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[XML] Class which represents a Text node.
#include <SFXXMLText.hpp>
class SFXXMLText : public SFXXMLNode;

Inheritance diagram

 Inheritance diagram of SFXXMLTextClass

Collaboration diagram

 Collaboration diagram of SFXXMLTextClass


A Text node(SFXXMLText) contains a textual content of an Element node(SFXXMLElement) or an Attribute node (SFXXMLAttribute).


SFXXMLNode | SFXXMLAttribute | SFXXMLCDATASection | SFXXMLComment | SFXXMLDocument | SFXXMLDocumentFragment | SFXXMLDocumentType | SFXXMLElement | SFXXMLEntity | SFXXMLEntityReference | SFXXMLNotation | SFXXMLProcessingInstruction


SFXXMLText( SFXXMLDocumentPtr owner , SFXAnsiStringConstRef name )
Constructor of the SFXXMLText class.
SFXXMLText( SFXXMLTextConstRef other )
Constructor of the SFXXMLText class.
~SFXXMLText( Void )
Desctructor of SFXXMLText class.
Public Functions
Void AppendData( ACharConstPtr data )
Append a new string at the end of the string of this node.
SFCError CloneNode( SFXXMLNodeHandle clonenode , Bool deep )
Create a copy of this node.
Void DeleteData( SInt32 offset , SInt32 count )
Remove specified range of characters from the string of text node.
ACharConstPtr GetData( Void )
Get the node value.
SInt32 GetLength( Void )
Get the length of text.
SFXXMLNodePtr GetNextSibling( Void )
Get the next sibling node.
ACharConstPtr GetNodeName( Void )
Get the node name.
NodeType GetNodeType( Void )
Get the node type.
ACharConstPtr GetNodeValue( Void )
Get the node value.
SFXXMLNodePtr GetParentNode( Void )
Get the parent node.
SFXXMLNodePtr GetPreviousSibling( Void )
Get the previous sibling node.
Void InsertData( SInt32 offset , ACharConstPtr data )
Inserts the string in the textual content of the Text node.
Void ReplaceData( SInt32 offset , SInt32 count , ACharConstPtr data )
Replace the text.
Void SetData( ACharConstPtr data )
Set the node value.
Void SetNodeValue( ACharConstPtr value )
Set the node value.
SFXXMLTextPtr SplitText( SInt32 offset )
Divide a text node into 2 text nodes.
SFXAnsiString SubstringData( SInt32 offset , SInt32 count )
Extract the substring of the text.
SFCError AppendChild( SFXXMLNodeConstPtr newchild ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Append the specified child node at the end.
Bool EqualNode( SFXXMLNodeConstPtr arg ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Check whether this node equals the specified node or not.
DOMNodeListPtr GetChildNodes( Void ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Get all the child nodes.
SFXXMLNodePtr GetFirstChild( Void ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Get the first child node.
SFXXMLNodePtr GetLastChild( Void ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Get the last child node.
SFXAnsiString GetText( Void ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Get the node text.
Bool HasChildNodes( Void ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Check whether this node has any child nodes or not.
SFCError InsertBefore( SFXXMLNodeConstPtr newchild , SFXXMLNodeConstPtr refchild ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Insert the specified node.
Bool IsSameNode( SFXXMLNodeConstPtr other ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Check whether this node is the same as the specified one or not.
SFCError RemoveChild( SFXXMLNodeConstPtr oldchild ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Remove the specified child node including its descendant nodes.
SFCError ReplaceChild( SFXXMLNodeConstPtr newchild , SFXXMLNodeConstPtr oldchild ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Replace the specified child node.
SFCError SetText( SFXAnsiStringConstRef text ) (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Set the node text.
DOMNamedNodeMap (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Class to manage the DOM nodes by name
DOMNodeList (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
Class to manage the DOM nodes by list
NodeType (inherits from SFXXMLNode)
SFXXMLNode::NodeType is an enumeration type of NodeType values defined in the W3C DOM Level 1 Specification. Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification )

Constructor of the SFXXMLText class.
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXXMLDocumentPtr owner      // root node of the DOM tree
    SFXAnsiStringConstRef name   // name of the Text node
[ public, explicit ]
    SFXXMLTextConstRef other   // Text node

Desctructor of SFXXMLText class.
[ public, virtual ]
virtual ~SFXXMLText(Void);

Append a new string at the end of the string of this node.
[ public ]
Void AppendData(
    ACharConstPtr data   // new string to append


SFXXMLText::InsertData | SFXXMLText::DeleteData | SFXXMLText::ReplaceData | SFXXMLNode

Create a copy of this node.
[ public, virtual ]
SFCError CloneNode(
    SFXXMLNodeHandle clonenode   // target node where to copy this node(Handle type)
    Bool deep                    // whether or not to copy the child nodes recursively[Invalid]



Specify the target node where to copy this node.


This argument is invalid.

Return value

  • If succeeds: SFERR_NO_ERROR
  • If failed: SFERR_FAILED


SFXXMLNode::CloneNode | SFXXMLNode

Remove specified range of characters from the string of text node.
[ public ]
Void DeleteData(
    SInt32 offset   // start delete position
    SInt32 count    // end delete position


SFXXMLText::InsertData | SFXXMLText::AppendData | SFXXMLText::ReplaceData

Get the node value.
[ public, const ]
ACharConstPtr GetData(Void);


Same as the SFXXMLText::GetNodeValue function.

[Note] Note
The value of the Text node is the textual content.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS" ?>
 <title>Add, insert, replace, and delete strings</title>
 <data>This is testXXX</data>

// get Text node
SFXXMLTextPtr text = SFXXMLTextPtr(data->GetFirstChild());

// get node value
TRACE(text->GetData());          // "this is testXXX"
// get length of string
TRACE("number of characters: %d", text->GetLength());
// add string
text->AppendData("(06/02/22)");     // "this is textXXX(06/02/22)"
// insert string
text->InsertData(12, "of the text edit");     // "this is test of the text editXXX(06/02/22)"
// substitute "test" with "experiment"
text->ReplaceData(8, 10, "experiment");     // "this is experiment of the text editXXX(06/02/22)"
// delete last part of string
text->DeleteData(35,13);     // "this is experiment of the text edit"
// get substring
SFXAnsiString str = text->SubstringData(26, 5);     // get "text "
// split Text node at 8th character
SFXXMLTextPtr splittext = text->SplitText(8);     // "experiment of the text edit"
SFXAnsiString(splittext->GetData()).Equals("experiment of the text edit");


SFXXMLText::GetNodeValue | SFXXMLText::SetNodeValue | SFXXMLText::SetData | SFXXMLText::GetNodeValue

Get the length of text.
[ public, const ]
SInt32 GetLength(Void);

Get the next sibling node.
[ public, virtual, const ]
SFXXMLNodePtr GetNextSibling(Void);

Return value

Return the next sibling node of this node. If this node has no next sibling node, null is returned.


SFXXMLText::GetPreviousSibling | SFXXMLNode::GetNextSibling| SFXXMLNode::GetPreviousSibling | SFXXMLNode

Get the node name.
[ public, virtual, const ]
ACharConstPtr GetNodeName(Void);

Return value

Return the "#text" string.


SFXXMLNode::GetNodeName | SFXXMLNode

Get the node type.
[ public, virtual, const ]
NodeType GetNodeType(Void);

Return value



SFXXMLNode::NodeType | SFXXMLNode::GetNodeType | SFXXMLNode

Get the node value.
[ public, virtual, const ]
ACharConstPtr GetNodeValue(Void);


Same as the SFXXMLText::GetData function.

[Note] Note
The value of the Text node is the textual content.


SFXXMLText::GetData | SFXXMLText::SetNodeValue | SFXXMLText::SetData | SFXXMLNode::GetNodeValue | SFXXMLNode

Get the parent node.
[ public, virtual, const ]
SFXXMLNodePtr GetParentNode(Void);

Return value

Return the parent node of this node. Return null if this node has no parent.


SFXXMLNode::GetParentNode | SFXXMLNode

Get the previous sibling node.
[ public, virtual, const ]
SFXXMLNodePtr GetPreviousSibling(Void);

Return value

Return the previous sibling node of this node. If this node has no previous sibling node, null is returned.


SFXXMLProcessingInstruction::GetNextSibling | SFXXMLNode::GetPreviousSibling | SFXXMLNode::GetNextSibling | SFXXMLNode

Inserts the string in the textual content of the Text node.
[ public ]
Void InsertData(
    SInt32 offset        // start position 
    ACharConstPtr data   // string to insert


SFXXMLText::DeleteData | SFXXMLText::AppendData | SFXXMLText::ReplaceData

Replace the text.
[ public ]
Void ReplaceData(
    SInt32 offset        // start position of text to be replaced
    SInt32 count         // size of data to be replaced
    ACharConstPtr data   // new text to replace with


If the sum of "offset" and "count" arguments exceeds the end of text to be replaced, all text until the end will be replaced.


SFXXMLText::DeleteData | SFXXMLText::AppendData | SFXXMLText::InsertData

Set the node value.
[ public ]
Void SetData(
    ACharConstPtr data   // text


Same as the SFXXMLText::SetNodeValue function.

[Note] Note
The value of the Text node is the textual content.


SFXXMLText::SetNodeValue | SFXXMLText::GetNodeValue | SFXXMLText::GetData

Set the node value.
[ public, virtual ]
Void SetNodeValue(
    ACharConstPtr value   // text


Same as the SFXXMLText::SetData function.

[Note] Note
The value of the Text node is the textual content.


SFXXMLText::SetData | SFXXMLText::GetNodeValue | SFXXMLText::GetData | SFXXMLNode::SetNodeValue | SFXXMLNode

Divide a text node into 2 text nodes.
[ public ]
SFXXMLTextPtr SplitText(
    SInt32 offset   // position where the divide occur


Divide a text node into 2 text nodes at the specified position.

Both new text nodes belong to the original text node's parent.

If offset is the length of the original text node, the new node has no data.

If offset is 0, an empty text node is created.

If offset is larger than the length of the original text node, return null.

Extract the substring of the text.
[ public, const ]
SFXAnsiString SubstringData(
    SInt32 offset   // start position to extract
    SInt32 count    // size of data to extract

return value

Return the substring of the text. If the sum of "offset" and "count" arguments exceeds the end of text to be replaced, all text until the end will be returned.


SFXXMLText::DeleteData | SFXXMLText::AppendData | SFXXMLText::ReplaceData | SFXXMLText::InsertData