from the POP3 server



Specify a pointer to the variable to store the response text obtained from the SMTP server.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


When the response message has only one line, "\r\n" is not included in the response text.

If the response message has more than one line, ".\r\n" of the last line and the period at the begining of lines are not included in the response text.

[Note] About response text

Response text is the partial response message, which is the text removed the status string("+OK" or "-ERR" ) at the beginning and succeeding whitespace from the response message from the POP3 server.


SFXPOP3::GetResponseBuffer | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 3. Basic Operation

Get the response to the RETR command.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetRetrResponse(
    ACharConstHandle response   // handle to store the pointer to the response to the RETR command
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetRetrResponse(
    SFXAnsiStringPtr response   // pointer to the response to the RETR command



Specify a handle to store the pointer to the response to the RETR command or a pointer to the response to the RETR command.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the response argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If connection has not been established, or the status immediately before POP3 command is not "+OK": SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The RETR command is the command to get the mail message.

If the response has only one line, "\r\n" is not included in the response.

If the response has more than one line, the ".\r\n" of the last line and the period at the begining of lines is not included in the response.

[Note] Note
The value of the "response" argument of the ACharConstHandle type is the pointer to the buffer of the internal class of the SFXPOP3 class. This buffer must not be released by the caller.


SFXPOP3::SendRetrCommand | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Get the SSL connection mode.
[ public, const ]
Bool GetSSLMode(Void);

Return value

  • If valid : true
  • Otherwise : false



Get the response of the STAT command.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetStatResponse(
    UInt32Ptr count = null   // number of mail messages
    UInt32Ptr size = null    // size of all messages



Specify a pointer to the variable to store the number of mail messages. Specify null if unnecessary.


Specify a pointer to the variable to store the total size of all mail messages. Specify null if unnecessary.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established, or the status immediately before POP3 command is not "+OK": SFERR_INVALID_STATE


The STAT command is the command to get the number and total size of mail messages.


SFXPOP3::SendStatCommand | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Get the response to the TOP command.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetTopResponse(
    ACharConstHandle response   // pointer to the response to the TOP command(handle)
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetTopResponse(
    SFXAnsiStringPtr response   //  pointer to the response to the TOP command



Specify a pointer to the response to the TOP command.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the response argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If connection has not been established, or the status immediately before POP3 command is not "+OK": SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The TOP command is the command to get the top part of the mail message.


SFXPOP3::SendTopCommand | SFXPOP3::GetRetrResponse | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Get the SSL trust mode.
[ public, const ]
UInt32 GetTrustMode(Void);


The SSL trust mode can be one of the following values.

[Note] Note
Reference: ISSL_NegotiateV in the BREW API Reference


SFXPOP3::SetTrustMode | BREW API ISSL_NegotiateV

Get the response to the UIDL command.
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetUidlResponse(
    NumberUidlRecHandle recHandle   // handle to store the pointer to the array of message number and UIDL
    SInt32Ptr recCount              // number of items in the list
[ public, const ]
SFCError GetUidlResponse(
    NumberUidlRecPtr rec   // message number and UIDL



Specify a handle to store the pointer to the array of SFXPOP3::NumberUidlRec structures of mail message number and UIDL. The "recHandle" array needs to be released by the caller using the delete[] operator.


Specify a pointer to the variable to store the number of items in recHandle list.


Specify a pointer to the SFXPOP3::NumberUidlRec structure of mail message number and UIDL.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If invalid argument: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If connection has not been established, or the status immediately before POP3 command is not "+OK": SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The UIDL command is the command to get the UIDL of mail message.

The usage of this function differs depending on the number of arguments of SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand function.

When the SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand function is called with no argument

The "recHandle" and "recCount" arguments need to be specified. All mail message numbers and UIDLs will be obtained.

When the SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand function is called with one argument

Only the "rec" argument needs to be specified. The UIDL of mail message which number is specified by the SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand function will be obtained.

The SFXPOP3::GetUidlResponse function will fail and return SFERR_INVALID_FORMAT if the arguments are not properly set for the corresponding arguments of the SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand function. The return value other than SFERR_NO_ERROR means that invalid values may be set to the arguments.


SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand | SFXPOP3::NumberUidlRec | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Check whether the response status of the latest POP3 command is "-ERR" or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool IsResponseErr(Void);

Return value

  • If "-ERR": true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXPOP3::GetResponseBuffer | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | RFC1939: 3. Basic Operation

Check whether the response status of the latest POP3 command is "+OK" or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool IsResponseOk(Void);

Return value

  • If "+OK": true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXPOP3::GetResponseBuffer | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | RFC1939: 3. Basic Operation

Perform the initialization for connecting to the POP3 server.
[ public ]
SFCError Open(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If socket has already been opened: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If failed to create the instance of the SFBNetMgr or SFBSSL class: SFERR_FAILED
  • If failed: AEE_NET_ERROR


The SFXSSLSocket::Open function is called internally in this function. When the TCP connection is used, the SFXSSLSocket::Permit function will be called in the internal callback function of the SFXPOP3::Connect function.


SFXSSLSocket::Open | SFXSSLSocket::Permit | SFXPOP3::Connect | SFXPOP3::Close

Send the APOP command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendApopCommand(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef user        // username
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef password    // password
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef challenge   // challenge code







Challenge code for the APOP authentication. The string enclosed by < > included in the response to the EHLO command is passed.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The APOP command is for the APOP authentication.

Call this function immediately after the connection to the POP3 server is established by the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Send the POP3 command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendCommand(
    ACharConstPtr command   // POP3 command
    UInt32 size             // size of the POP3 command
    Bool multiline          // whether the specified POP3 command supports the multi-line response or not
[ public ]
SFCError SendCommand(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef command   // POP3 command
    Bool multiline                  // whether the specified POP3 command supports the multi-line response or not

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If invalid argument: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If failed: SFERR_FAILED


"\r\n" needs to be added at the end of the POP3 command. Whether the specified POP3 command supports the multi-line response or not is specified by the "multiline" argument.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::SendApopCommand | SFXPOP3::SendDeleCommand | SFXPOP3::SendListCommand | SFXPOP3::SendNoopCommand | SFXPOP3::SendPassCommand | SFXPOP3::SendQuitCommand | SFXPOP3::SendRetrCommand | SFXPOP3::SendRsetCommand | SFXPOP3::SendStatCommand | SFXPOP3::SendTopCommand | SFXPOP3::SendUidlCommand | SFXPOP3::SendUserCommand | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 3. Basic Operation

Send the DELE command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendDeleCommand(
    SInt32 number   // message number



Specify a mail message number to be deleted.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The DELE command is the command to delete a mail message.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::SendQuitCommand SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Send the LIST command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendListCommand(Void);
[ public ]
SFCError SendListCommand(
    SInt32 number   // number of the size of mail message to be obtained



Specify a number of the size of mail message to be obtained. It should be not less than 1.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The LIST command is the command to get the size of mail messages.

To get the size of all the mail messages, call this function with no argument . To get the size of a specific mail message, specify the mail message number to the argument. The result of the LIST command is obtained using the SFXPOP3::GetListResponse function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::GetListResponse | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Send the NOOP command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendNoopCommand(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The NOOP command is the command to check the connection to the POP3 server.

When the POP3 server receives the NOOP command, it returns only the response message.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Send the PASS command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendPassCommand(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef password   // password



Specify a password.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The PASS command is the command to set a password.

This function is called immediately after sending a user name using the SFXPOP3::SendUserCommand function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Send the QUIT command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendQuitCommand(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The QUIT command is the command to terminate the session of receiving a POP3 mail.

[Note] How to terminate the connection to the POP3 server

After confirming the response to the QUIT command sent by this function from the POP3 server, terminate the connection to the POP3 server using the SFXPOP3::Close function

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::Close | SFXPOP3::SendDeleCommand | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 6. The UPDATE State

Send the RETR command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendRetrCommand(
    SInt32 number   // number of the mail message to be obtained



Specify the number of the mail message to be obtained. It should be not less than 1.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The RETR command is the command to get the mail message.

The result of the RETR command is obtained using the SFXPOP3::GetRetrResponse function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::GetRetrResponse | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Send the RSET command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendRsetCommand(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The RSET command is the command to reset the session of receiving a POP3 mail.

The results of the SFXPOP3::SendUserCommand and SFXPOP3::SendPassCommand functions will be destroyed and connection to the POP3 server will be initialized.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Send the STAT command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendStatCommand(Void);

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The STAT command is the command to get the number and total size of mail messages.

The result of the STAT command is obtained using the SFXPOP3::GetStatResponse function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::GetStatResponse | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 5. The TRANSACTION State

Send the TOP command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendTopCommand(
    SInt32 number   // number of the mail message to be obtained
    UInt32 lines    // number of text lines of the mail message to be obtained



Specify the number of the mail message to be obtained. Should be an integer not less than 1.


Specify the number of text lines of the mail message to be obtained. If 0 is specified, only the header will be obtained.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The TOP command is the command to get the specified top part of the mail message.

The result of the TOP command is obtained using the SFXPOP3::GetTopResponse function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::GetTopResponse | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Send the UIDL command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendUidlCommand(Void);
[ public ]
SFCError SendUidlCommand(
    SInt32 number   // number of the mail message to be obtained



Specify the number of the mail message to be obtained. Should be an integer not less than 1.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The UIDL command is the command to get the mail message's UIDL.

To get all the UIDLs of the mail messages, call this function with no argument. To get the UIDL of a specific mail message, specify the mail message number to the argument . The result of the UIDL command is obtanined using the SFXPOP3::GetUidlResponse function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::GetUidlResponse | SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Send the USER command.
[ public ]
SFCError SendUserCommand(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef user   // username



Specify a username.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If connection has not been established: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


The USER command is the command to set a username.

This function is called after the connection to the POP3 server is established by the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

[Caution] Method to get the communication error and the command error

Only the error about the internal processing of this function will be returned as return value.

The communication error is notified to the callback function registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function.

To check whether the command succeeded or not, use the SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk or SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr function.


SFXPOP3::IsResponseOk | SFXPOP3::IsResponseErr | SFXPOP3::Connect | RFC1939: 7. Optional POP3 Commands

Set the SSL connection mode.
[ public ]
Void SetSSLMode(
    Bool isSSL   // whether to use the SSL connection or not


To use SSL connection, specify true in the "isSSL" argument.



Set the SSL trust mode.
[ public ]
SFCError SetTrustMode(
    UInt32 sslTrustMode   // SSL trust mode

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If socket has been closed: SFERR_INVALID_STATE


One of the following values are available for the SSL trust mode:

  • SSL_TRUST_MODE_FAIL: Default, fail on trust errors.
  • SSL_TRUST_MODE_CHECK: Suspend on trust errors so they can be checked and ignored.
  • SSL_TRUST_MODE_IGNORE: Ignore all trust errors.
  • SSL_TRUST_MODE_ALWAYS: Always suspend so trust can always be checked.
[Note] Note
Reference: ISSL_NegotiateV in the BREW API Reference


SFXPOP3::GetTrustMode | SFXPOP3::Connect | SFXSSLSocket::SetTrustMode | BREW API ISSL_NegotiateV

Type that represents the callback function specified in the SFXPOP3::Connect function.
typedef Void(* SFXPOP3::CallbackSPP)(SFCError error, VoidPtr data)


SFXPOP3::CallbackSPP is the prototype for the callback function used in the SFXPOP3 class. This callback function is registered using the SFXPOP3::Connect function. The result of sending a SMTP mail is notified to this callback function.

For the 1st argument "error": SFERR_NO_ERROR will be set if receiving a POP3 mail succeeds, but an error code other than SFERR_NO_ERROR will be set if it fails.

For the 2nd argument "reference": A parameter specified by the SFXPOP3::Connect function (in general, instance of the SFXPOP3 class) is passed.


SFXPOP3::CallbackSPP | SFXPOP3::Connect

Structure to store the return value of the SFXPOP3::GetListResponse function.
struct NumberSizeRec {
    SInt32  number;
    UInt32  size;
typedef NumberSizeRec&        NumberSizeRecRef;
typedef NumberSizeRec*        NumberSizeRecPtr;
typedef NumberSizeRec*&       NumberSizeRecPtrRef;
typedef NumberSizeRec**       NumberSizeRecHandle;
typedef const NumberSizeRec   NumberSizeRecConst;
typedef const NumberSizeRec&  NumberSizeRecConstRef;
typedef const NumberSizeRec*  NumberSizeRecConstPtr;
typedef const NumberSizeRec*& NumberSizeRecConstPtrRef;
typedef const NumberSizeRec** NumberSizeRecConstHandle;


SFXPOP3::NumberSizeRec is the structure to store the return value of the SFXPOP3::GetListResponse function. The "number" variable represents the number of the mail message, and the "size" variable represents the size of the mail message(in octets).



Structure to store the return value of the SFXPOP3::GetUidlResponse function.
struct NumberUidlRec {
    SInt32          number;
    SFXAnsiString   uidl;
typedef NumberSizeRec&        NumberSizeRecRef;
typedef NumberSizeRec*        NumberSizeRecPtr;
typedef NumberSizeRec*&       NumberSizeRecPtrRef;
typedef NumberSizeRec**       NumberSizeRecHandle;
typedef const NumberSizeRec   NumberSizeRecConst;
typedef const NumberSizeRec&  NumberSizeRecConstRef;
typedef const NumberSizeRec*  NumberSizeRecConstPtr;
typedef const NumberSizeRec*& NumberSizeRecConstPtrRef;
typedef const NumberSizeRec** NumberSizeRecConstHandle;


SFXPOP3::NumberUidlRec is the structure to store the return value of the SFXPOP3::GetUidlResponse function. The "number" variable represents the number of the mail message, and the "uidl" variable represents the UIDL of the mail message.

