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Class which represents a polygon.
#include <SFXPolygon.h.hpp>
class SFXPolygon;


SFXPolygon class processes the vertices' coordinates as an array.

SFXPolygon does not allocate the internal heap. It is necessary to create an array that keeps the coordinates of the vertices.

The created array should not be deleted when it is in the scope of SFXPolygon class.


SFXPolygon( Void )
Constructor of the SFXPolygon class.
SFXPolygon( SFXPolygonConstRef param )
Constructor of the SFXPolygon class.
SFXPolygon( SFXPixelPtr vertex , SInt16 length )
Constructor of the SFXPolygon class.
SFXPolygon( SFXPolylineConstRef polyline )
Constructor of the SFXPolygon class.
Public Functions
SFXPolygonRef AddVertex( SInt16 index , SFXPixelConstRef value )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef AddVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef AddVertexX( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Add the specified value to the X coordinate of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef AddVertexY( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef DivVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Divide the coordinates of a vertex by a specifed value.
SFXPolygonRef DivVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Divide the coordinates of a vertex by a specifed value.
SFXPolygonRef DivVertexX( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Divide the X coordinate of a vertex by a specifed value.
SFXPolygonRef DivVertexY( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Divide the Y coordinate of a vertex by a specifed value.
EmptyInstance( Void )
Get an empty polygon.
Bool Equals( SFXPolygonConstRef param )
Check whether this polygon equals the specified polygon or not.
Bool Equals( SFXPixelConstPtr vertex , SInt16 length )
Check whether this polygon equals the specified polygon or not.
SInt16 GetLength( Void )
Get the number of vertices.
SFXPixelPtr GetVertex( Void )
Get the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
SFXPixelConstRef GetVertex( SInt16 index )
Get the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
SInt16 GetVertexX( SInt16 index )
Get the X coordinate of a vertex.
SInt16 GetVertexY( SInt16 index )
Get the Y coordinate of a vertex.
Bool IsEmpty( Void )
Check whether this polygon is empty or not.
SFXPolygonRef ModVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of a vertex to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef ModVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Set the coordinates of a vertex to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef ModVertexX( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Set the X coordinate of a vertex to the remainder of the division of X coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef ModVertexY( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Set the Y coordinate of a vertex to the remainder of the division of Y coordinate by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef MulVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Multiply the coordinates of a vertex by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef MulVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Multiply the coordinates of a vertex by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef MulVertexX( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Multiply the X coordinate of the vertex by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef MulVertexY( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Multiply the Y coordinate of a vertex by the specified value.
SFXPolygonRef NegVertex( SInt16 index )
Negate the sign of the coordinates of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef NegVertexX( SInt16 index )
Negate the sign of the X coordinate of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef NegVertexY( SInt16 index )
Negate the sign of the Y coordinate of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef Normalize( Void )
Nprmalize the polygon.
SFXPolygonRef Offset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
SFXPolygonRef Offset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
SFXPolygonRef Set( SFXPolygonConstRef param )
Set the polygon.
SFXPolygonRef Set( SFXPixelPtr vertex , SInt16 length )
Set the polygon.
SFXPolygonRef Set( SFXPolylineConstRef polyline )
Set the polygon.
SFXPolygonRef SetLength( SInt16 param )
Set the number of vertices.
SFXPolygonRef SetVertex( SFXPixelPtr param )
Set the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
SFXPolygonRef SetVertex( SInt16 index , SFXPixelConstRef value )
Set the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
SFXPolygonRef SetVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Set the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
SFXPolygonRef SetVertexX( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Set the X coordinate of the specified vertex.
SFXPolygonRef SetVertexY( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Set the Y coordinate of the specified vertex.
SFXPolygonRef SubVertex( SInt16 index , SFXPixelConstRef value )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef SubVertex( SInt16 index , SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef SubVertexX( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef SubVertexY( SInt16 index , SInt16 value )
Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of a vertex.
SFXPolygonRef Unoffset( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
SFXPolygonRef Unoffset( SInt16 x , SInt16 y )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
ZeroInstance( Void )
Get the instance that represents 0.
SFXPolygonRef operator+=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
SFXPolygonRef operator-=( SFXGridConstRef param )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
SFXPolygonRef operator=( SFXPolygonConstRef param )
Assign the polygon.
SFXPixelRef operator[]( SInt16 index )
Get the coordinates of the specified vertex.
SFXPolygon::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXPolygon * param )
Convert SFXPolygon into SFXPolygon::AtomRec.
SFXPolygon::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXPolygon const * param )
Convert SFXPolygon into SFXPolygon::AtomRec.
AEEPolygon * interface_cast( SFXPolygon * param )
Convert the SFXPolygon into AEEPolygon.
AEEPolygon const * interface_cast( SFXPolygon const * param )
Convert the SFXPolygon into AEEPolygon.
Bool operator==( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXPolygonConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXPolygon operator-( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices of a polygon and move this polygon.
Bool operator!=( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXPolygonConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXPolygon operator+( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices of a polygon and move this polygon.
Structure that represents a polygon.
Global Functions
SFXPolygon::AtomRec * atomic_cast( SFXPolygon * param )
Convert SFXPolygon into SFXPolygon::AtomRec.
SFXPolygon::AtomRec const * atomic_cast( SFXPolygon const * param )
Convert SFXPolygon into SFXPolygon::AtomRec.
AEEPolygon * interface_cast( SFXPolygon * param )
Convert the SFXPolygon into AEEPolygon.
AEEPolygon const * interface_cast( SFXPolygon const * param )
Convert the SFXPolygon into AEEPolygon.
Bool operator==( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXPolygonConstRef right )
Check the "==" relation.
SFXPolygon operator-( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices of a polygon and move this polygon.
Bool operator!=( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXPolygonConstRef right )
Check the "!=" relation.
SFXPolygon operator+( SFXPolygonConstRef left , SFXGridConstRef right )
Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices of a polygon and move this polygon.

Constructor of the SFXPolygon class.
[ public, explicit ]
[ public ]
    SFXPolygonConstRef param   // source polygon
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXPixelPtr vertex   // array of vertices
    SInt16 length        // number of vertices
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXPolylineConstRef polyline   // source polyline

Add the specified value to the coordinates of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef AddVertex(
    SInt16 index             // index of the vertex
    SFXPixelConstRef value   // value to add to the coordinates of the vertex
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef AddVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 x       // value to add to the X coordinate of the vertex
    SInt16 y       // value to add to the Y coordinate of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertex

Add the specified value to the X coordinate of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef AddVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to add to the coordinates of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX

Add the specified value to the Y coordinate of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef AddVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to add to the coordinates of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Divide the coordinates of a vertex by a specifed value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef DivVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 x       // divide the X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y       // divide the Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef DivVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or value argument is 0.


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertex

Divide the X coordinate of a vertex by a specifed value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef DivVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // divide the X coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of value argument is 0.


SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX

Divide the Y coordinate of a vertex by a specifed value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef DivVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // divide the Y coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of value argument is 0.


SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Get an empty polygon.
[ public, static ]
SFXPolygonConstRef EmptyInstance(Void);

Return value

Return an empty SFXPolygon instance, which means this shape has no area.


A shape has no area if the value of a length-related variable is less than or equals 0. This instance is used mainly as initial value of the assignment statement or return value of the shape-related function.

Check whether this polygon equals the specified polygon or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXPolygonConstRef param   // polygon to compare
[ public, const ]
Bool Equals(
    SFXPixelConstPtr vertex   // vertices array of the polygon to compare
    SInt16 length             // number of vertices of the polygon to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


operator== | operator!=

Get the number of vertices.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetLength(Void);



Get the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
[ public, const ]
SFXPixelPtr GetVertex(Void);
[ public, const ]
SFXPixelConstRef GetVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::GetVertexX | SFXPolygon::GetVertexY | SFXPolygon::SetVertex

Get the X coordinate of a vertex.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::GetVertex | SFXPolygon::GetVertexY | SFXPolygon::SetVertexX

Get the Y coordinate of a vertex.
[ public, const ]
SInt16 GetVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::GetVertex | SFXPolygon::GetVertexX | SFXPolygon::SetVertexY

Check whether this polygon is empty or not.
[ public, const ]
Bool IsEmpty(Void);

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false

Set the coordinates of a vertex to the remainder of the division of this coordinates by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef ModVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 x       // divide X coordinate by this value
    SInt16 y       // divide Y coordinate by this value
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef ModVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // divide the coordinates by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of x, y, or value argument is 0.


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertex

Set the X coordinate of a vertex to the remainder of the division of X coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef ModVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // divide X coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of value argument is 0.


SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX

Set the Y coordinate of a vertex to the remainder of the division of Y coordinate by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef ModVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // divide Y coordinate by this value


The behaviour is not defined when the value of value argument is 0.


SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Multiply the coordinates of a vertex by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef MulVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 x       // value to multiply with the X coordinate of the vertex
    SInt16 y       // value to multiply with the Y coordinate of the vertex
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef MulVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to multiply with the coordinates of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertex

Multiply the X coordinate of the vertex by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef MulVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to multiply with the X coordinate of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX

Multiply the Y coordinate of a vertex by the specified value.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef MulVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to multiply with the Y coordinate of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Negate the sign of the coordinates of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef NegVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Negate the sign of the X coordinate of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef NegVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Negate the sign of the Y coordinate of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef NegVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX

Nprmalize the polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Normalize(Void);


Do nothing.

Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Offset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates of all the vertices
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Offset(
    SInt16 x   // value to add to the X coordinate of all the vertices
    SInt16 y   // value to add to the Y coordinate of all the vertices


SFXPolygon::Unoffset | operator- | operator+

Set the polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Set(
    SFXPolygonConstRef param   // polygon to set
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Set(
    SFXPixelPtr vertex   // array of vertices to set
    SInt16 length        // number of vertices to set
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Set(
    SFXPolylineConstRef polyline   // polyline to set



Set the number of vertices.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SetLength(
    SInt16 param   // number of vertices to set



Set the coordinates of a vertex (vertices).
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SetVertex(
    SFXPixelPtr param   // array of vertices to set
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SetVertex(
    SInt16 index             // index of the vertex to set
    SFXPixelConstRef value   // coordinates of the vertex to set
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SetVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex to set
    SInt16 x       // X coordinate of the vertex to set
    SInt16 y       // Y coordinate of the vertex to set


SFXPolygon::GetVertex | SFXPolygon::SetVertexX | SFXPolygon::SetVertexY

Set the X coordinate of the specified vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SetVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex to set
    SInt16 value   // X coordinate of the vertex to set


SFXPolygon::GetVertexX | SFXPolygon::SetVertex | SFXPolygon::SetVertexY

Set the Y coordinate of the specified vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SetVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex to set
    SInt16 value   // Y coordinate of the vertex to set


SFXPolygon::GetVertexY | SFXPolygon::SetVertex | SFXPolygon::SetVertexX

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SubVertex(
    SInt16 index             // index of the vertex
    SFXPixelConstRef value   // value to subtract from the coordinates of the vertex
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SubVertex(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 x       // value to subtract from the X coordinate of the vertex
    SInt16 y       // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertex | SFXPolygon::DivVertex | SFXPolygon::ModVertex | SFXPolygon::NegVertex

Subtract the specified value from the X coordinate of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SubVertexX(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to subtract from the X coordinate of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexX | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertexY | SFXPolygon::MulVertexX | SFXPolygon::DivVertexX | SFXPolygon::ModVertexX | SFXPolygon::NegVertexX

Subtract the specified value from the Y coordinate of a vertex.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef SubVertexY(
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex
    SInt16 value   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of the vertex


SFXPolygon::AddVertexY | SFXPolygon::SubVertex | SFXPolygon::SubVertexX | SFXPolygon::MulVertexY | SFXPolygon::DivVertexY | SFXPolygon::ModVertexY | SFXPolygon::NegVertexY

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Unoffset(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of all the vertices
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef Unoffset(
    SInt16 x   // value to subtract from the X coordinate of all the vertices
    SInt16 y   // value to subtract from the Y coordinate of all the vertices


SFXPolygon::Offset | operator- | operator+

Get the instance that represents 0.
[ public, static ]
SFXPolygonConstRef ZeroInstance(Void);


This function returns the 0 instance, which means that 0 or null is set to all the member variables of its corresponding AtomRec struct.


SFXPixel vertex[] = {
    SFXPixel(40, 40),
    SFXPixel(40, 60),
    SFXPixel(50, 30),
    SFXPixel(60, 20),
    SFXPixel(30, 30)

SFXPolygon polygon;

// set polygon
polygon.Set(vertex, lengthof(vertex));

// get number of vertices
TRACE("Length = %d", polygon.GetLength()); // Length = 5

// initialize polygon
polygon = SFXPolygon::ZeroInstance();

// get number of vertices
TRACE("Length = %d", polygon.GetLength());  // Length = 0



Convert SFXPolygon into SFXPolygon::AtomRec.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPolygon::AtomRec * atomic_cast(
    SFXPolygon * param   // polygon to cast
[ public, friend ]
SFXPolygon::AtomRec const * atomic_cast(
    SFXPolygon const * param   // polygon to cast



Convert the SFXPolygon into AEEPolygon.
[ public, friend ]
AEEPolygon * interface_cast(
    SFXPolygon * param   // polygon to cast
[ public, friend ]
AEEPolygon const * interface_cast(
    SFXPolygon const * param   // polygon to cast

Assign the polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef operator=(
    SFXPolygonConstRef param   // source polygon



Check the "==" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator==(
    SFXPolygonConstRef left    // polygon to compare
    SFXPolygonConstRef right   // polygon to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXPolygon::Equals | operator!=

Get the coordinates of the specified vertex.
[ public, const ]
SFXPixelRef operator[](
    SInt16 index   // index of the vertex


SFXPolygon::GetVertex | SFXPolygon::SetVertex

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef operator-=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to subtract from the coordinates of all the vertices


SFXPolygon::Unoffset | operator- | SFXPolygon::operator+=

Subtract the specified value from the coordinates of all the vertices of a polygon and move this polygon.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPolygon operator-(
    SFXPolygonConstRef left   // polygon to move
    SFXGridConstRef right     // value to subtract from the coordinates of all the vertices of the polygon


SFXPolygon::Unoffset | SFXPolygon::operator-= | operator+

Check the "!=" relation.
[ public, friend ]
Bool operator!=(
    SFXPolygonConstRef left    // polygon to compare
    SFXPolygonConstRef right   // polygon to compare

Return value

  • If yes: true
  • Otherwise: false


SFXPolygon::Equals | operator==

Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices and move this polygon.
[ public ]
SFXPolygonRef operator+=(
    SFXGridConstRef param   // value to add to the coordinates of all the vertices


SFXPolygon::Offset | SFXPolygon::operator-= | operator+

Add the specified value to the coordinates of all the vertices of a polygon and move this polygon.
[ public, friend ]
SFXPolygon operator+(
    SFXPolygonConstRef left   // polygon to move
    SFXGridConstRef right     // value to add to the coordinates of all the vertices of the polygon


SFXPolygon::Offset | operator- | SFXPolygon::operator+=

Structure that represents a polygon.
struct AtomRec {
  SInt16                length;  // number of vertices
  SFXPixel::AtomRecPtr  vertex;  // array of vertices