Home > Press Release >SophiaCompress(Java) 4.2, Deleting Unnecessary StackMap

Press Release

Sophia Cradle Upgrades SophiaCompress(Java), Deleting Unnecessary StackMap

"Logic Sharing" and original preverifier improved the compression rate by 5 %


KYOTO - July 25, 2006 -- Sophia Cradle Incorporated (Headquarter: Kyoto; CEO: Kazunori Sugiyama), an innovative developer of mobile phone software, today announced to release SophiaCompress(Java)[*1] 4.2. This latest version, implemented with logic[*2] sharing function and original preverifier[*3] has improved its compressin rate by 5 % at the maximum, compared to the prior version.

Full Story

July 25, 2006, Sophia Cradle Incorporated upgrades compression tool for mobile Java application, SophiaCompress(Java) to version 4.2.

The main features of this upgrade are that, it is implemented with logic sharing function and original preverifier. Logic sharing function is a unique function, which is only implemented by SophiaCompress(Java) among other compression tools. Original preverifier is designed to optimize the application size.

Logic sharing function was developed by focusing on the fact that "if" syntax which will appear several times within the source code, can be shared in the compiled byte code. Since one-half of the duplicated code can be deleted due to the logic sharing function, "Stack map" [*4] attached to the logic can be deleted too, reducing the application size.

Original preverifier is developed to reduce the size of stack maps than the preverifiers distributed with standard development environment for mobile Java applications.

Due to these new functions, the compression rate has improved by 5 %, compared to the prior version.

New Functions

  1. Logic sharing function
  2. Original preverifier
  3. Capable of changing "switch" syntax to "if" syntax
  4. Improvements in user interface

Free Trial for SophiaCompress(Java) 4.2 is available at the Sophia Cradle web site.

SophiaCompress(Java) Overview:

Free Trial URL:

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[*1] SophiaCompress(Java)

Software released by Sophia Cradle in July 2003, for compressing mobile phone Java applications, supporting all Java specifications of major network operators around the world.

SophiaCompress(Java) compresses a Java application in compiled JAR format to be run on a handset. It is adopted by major content providers, game makers and system integrators, making it the de facto standard of the compression tool industry for mobile phone Java applications.

[*2] Logic

Logic is the part of the procedure for processing the application.

[*3] Preverifier

All mobile Java application needs to verify the security of its code when being compiled. This process will assure the security, but it adds stack map information to the application itself increasing the application size.

[*4] Stack map

Stack map is where the values on the stack and types of the local variables are saved. The preverifier adds it.

About Sophia Cradle

Sophia Cradle Incorporated is a mobile phone software developer which currently specializes in BREW C++, GUI middle ware and mobile Java. Founded in 2002, Sophia Cradle aims to render services to the improvement of everyone's quality of life by creating innovative mobile Internet technology. For more information about Sophia Cradle, please visit www.s-cradle.com/english/.

Press Contact
Natsuko Hasegawa
Marketing Center, Sophia Cradle Incorporated
Tel. +81-75-754-5155   Fax. +81-75-754-5156