001: //package com.s_cradle.improve.client; 002: 003: //import com.s_cradle.improve.Constants; 004: import java.util.Timer; 005: import java.util.TimerTask; 006: import java.io.*; 007: import java.util.*; 008: import javax.microedition.io.*; 009: import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextBox; 010: import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField; 011: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; 012: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas; 013: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font; 014: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; 015: 016: /** 017: * Copyright (C) 2003 Sophia Cradle, Inc. 018: * 019: * Timer を持ち、TimerTask を継承するクラスです。 020: * 021: * @author Masaru Yoshimura 022: */ 023: public abstract class Z/*Task*/ extends TimerTask { 024: //downsize 定数展開 025: /* 026: // タスクの状況 027: public static final int STATUS_NOT_YET = 0; 028: public static final int STATUS_PROCESSING = 1; 029: public static final int STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 2; 030: public static final int STATUS_FAILED = 3; 031: 032: // タスクID 033: public static final int TASK_CREATE = 0; 034: public static final int TASK_DELETE = 1; 035: public static final int TASK_ADD = 2; 036: public static final int TASK_REMOVE = 3; 037: public static final int TASK_SET = 4; 038: public static final int TASK_SEND = 5; 039: public static final int TASK_POLLING = 6; 040: public static final int TASK_TEST = 7; 041: public static final int TASK_CHECK = 8; 042: 043: // ポーリング間隔 044: public static final int POLLING_PERIOD = 5000; 045: */ 046: 047: //downsize メソッドインライン化 048: protected static String[] D/*strs*/ = new String[2]; 049: //downsize 配列化 050: //protected static String account; 051: //protected static String password; 052: 053: private static Timer OK/*timer*/ = new Timer(); 054: private String[] SJIS/*operation*/ = new String[]{ 055: "/create"/*Constants.OPERATION_CREATE*/,"/delete"/* Constants.OPERATION_DELETE*/, 056: "/add"/*Constants.OPERATION_ADD*/,"/remove"/*Constants.OPERATION_REMOVE*/, 057: "/set"/*Constants.OPERATION_SET*/, "/send"/*Constants.OPERATION_SEND*/, 058: "/polling"/*Constants.OPERATION_POLLING*/, "/test"/* Constants.OPERATION_TEST*/, 059: "/check"/*Constants.OPERATION_CHECK*/ 060: }; 061: 062: protected String[] B/*parameterValues*/; 063: protected String[] A/*parameterNames*/; 064: 065: //downsize 未使用field削除 066: //protected volatile int status; 067: //private volatile Object returnValue = null; 068: 069: protected int E/*task*/; 070: 071: protected Z/*Task*/(){ //初期化は子でしましょう。 072: } 073: 074: //protected Task(int task, String[] names, String[] values) { 075: protected void StackMap/*initializeTask*/( int task, String[] names, String[] values) { 076: this.E/*task*/ = task; 077: this.A/*parameterNames*/ = names; 078: this.B/*parameterValues*/ = values; 079: //status = 0/*STATUS_NOT_YET*/; 080: 081: if (names.length != values.length) { 082: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "number of argument names and values not match!"); 083: } 084: } 085: 086: //downsize メソッドインライン化 087: /* 088: public static void setAccount(String account_){ 089: account = account_; 090: } 091: 092: public static String getAccount(){ 093: return account; 094: } 095: 096: public static void setPassword(String password_){ 097: password = password_; 098: } 099: 100: public static String getPassword(){ 101: return password; 102: } 103: */ 104: 105: public static Z/*Task*/ Code/*getFirstTask*/(){ 106: I/*ImproveMIDlet*//*ResourceManager*/.I/* getAccountAndPasswordFromRecordStore*/(); 107: 108: if(D/*strs*/[0]/*account*/ != null && D/* strs*/[0]/*account*/.length() != 0 && 109: D/*strs*/[1]/*password*/ != null && D/* strs*/[1]/*password*/.length() != 0){ 110: I/*ImproveMIDlet*/.Code/*setCurrent*/( I/*ImproveMIDlet*/.StackMap/*listCanvas*/); 111: Z/*getTask*/(4/*Task.TASK_SET*/,new String[]{ 112: String.valueOf(4/*Constants.ITEM_INDEX_STATUS*/), 113: String.valueOf(3/*Constants.STATUS_BLUE*/)}) 114: .StackMap/*schedule*/(0); 115: return Z/*getTask*/(6/*TASK_POLLING*/,null); 116: } 117: else{ 118: TextBox textBox = new TextBox( "ログイン画面","",10/*Constants.ACCOUNT_MAX*/,TextField.EMAILADDR); 119: textBox.addCommand(I/*ImproveMIDlet*/.A/*okCommand*/); 120: textBox.setCommandListener(I/*ImproveMIDlet*/.I/*midlet*/); 121: 122: I/*ImproveMIDlet*/.Code/*setCurrent*/(textBox); 123: return null; 124: } 125: } 126: 127: public static Z/*Task*/ Z/*getTask*/(int task, String[] str){ 128: switch(task){ 129: case 0/*TASK_CREATE*/: 130: D/*CreateTask*/ createTask = new D/*CreateTask*/(); 131: createTask.D/*initializeCreateTask*/(str); 132: return createTask; 133: case 1/*TASK_DELETE*/: 134: E/*DeleteTask*/ delete = new E/*DeleteTask*/(); 135: delete.E/*initializeDeleteTask*/(str); 136: return delete; 137: case 2/*TASK_ADD*/: 138: return new F/*FollowedByPollingTask*/( 0/*FollowedByPollingTask.FBPT_ADD*/,str); 139: case 3/*TASK_REMOVE*/: 140: return new F/*FollowedByPollingTask*/( 1/*FollowedByPollingTask.FBPT_REMOVE*/,str); 141: case 4/*TASK_SET*/: 142: return new F/*FollowedByPollingTask*/( 2/*FollowedByPollingTask.FBPT_SET*/,str); 143: case 5/*TASK_SEND*/: 144: return new F/*FollowedByPollingTask*/( 3/*FollowedByPollingTask.FBPT_SEND*/,str); 145: case 6/*TASK_POLLING*/: 146: return new N/*PollingTask*/(str); 147: } 148: 149: return null; 150: } 151: 152: public void run(){ 153: try{ 154: System.out.println(">>run:"+E/*task*/); 155: HttpConnection http = null; 156: DataInputStream input = null; 157: int result; 158: //status = 1/*STATUS_PROCESSING*/; 159: 160: char sep = '?'; 161: StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); 162: String temp = I/*ImproveMIDlet*/.I/* midlet*/.getAppProperty("MIDlet-X-AllowURL-1"/*ImproveMIDlet.ALLOW_URL*/); 163: buf.append(temp.substring(0, temp.length()-1)); 164: buf.append(SJIS/*operation*/[E/*task*/]); 165: for (int i=0; i<B/*parameterValues*/.length; i++) { 166: buf.append(sep).append(A/*parameterNames*/[i]).append('=').append( D/*encode*/(B/*parameterValues*/[i])); 167: if (i==0) { 168: sep = '&'; 169: } 170: } 171: 172: try { 173: http = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(buf.toString()); 174: input = http.openDataInputStream(); 175: result = input.readInt(); 176: if (result > 0){ 177: Code/*processAfterReturnValue*/(result, input); 178: } 179: } catch (IOException ioe) { 180: ioe.printStackTrace(); 181: result = -1; 182: } 183: 184: try { 185: if (input != null) { 186: input.close(); 187: } 188: if (http != null) { 189: http.close(); 190: } 191: 192: } catch (IOException ioe) { 193: ioe.printStackTrace(); 194: } 195: 196: //status = (result >=0) ? 2/*STATUS_SUCCEEDED*/ : 3/*STATUS_FAILED*/; 197: if(result < 0){ 198: Z/*processFailed*/(); 199: } 200: 201: System.out.println("<<run"); 202: } catch(Throwable a){ 203: I/*processThrowable*/(); 204: a.printStackTrace(); 205: } 206: return; 207: } 208: 209: /** 210: * URLエンコードします。エンコード時にShift-JISを用います。 211: * 212: * @param in エンコードして欲しい文字列 213: * @return エンコードされた文字列 214: */ 215: public static String D/*encode*/(String in) { 216: StringBuffer inBuf = new StringBuffer(in);; 217: StringBuffer outBuf = new StringBuffer(); 218: for (int i=0;i<inBuf.length(); i++) { 219: char temp = inBuf.charAt(i); 220: if (('a'<=temp && temp <='z') 221: || ('A'<=temp && temp <='Z') 222: || ('0'<=temp && temp <='9') 223: || temp == '.' || temp == '-' || temp == '*' || temp == '_') { 224: outBuf.append(temp); 225: } else if (temp == ' ') { 226: outBuf.append('+'); 227: } else { 228: byte[] bytes; 229: try { 230: bytes = new String(new char[]{temp}).getBytes("SJIS"); 231: for(int j=0;j<bytes.length;j++) { 232: int high = (bytes[j]>>>4)&0x0F; 233: int low = (bytes[j]&0x0F); 234: outBuf.append('%'); 235: outBuf.append(Integer.toString(high, 16).toUpperCase()); 236: outBuf.append(Integer.toString(low , 16).toUpperCase()); 237: } 238: } catch (Exception e) { 239: } 240: } 241: } 242: return outBuf.toString(); 243: } 244: 245: protected void I/*processThrowable*/(){ 246: System.out.println("Task.processThrowable"); 247: Z/*processFailed*/(); 248: } 249: 250: /** 失敗時の処理 */ 251: protected void Z/*processFailed*/(){ 252: } 253: 254: /** 返値を読んだ後の処理 */ 255: protected void Code/*processAfterReturnValue*/( int result, DataInputStream input) throws IOException{ 256: } 257: 258: /** 返り値の取得 */ 259: //downsize 未使用メソッド 260: /* 261: public Object getReturnValue() { 262: return returnValue; 263: }*/ 264: 265: /** スケジュール */ 266: public void StackMap/*schedule*/(long delay) { 267: OK/*timer*/.schedule(this, delay); 268: } 269: 270: /** スケジュール */ 271: public void StackMap/*schedule*/(long delay, long period) { 272: OK/*timer*/.schedule(this, delay, period); 273: } 274: 275: /** タイマのキャンセル */ 276: //downsize 未使用メソッド 277: /* 278: public static void cancelTimer() { 279: timer.cancel(); 280: } 281: */ 282: 283: /* タスクの処理状況の取得 */ 284: //downsize 未使用メソッド 285: /* 286: public int getProcessorStatus() { 287: return status; 288: } 289: */ 290: 291: //downsize クラス融合 以下はMenu 292: 293: //downsize 定数展開 294: /* 295: protected static final int LIST_BG_COLOR = 0x00DDDDFF; 296: private static final int COLOR_FRAME = 0x000000; 297: private static final int COLOR_SHADOW = 0x444444; 298: private static final int LEFT_INTERVAL = 5; 299: private static final int RIGHT_INTERVAL = 5; 300: protected static final int COLUMN_HEIGHT = 17; 301: protected static final int STRING_MARGIN_HEIGHT = 3; 302: */ 303: 304: protected static final Command StackMap/*okCommand*/ = new Command( "OK",Command.OK,1); 305: protected static final Command Code/*cancelCommand*/ = new Command( "キャンセル",Command.CANCEL,1); 306: 307: private String setColor/*title*/; 308: //downsize クラス融合 items>strs。 309: private String[] ログイン画面/*items*/; 310: //downsize 配列化 311: protected int[] Z/*idata*/ = new int[3]; 312: /* 313: protected int cursor; 314: private int width; 315: private int height; 316: */ 317: private boolean キャンセル/*containsTitleWidth*/; 318: 319: /** 320: * コンストラクタ 321: */ 322: //public Menu(String title_, String[] items_, boolean containsTitleWidth_) { 323: public void E/*initializeMenu*/( String title_, String[] items_, boolean containsTitleWidth_) { 324: Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/ = 0; 325: キャンセル/*containsTitleWidth*/ = containsTitleWidth_; 326: if( title_ != null && items_ != null ){ 327: OK/*setTitleAndItems*/(title_, items_); 328: } 329: } 330: 331: /** 332: * コンストラクタ 333: */ 334: //public Menu(String title_, String[] items_) { 335: public void Z/*initializeMenu*/(String title_, String[] items_) { 336: E/*initializeMenu*/(title_, items_, false); 337: } 338: 339: /** 340: * タイトルと項目の設定 341: */ 342: public void OK/*setTitleAndItems*/(String title_, String[] items_){ 343: setColor/*title*/ = title_; 344: ログイン画面/*items*/ = items_; 345: 346: Font font = Font.getDefaultFont(); 347: Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/ = ( キャンセル/*containsTitleWidth*/) ? font.stringWidth(setColor/*title*/)+2 : 0; 348: for(int i=0;i<ログイン画面/*items*/.length;i++){ 349: int temp = 5/*LEFT_INTERVAL*/+font.stringWidth( ログイン画面/*items*/[i])+5/*RIGHT_INTERVAL*/; 350: if(Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/< temp){ 351: Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/ = temp; 352: } 353: } 354: Z/*idata*/[2]/*height*/ = 17/*COLUMN_HEIGHT*/ *( 1+ログイン画面/*items*/.length)+1; 355: } 356: 357: /** 358: * キーハンドラ 359: */ 360: public Z/*Task*//*Menu*/ A/*processKeyRelease*/(int gameAction, int keyCode){ 361: switch( gameAction ){ 362: case Canvas.FIRE: 363: return StackMap/*processFireKeyRelease*/(); 364: case Canvas.DOWN: 365: Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/++; 366: if( Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/ >= ログイン画面/*items*/.length ){ 367: Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/ --; 368: } 369: break; 370: case Canvas.UP: 371: Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/--; 372: if( Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/ < 0 ){ 373: Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/ ++; 374: } 375: break; 376: default: 377: break; 378: } 379: 380: return this; 381: } 382: 383: /** 384: * キーハンドラ 385: */ 386: protected Z/*Task*//*Menu*/ StackMap/*processFireKeyRelease*/(){ 387: return null; 388: } 389: 390: /** 391: * 描画 392: */ 393: public void I/*draw*/(Graphics g, int width_, int height_){ 394: g.translate((width_-Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/)/2, ( height_-Z/*idata*/[2]/*height*/)/2); 395: 396: StackMap/*draw3DRect*/( g,0,0,Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/,Z/*idata*/[2]/* height*/,0x00DDDDFF/*LIST_BG_COLOR*/,0x00EEEEFF,0x00000080); 397: Code/*drawFrameShadow*/( g,0,0,Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/,Z/*idata*/[2]/*height*/,0x000000/* COLOR_FRAME*/, 0x444444/*COLOR_SHADOW*/); 398: 399: g.setClip(1,1,Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/-2,Z/*idata*/[2]/*height*/-2); 400: 401: g.setColor(0x00646464); 402: g.fillRect(1, 1, Z/*idata*/[1]/*width*/-2, 17/*COLUMN_HEIGHT*/); 403: g.setColor(0x00CCCCCC); 404: g.drawString(setColor/*title*/,2,4, Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.TOP); 405: 406: for(int i=0;i<ログイン画面/*items*/.length;i++){ 407: if(Z/*idata*/[0]/*cursor*/ == i){ 408: g.setColor(0x0000FF); 409: g.fillRect(1, 17/*COLUMN_HEIGHT*/ *(i+1), Z/* idata*/[1]/*width*/-2, 17/*COLUMN_HEIGHT*/); 410: g.setColor(0xFFFFFF); 411: } else{ 412: g.setColor(0x00000000); 413: } 414: g.drawString(ログイン画面/*items*/[i],5/*LEFT_INTERVAL*/,17/* COLUMN_HEIGHT*/ *(i+1)+3/*STRING_MARGIN_HEIGHT*/, Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.TOP); 415: } 416: g.translate(-g.getTranslateX(), -g.getTranslateY()); 417: g.setClip(0,0,width_,height_); 418: } 419: 420: /** 421: * 明暗付の矩形の描画 422: */ 423: protected static void StackMap/*draw3DRect*/( Graphics graph, int x,int y, int dx,int dy, 424: int base,int light, int shadow){ 425: graph.setColor(base); 426: graph.fillRect(x,y,dx,dy); 427: graph.setColor(light); 428: graph.drawLine(x,y,x + dx - 2,y); 429: graph.drawLine(x,y,x,y + dy - 2); 430: graph.setColor(shadow); 431: graph.drawLine(x + dx - 1,y + 1,x + dx - 1,y + dy - 1); 432: graph.drawLine(x + 1,y + dy - 1,x + dx - 1,y + dy - 1); 433: return; 434: } 435: 436: /** 437: * 影の描画 438: */ 439: protected static void Code/*drawFrameShadow*/( Graphics g,int x, int y, int width, 440: int height, int frame, int shadow) 441: { 442: g.setColor(frame); 443: g.drawRect(x-1,y-1,width+1,height+1); 444: g.setColor(shadow); 445: g.drawLine(x,y + height + 1,x + width + 1,y + height + 1); 446: g.drawLine(x + width + 1,y,x + width + 1,y + height + 1); 447: } 448: }