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Class for creating a SOAP message.
#include <SFXSOAPWriter.hpp>
class SFXSOAPWriter : public static_exception< SFCError >;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXSOAPWriterClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXSOAPWriterClass


SFXSOAPWriter is the class for creating a SOAP message.

[Note] Note
When creating a SOAP message using this class, functions such as SFXSOAPWriter::SetBody, SFXSOAPWriter::SetEnvelope, SFXSOAPWriter::SetFault, SFXSOAPWriter::SetFaultDetail and so on can be called in any order.
[Note] About Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP )

W3C SOAP latest information : Latest SOAP versions (SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 are supported. However, SOAP Attachment has not been implemented and only SOAP Fault of SOAP 1.1 is supported.)

Example 840. The method to create the SOAP message using the SFXSOAPWriter class

SFXSOAPWriter soapwriter;   // variable to generate each element of SOAP message
SFCError      error;        // variable to store error value

// create Envelope element
// namespace prefix: "SOAP-ENV" by default
// SOAP Message Version: SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION_1_2 ("") or
//                SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION_1_1 ("") 
// SOAP encoding: "STANDARD "("" ) or 
//                "NONE "(No SOAP encoding is set)
SFXXMLElementPtr envelope = soapwriter.SetEnvelope("env", SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION_1_2, "STANDARD ");

// create Header and Body elements
if (envelope) {

    // add namespace xmlns:m= ""
    error = soapwriter.AddNamespace(envelope, "m", "");
    // confirm whether namespace has been added or not
    if(error != SFERR_NO_ERROR){
         TRACE("-----Envelope_NAMESPACE_ERROR:%d-----", error);
    // set SOAP Fault element consisted of faultcode, faultstring, and faultactor elements (by default, it is the child element of Body element)

    // set detail element to SOAP Fault element

    // set Header element
    SFXXMLElementPtr header = soapwriter.SetHeader();

    if (header) {
        // add attribute of isbn:bookname="The Football World Cup"
        error = soapwriter.AddAttribute(header, "bookname", "", "The Football World Cup", "isbn");
        // confirm whether attribute has been added or not
        if(error != SFERR_NO_ERROR){
            TRACE("-----HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR:%d-----", error);
        // add namespace xmlns:isbn=""
        error = soapwriter.AddNamespace(header, "isbn", "");
        // confirm whether namespace has been added or not
        if(error != SFERR_NO_ERROR){
            TRACE("-----HEADER_NAMESPACE_ERROR:%d-----", error);

        // add Upgrade element as child element of Header element
        // namespace of Upgrade element is the same as that of Header element
        SFXXMLElementPtr elem = soapwriter.SetElement(header, "Upgrade", header->GetNamespaceURI(), header->GetPrefix());

        if (elem) {
            // set SupportedEnvelope element as child element of Upgrade element
            elem = soapwriter.SetElement(elem, "SupportedEnvelope", header->GetNamespaceURI(), header->GetPrefix());

            // add attribute of SupportedEnvelope element
            error = soapwriter.AddAttribute(elem, "qname", "", "ns1:Envelope");
            // confirm whether attribute has been added or not
            if(error != SFERR_NO_ERROR){
                TRACE("-----UPGRADE_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR:%d-----", error);
            // add namespace of SupportedEnvelope element
            error = soapwriter.AddNamespace(elem, "ns1", "");   
            // confirm whether namespace has been added or not
            if(error != SFERR_NO_ERROR){
                TRACE("-----UPGRADE_NAMESPACE_ERROR:%d-----", error);

    // save SOAP message created
    error = soapwriter.Save("soapwriter.xml");

    // confirm SOAP message has been stored or not
    if(error != SFERR_NO_ERROR){
        TRACE("-----SOAP_SAVE_ERROR:%d-----", error);


Example 841. Execution Result: SOAP message created by the above code ( "soapwriter.xml" )

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
    <env:Header isbn:bookname="The Football World Cup" xmlns:isbn="">
            <env:SupportedEnvelope qname="ns1:Envelope" xmlns:ns1=""/>
            <detail env:encodingStyle="">testing-fault-detail-message</detail>




SFXSOAPWriter( Void )
Constructor of the SFXSOAPWriter class.
~SFXSOAPWriter( Void )
Desctructor of SFXSOAPWriter class.
Public Functions
SFCError AddAttribute( SFXXMLElementPtr element , SFXAnsiStringConstRef name , SFXAnsiStringConstRef uri = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() , SFXAnsiStringConstRef value = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() , SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() )
Add an attribute to the element.
SFCError AddNamespace( SFXXMLElementPtr element , SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix , SFXAnsiStringConstRef uri )
Add a namespace to an element.
Void Reset( Void )
Reset all the internal variables.
SFCError Save( SFXAnsiStringConstRef output , Bool indent = true )
Save the SOAP message to the file.
SFCError Save( SFXOutputStreamRef output , Bool indent = true )
Save the SOAP message to the file.
SFCError Save( SFXPathConstRef output , Bool indent = true )
Save the SOAP message to the file.
SFXXMLElementPtr SetBody( SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE" )
Set the Body element to the SOAP message.
SFXXMLElementPtr SetElement( SFXXMLElementPtr parent , SFXAnsiStringConstRef name , SFXAnsiStringConstRef uri = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() , SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() , SFXAnsiStringConstRef text = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() , SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE" )
Set the child element to an element
SFXXMLElementPtr SetEnvelope( SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() , SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION version = SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION_1_1 , SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE" )
Set the Envelope element to the SOAP message.
SFXXMLElementPtr SetFault( SFXAnsiStringConstRef faultcode , SFXAnsiStringConstRef faultstring , SFXAnsiStringConstRef faultactor = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance() )
Set the Fault element(faultcode, faultstring, and faultactor elements) to the SOAP message.
SFXXMLElementPtr SetFaultDetail( SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE" )
Set the detail element to the SOAP message.
SFXXMLElementPtr SetHeader( SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE" )
Set the Header element to the SOAP message.

Constructor of the SFXSOAPWriter class.
[ public, explicit ]

Desctructor of SFXSOAPWriter class.
[ public ]

Add an attribute to the element.
[ public ]
SFCError AddAttribute(
    SFXXMLElementPtr element                                        // element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef name                                      // name of attribute 
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef uri = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()      // namespace URI of attribute
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef value = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()    // value of attribute 
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()   // namespace prefix of attribute

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the Envelope element not found: SFERR_SOAP_EXPECT_ENVELOPE
  • If argument is invalid: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If attribute cannot be added: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY

Add a namespace to an element.
[ public ]
SFCError AddNamespace(
    SFXXMLElementPtr element       // element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix   // namespace prefix
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef uri      // namespace URI

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the Envelope element not found: SFERR_SOAP_EXPECT_ENVELOPE
  • If argument is invalid: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If namespace cannot be added: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY

Reset all the internal variables.
[ public ]
Void Reset(Void);

Save the SOAP message to the file.
[ public ]
SFCError Save(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef output   // file name
    Bool indent = true             // whether or not to indent
[ public ]
SFCError Save(
    SFXOutputStreamRef output   // output stream
    Bool indent = true          // whether or not to indent
[ public ]
SFCError Save(
    SFXPathConstRef output   // file path
    Bool indent = true       // whether or not to indent

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If Envelope element is not found: SFERR_SOAP_EXPECT_ENVELOPE( 0x699F )
  • If Body element is not found: SFERR_SOAP_EXPECT_BODY( 0x69A0 )
  • If file for SOAP message has already been opened: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If argument is invalid: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If insufficent memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY
  • If failed: SFERR_FAILED
  • Other errors : error value defined in the AEEError.h


Save the SOAP message to the specified file or stream.

The default directory of file path is the home directory of application.

Set the Body element to the SOAP message.
[ public ]
SFXXMLElementPtr SetBody(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE"   // SOAP encoding



The values for the SOAP encoding are defined as follows:

Value Description
"NONE" SOAP encoding is not specified
"STANDARD" "" is specified.


Set the Body element to the SOAP message. If the Body element has already existed, this setting is not performed.

SOAP encoding is not for encoding the characters but for representing the data types of SOAP document as XML format.

Usually, the encoding style defined at the " " URI is used as SOAP encoding.

[Note] About SOAP encoding

W3C Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 : SOAP Encoding

Set the child element to an element
[ public ]
SFXXMLElementPtr SetElement(
    SFXXMLElementPtr parent                                         // parent element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef name                                      // name of child element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef uri = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()      // namespace URI of child element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()   // namespace prefix of child element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef text = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()     // text content of child element
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE"                    // SOAP encoding of child element



The values for the SOAP encoding are defined as follows:

Value Description
"NONE" SOAP encoding is not specified.
"STANDARD" "" is specified.

Set the Envelope element to the SOAP message.
[ public ]
SFXXMLElementPtr SetEnvelope(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef prefix = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()           // namespace prefix of Envelope element
    SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION version = SFXSOAPParser::SOAP_VERSION_1_1   // version of SOAP document
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE"                            // SOAP encoding of the Envelope element



Namespace prefix of the Envelop element. (default: "SOAP-ENV")


The values for the SOAP encoding are defined as follows:

Value Description
"NONE" SOAP encoding is not specified
"STANDARD" "" is specified.


Set the Envelope element to the SOAP message. If the Envelope element has already existed, this setting is not performed.

Set the Fault element(faultcode, faultstring, and faultactor elements) to the SOAP message.
[ public ]
SFXXMLElementPtr SetFault(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef faultcode                                     // content of faultcode
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef faultstring                                   // content of faultstring
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef faultactor = SFXAnsiString::EmptyInstance()   // content of faultactor


Set the Fault element(faultcode, faultstring, and faultactor elements) to the SOAP message. If the Fault element have already existed, this setting is not performed.

Set the detail element to the SOAP message.
[ public ]
SFXXMLElementPtr SetFaultDetail(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE"   // SOAP encoding



The values for the SOAP encoding are defined as follows:

Value Description
"NONE" SOAP encoding is not specified
"STANDARD" "" is specified.

Set the Header element to the SOAP message.
[ public ]
SFXXMLElementPtr SetHeader(
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef encodingstyle = "NONE"   // SOAP encoding



The values for the SOAP encoding are defined as follows:

Value Description
"NONE" SOAP encoding is not specified
"STANDARD" "" is specified.


Set the Header element to the SOAP message. If the Header element has already existed, this setting is not performed.