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Storage class for reading data from the ISource interface(SFBSource storage).
#include <SFXSource.h.hpp>
class SFXSource : public SFXStorage;

Inherince diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXSourceClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXSourceClass


The SFXSource class is used to read data through the BREW API ISource interface.

[Note] Limitation

Data can be read from the SFXSource storage, but it cannot be written into this storage. The function to move the read pointer is not supported.

How to use the SFXSource class

  1. Create the SFBSource instance to read data through the BREW API ISource interface.
  2. Set it to the SFXSource instance, i.e., the SFXSource storage, with the SFXSource::Open function.
  3. Get the input stream with the SFXSource::GetStreamReader function.
  4. Read data from the SFXSource storage using the input stream.
  5. * If the input stream is not used, data can be read with the SFXSource::Read function.
  6. Close the SFXSource storage with the SFXSource::Close function.

Example 844. How to use the SFXSource class

Void MyClass::UseSFXSource(Void)
    SFXSource source; 
    static ACharConst data[] = "test data"; // read data
    SFXAnsiString string;                 // variable to read data from the SFXSource storage
    SFXBinaryStreamReader reader;         // input stream for reading data from the SFXSource storage
    SFBSourceUtilSmp util;
    SFBSourceSmp bs;

    // create from SFBSource storage from memory block
    util = SFBSourceUtil::NewInstance();
    util->SourceFromMemory(data, sizeof(data), null, null, &bs);

    // set the SFXSource storage
    if (source.Open(bs) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

        // get input stream for reading data from the SFXSource storage
        if (source.GetStreamReader(1024, &reader) == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {

            reader.Fetch();  // read data from the SFXSource storage into input stream buffer actually
            reader >> string; // read data from input stream buffer to the string variable

            // display the string variable on BREW Output Window
            TRACE("size = %d", string.GetLength());   // display string length: "size = 9"
            TRACE("read = %s", string.GetCString());  // display string: "read = test data"  

            // release input stream for reading data from the SFXSource storage

        // close the SFXSource storage


SFBSource | SFBSourceUtil | SFXBinaryStreamReader | SFXAnsiStringStreamReader | SFXWideStringStreamReader | BREW API ISource


SFXSource( Void )
Constructor of the SFXSource class.
~SFXSource( Void )
Destructor of the SFXSource class.
Public Functions
Void Cancel( Void )
Cancel the callback.
Void Close( Void )
Close this source.
SFBSourceSmpConstRef GetSFBSource( Void )
Get the SFBSource instance managed internally by this SFXSource storage.
SFCError GetStreamReader( UInt32 size , SFXStreamReaderPtr result )
Get the input stream for reading data from the ISource interface(the SFBSource storage).
SFCError GetStreamReader( SFXStreamReaderPtr result )
Get the input stream for reading data from the ISource interface(the SFBSource storage).
SFCError GetStreamWriter( UInt32 size , SFXStreamWriterPtr result )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError GetStreamWriter( SFXStreamWriterPtr result )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError Open( SFXStorageConstRef storage )
Set the specified stream, storage or source to this SFXSource storage.
SFCError Open( SFBSourceSmpConstRef source )
Set the specified stream, storage or source to this SFXSource storage.
SFCError Open( SFBAStreamSmpConstRef stream )
Set the specified stream, storage or source to this SFXSource storage.
SFCError Read( VoidPtr buffer , UInt32Ptr size )
Read data from this source without input stream.
SFCError ScheduleRead( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
Schedule to read data from this source without input stream.
SFCError ScheduleWrite( CallbackSPP spp , VoidPtr reference )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError Write( VoidConstPtr buffer , UInt32Ptr size )
[This function cannot be used now.]
SFCError AsSFBAStream( SFBAStreamSmpPtr result ) (inherits from SFXStorage)
Convert the storage instance internally managed by this storage into the SFBAStream instance.
SFCError AsSFBSource( SFBSourceSmpPtr result ) (inherits from SFXStorage)
Convert the storage instance internally managed by this storage into the SFBSource instance.
CallbackSPP (inherits from SFXStorage)
Type of the callback function for the Storage class.

Constructor of the SFXSource class.
[ public, explicit ]


This constructor does nothing.

Destructor of the SFXSource class.
[ public, virtual ]
virtual ~SFXSource(Void);


This destructor calls the SFXSource::Close function.

[Note] Note

Registered callback functions will be canceled.



Cancel the callback.
[ public, virtual ]
Void Cancel(Void);


This function cancels scheduling with the SFXSource::ScheduleRead function.

The registered callback functions will be canceled.

[Note] Note

This function is called in the SFXSource::Close function.


SFXSource::ScheduleRead | SFXSource::Close

Close this source.
[ public ]
Void Close(Void);


This function closes (or finishes) this source.

Concretely, this function calls the SFXSource::Cancel function and releases the SFBSource instance that this source internally manages.

[Note] Note

The registered callback functions will be canceled.

[Note] Note

This function is called in the SFXSource::~SFXSource destructor.

[Tip] Tip

When suspending, resources should be released by calling this function.


SFXSource::Cancel | SFXSource::~SFXSource | SFXSource::Open | SFBSource

Get the SFBSource instance managed internally by this SFXSource storage.
[ public, const ]
SFBSourceSmpConstRef GetSFBSource(Void);

Return value

SFBSource instance managed internally by this SFXSource storage.


This function gets the SFBSource instance managed internally by this SFXSource storage.


SFBSource | BREW API ISource

Get the input stream for reading data from the ISource interface(the SFBSource storage).
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamReader(
    UInt32 size                 // buffer size
    SFXStreamReaderPtr result   // pointer to the input stream for reading data from the ISource interface(the SFBSource storage)
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamReader(
    SFXStreamReaderPtr result   // pointer to the input stream for reading data from the ISource interface(the SFBSource storage)

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If the result argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If no source is registered in this SFXSource storage with the SFXSource::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If insufficient memory: SFERR_NO_MEMORY


This function gets the input stream for reading data from this SFXSource storage.

If the size argument is specified, the buffer size of the input stream will be fixed with the specified value. Otherwise, the buffer size will be variable and the SFXElasticStreamReader class will be used internally.

[Tip] Tip
You have to use the SFXBinaryStreamReader, SFXAnsiStringStreamReader, or SFXWideStringStreamReader class for the input stream properly depending on the type of data to be read.
[Caution] Caution
Before calling this function, you have to register the source into this SFXSource storage with the SFXSource::Open function.


SFXSource::GetStreamWriter | SFXBinaryStreamReader | SFXAnsiStringStreamReader | SFXWideStringStreamReader

[This function cannot be used now.]
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamWriter(
    UInt32 size                 // size
    SFXStreamWriterPtr result   // pointer to the output stream for writing data to the ISource interface(SFBSource storage)
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError GetStreamWriter(
    SFXStreamWriterPtr result   // pointer to the output stream for writing data to the ISource interface(SFBSource storage)

Return value



[This function cannot be used now.]



Set the specified stream, storage or source to this SFXSource storage.
[ public ]
SFCError Open(
    SFXStorageConstRef storage   // storage
[ public ]
SFCError Open(
    SFBSourceSmpConstRef source   // source
[ public ]
SFCError Open(
    SFBAStreamSmpConstRef stream   // stream

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If stream, storage or source has already been set: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM


This function sets the specified stream, storage or source as the source of this SFXSource storage.

The SFXStorage, SFBAStream or SFBSource instance can be specified in the argument.

After this function is executed, the data will be read by using the input stream obtained with the SFXSource::GetStreamReader function or by calling the SFXSource::Read function.

[Note] Note
Internally, the storage and the stream will be converted into the source with the AsSFBSource function and the SFBSourceUtil::SourceFromAStream function respectively.


SFXSource::Close | SFXSource::GetStreamReader | SFXSource::Read | SFBSourceUtil::SourceFromAStream BREW API ISOURCEUTIL_SourceFromAStream

Read data from this source without input stream.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Read(
    VoidPtr buffer   // buffer to read data
    UInt32Ptr size   // before this function is called: size of the data to read; just after this function is returned: size of the data to be read actually



Specify the buffer to read data.


Before calling this function, specify the buffer size to read data. Just after this function is returned, the size of data to be read actually will be stored into this argument.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this source is not opend (or set) with the SFXSource::Open function: SFERR_INVALID_STATE
  • If the size argument is null: SFERR_INVALID_PARAM
  • If an error occurs: ISOURCE_END(-1)
  • If retry is necessary: ISOURCE_WAIT(-2)


This function reads data from this source without using any stream.

When all data has been read from this ZIPDecoder, this function will return SFERR_NO_ERROR and 0 will be returned into the area that the size argument points to.

* If this function returns ISOURCE_WAIT, it will be necessary to register a callback function with the SFXSource::ScheduleRead function where data will be read with this function.

[Note] Note

This function internally calls the SFBSource::Read function.

[Note] Prerequisite

This source needs to be opened (or set) with the SFXSource::Open function before this function is called.


SFXSource::Open | SFXSource::ScheduleRead | SFBSource::Read | BREW API ISOURCE_Read

Schedule to read data from this source without input stream.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError ScheduleRead(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // data passed to callback function

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If this source is not opened (or set) with the SFXSource::Open function, or reading data has already been scheduled: SFERR_INVALID_STATE


This function schedules to read data from this source without using any stream.

Concretely, this function registers the callback function that will read data with the SFXSource::Read function. The registered callback function will be called by BREW AEE when it is possible to read data.

The status of this source is "under scheduling to read data" until the callback function is called. And after the callback function is called, it will become the status before calling this function, i.e., "this source is opened".

If you call the SFXSource::Cancel function before the callback function is called, reading data will be canceled and the status will be returned to the status before calling this function, i.e., "this source is opened".

*1. If the SFXSource::Read function returns ISOURCE_WAIT, it will be necessary to register a callback function with this function where data will be read with the SFXSource::Read function.

*2. If this function returns the value other than SFERR_NO_ERROR, the specified callback function will not be called.

[Note] Note

This function internally calls the SFBSource::Readable function.

[Note] Prerequisite

This source needs to be opened (or set) with the SFXSource::Open function before this function is called.

And if this source has been already scheduled to read data, the SFERR_INVALID_STATE error will be returned.


SFXSource::Read | SFXSource::Open | SFXSource::Cancel | SFBSource::Readable | SFXStorage::CallbackSPP | BREW API ISOURCE_Readable

[This function cannot be used now.]
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError ScheduleWrite(
    CallbackSPP spp     // callback function
    VoidPtr reference   // data passed to the callback function

Return value



[This function cannot be used now.]



[This function cannot be used now.]
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError Write(
    VoidConstPtr buffer   // data to write
    UInt32Ptr size        // size of data to write

Return value



[This function cannot be used now.]