Bleuet de BREW Release Notes
Bleuet de BREW 2.x
2.0 ( Dec. 8, 2006 )
- Support for BREW applications written in C++.
- Filtering of SophiaFramework functions, leaving only application specific functions.
- Profiling output data can be saved as a csv file ( compatible with Microsoft Excel ).
- Increased profiling accuracy since log files are now generated using the ILogger interface, and not DBGPRINTF of Bleuet de BREW 1.0.
- A 60% reduction in the amount of profiling code injected in the application.
- The profiling speed is now 50 to 60% faster.
- GUI improvements like resizable windows / controls, the search and display of file names, etc.
Bleuet de BREW 1.x
1.2 ( Sept. 18, 2006 )
- Modified to use ILogger interface.
1.0 ( June. 26, 2006 )
- Bleuet de BREW 1.0 ( beta ) released.