SophiaFramework UNIVERSE 5.3 |
BREW 2.0 | BREW 2.1 | BREW 3.1 | BREW 4.0 |
O | O | O | O |
Public Functions | |
SFCError |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
Clear a rectangular area of the window by filling it with the background color.
Void |
ClearViewport( Void )
Clear the current viewport to the background color.
SFCError |
SFXArcPtr arc
Draw a circle arc. The color of arc is the current foreground color.
SFCError |
SFXCirclePtr circle
) Draw a circle.
SFCError |
SFXEllipsePtr ellipse
) Draw an ellipse.
SFCError |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
, SInt16 startAngle
, SInt16 arcAngle
) Draw an elliptical arc.
SFCError |
SFXLinePtr line
Draw a line segment, given the starting point and ending point.
SFCError |
SFXPiePtr pie
Draw a circular pie.
SFCError |
SFXPixelPtr pixel
Draw a point with the current point size and foreground color.
SFCError |
SFXPolygonPtr polygon
) Draw a polygon.
SFCError |
SFXPolylinePtr polyline
) Draw a polyline.
SFCError |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
Draw an axis-aligned rectangle.
SFCError |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
, SInt16 arcWidth
, SInt16 arcHeight
Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
SFCError |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
, SFXSizeConstRef size
Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
SFCError |
SFXTrianglePtr triangle
Draw a triangle.
Bool |
Bool flag = true
Turn on double buffering by passing in true and turns it off by passing in false.
AEEAlgorithmHint |
GetAlgorithmHint( Void )
Query the current algorithm hint.
Void |
UInt08Ptr r
, UInt08Ptr g
, UInt08Ptr b
Query the RGB values of the current background color.
Void |
SFXRGBColorPtr color
Query the RGB values of the current background color.
GetBackground( Void )
Query the RGB values of the current background color.
Bool |
SFXClipPtr shape
Get the current clipping area, specified by a closed geometric primitive.
SFXClip |
GetClip( Void )
Get the current clipping area, specified by a closed geometric primitive.
Void |
UInt08Ptr r
, UInt08Ptr g
, UInt08Ptr b
, UInt08Ptr alpha
Get the RGBA value for the current foreground color.
Void |
SFXRGBColorPtr color
Get the RGBA value for the current foreground color.
GetColor( Void )
Get the RGBA value for the current foreground color.
UInt08 |
GetColorDepth( Void )
Get the color depth of the device.
SFBBitmapSmp |
GetDestination( Void ) Get the destination bitmap to which will be rendered.
Void |
UInt08Ptr r
, UInt08Ptr g
, UInt08Ptr b
, UInt08Ptr alpha
Get the RGBA value for the current fill color.
Void |
SFXRGBColorPtr color
Get the RGBA value for the current fill color.
GetFillColor( Void )
Get the RGBA value for the current fill color.
Bool |
GetFillMode( Void )
Query the current fill-mode.
static SFBGraphicsSmp |
GetInstance( Void ) Get the SFBGraphics instance.
AEEPaintMode |
GetPaintMode( Void )
Get the current paint mode.
UInt08 |
GetPointSize( Void )
Get the current point size in terms of number of pixels.
AEEStrokeStyle |
GetStrokeStyle( Void )
Get the Stroke Style.
Bool |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
, BoolPtr framed = null
Get the current viewport (a rectangular area on the screen coordinate frame) for drawing.
SFXRectangle |
BoolPtr framed = null
Get the current viewport (a rectangular area on the screen coordinate frame) for drawing.
static SFBGraphicsSmp |
SFCErrorPtr exception = null
Create a new SFBGraphics instance.
static SFBGraphicsSmp |
, SFCErrorPtr exception = null
Create a new SFBGraphics instance.
Void |
SInt16 cx
, SInt16 cy
Re-center the window in the world-coordinate system.
Void |
SFXGridConstRef grid
Re-center the window in the world-coordinate system.
Bool |
ResetClip( Void )
Reset the clipping area.
SFCError |
ResetDestination( Void )
Reset the destination bitmap to which IGRAPHICS functions will render.
Bool |
ResetViewport( Void )
Reset the viewport (a rectangular area) to default.
Void |
AEEAlgorithmHint hint
Set the algorithm hint for some drawing operations.
UInt08Ptr r
, UInt08Ptr g
, UInt08Ptr b
) Set the RGB values of the current background color.
SFXRGBColorConstRef color
) Set the RGB values of the current background color.
Bool |
SFXClipPtr shape
, UInt08 flag
Set the clipping area.
UInt08Ptr r
, UInt08Ptr g
, UInt08Ptr b
, UInt08 alpha = UINT08_MINIMUM
) Set the current foreground color's RGBA value.
SFXRGBColorConstRef color
) Set the current foreground color's RGBA value.
SFCError |
SFBBitmapSmpConstRef bmpDest
Set the destination bitmap to which will be rendered.
UInt08Ptr r
, UInt08Ptr g
, UInt08Ptr b
, UInt08 alpha = UINT08_MINIMUM
) Set the fill color for all subsequent drawings of closed geometric primitives.
SFXRGBColorConstRef color
) Set the fill color for all subsequent drawings of closed geometric primitives.
Bool |
Bool fill
Turn on the fill-mode for all subsequent closed geometric primitives by passing in true.
It turns off the fill-mode by passing in false.
AEEPaintMode |
AEEPaintMode mode
) Set the paint mode.
UInt08 |
UInt08 size
) Set the size (width) of a point in terms of number of pixels.
AEEStrokeStyle |
AEEStrokeStyle strokeStyle
Set the Stroke Style.
Bool |
SFXRectanglePtr rect
Set the viewport (a rectangular area) for drawing.
Void |
SInt16 xDest
, SInt16 yDest
, SInt16 wDest
, SInt16 hDest
, VoidConstPtr bmpSrc
, AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY
This function stretch-blt an input bitmap to the specified position and width/height.
Void |
SInt16 xDest
, SInt16 yDest
, SInt16 wDest
, SInt16 hDest
, SFXBufferConstRef bmpSrc
, AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY
This function stretch-blt an input bitmap to the specified position and width/height.
Void |
SFXRectangleConstRef rectDest
, VoidConstPtr bmpSrc
, AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY
This function stretch-blt an input bitmap to the specified position and width/height.
Void |
SFXRectangleConstRef rectDest
, SFXBufferConstRef bmpSrc
, AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY
This function stretch-blt an input bitmap to the specified position and width/height.
Void |
SInt16 x
, SInt16 y
Translate the window's origin in the world-coordinate system.
Void |
SFXGridConstRef grid
Translate the window's origin in the world-coordinate system.
Void |
Update( Void )
Notify the display hardware after rendering the device bitmap.
Protected Functions | |
static SFBBaseSmp |
, SFCErrorPtr exception = null
(inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface.
static SFBBaseSmp |
SFBQuerySmpConstRef query
, SFCErrorPtr exception = null
(inherits from SFBBase)
Create the instance for the specified ClassID's interface using the SFBQuery instance.
[ public ] SFCError ClearRect( SFXRectanglePtr rect // pointer to the rectangle that specifies the area to cleared );
The input rectangle is specified bt world coordinate.
[ public ] Void ClearViewport(Void);
[ public ] SFCError DrawCircle( SFXCirclePtr circle // pointer to the circle to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawEllipse( SFXEllipsePtr ellipse // pointer to the ellipse to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawEllipticalArc( SFXRectanglePtr rect // rectangle containing the ellipse SInt16 startAngle // start angle of the arc in degrees SInt16 arcAngle // size of the arc in degrees );
[ public ] SFCError DrawLine( SFXLinePtr line // pointer to the line to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawPoint( SFXPixelPtr pixel // pointer to the point to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawPolygon( SFXPolygonPtr polygon // pointer to the polygon to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawPolyline( SFXPolylinePtr polyline // pointer to the polyline to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawRect( SFXRectanglePtr rect // pointer to the rectangle to be drawn );
[ public ] SFCError DrawRoundRectangle( SFXRectanglePtr rect // pointer to the rectangle to be drawn SInt16 arcWidth // width of ellipse used for corner arc SInt16 arcHeight // height of ellipse used for corner arc );
[ public ] SFCError DrawRoundRectangle( SFXRectanglePtr rect // pointer to the rectangle to be drawn SFXSizeConstRef size // width and height of ellipse used for corner arc );
[ public ] SFCError DrawTriangle( SFXTrianglePtr triangle // pointer to the triangle to be drawn );
[ public ] Bool EnableDoubleBuffer( Bool flag = true // a boolean value: true to enable double buffering, false to disable double buffering );
[ public ] AEEAlgorithmHint GetAlgorithmHint(Void);
The Algorithm Hint is, the prescription while trading off the speed and precision of rendering.
BREW API IGRAPHICS_GetAlgorithmHint | SFBGraphics::SetAlgorithmHint | SFBGraphics::DrawPolygon
[ public ] Void GetBackground( UInt08Ptr r // pointer to the red component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr g // pointer to the green component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr b // pointer to the blue component of the RGB color );
[ public ] Void GetBackground( SFXRGBColorPtr color // pointer to the SFXRGBColor );
[ public ] SFXRGBColor GetBackground(Void);
[ public ] Bool GetClip( SFXClipPtr shape // pointer the current clipping shape );
[ public ] SFXClip GetClip(Void);
[ public ] Void GetColor( UInt08Ptr r // pointer to the red component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr g // pointer to the green component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr b // pointer to the blue component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr alpha // alpha value );
[ public ] Void GetColor( SFXRGBColorPtr color // pointer to the SFXRGBColor );
[ public ] SFXRGBColor GetColor(Void);
[ public ] UInt08 GetColorDepth(Void);
[ public ] SFBBitmapSmp GetDestination(Void);
[ public ] Void GetFillColor( UInt08Ptr r // pointer to the red component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr g // pointer to the green component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr b // pointer to the blue component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr alpha // alpha value );
[ public ] Void GetFillColor( SFXRGBColorPtr color // pointer to the SFXRGBColor );
[ public ] SFXRGBColor GetFillColor(Void);
[ public ] Bool GetFillMode(Void);
[ public, static ] SFBGraphicsSmp GetInstance(Void);
[ public ] AEEPaintMode GetPaintMode(Void);
[ public ] UInt08 GetPointSize(Void);
[ public ] AEEStrokeStyle GetStrokeStyle(Void);
[ public ] Bool GetViewport( SFXRectanglePtr rect // pointer to the rectangular shape that specifies the current viewport area for drawing BoolPtr framed = null // true if the viewport is framed, false otherwise );
[ public ] SFXRectangle GetViewport( BoolPtr framed = null // true if the viewport is framed, false otherwise );
[ public, static ] SFBGraphicsSmp NewInstance( SFCErrorPtr exception = null // Error );
[ public, static ] SFBGraphicsSmp NewInstance( AEECLSID id // Class ID SFCErrorPtr exception = null // Error );
[ public ] Void Pan( SInt16 cx // X coordinate of the new center in world coordinate frame SInt16 cy // Y coordinate of the new center in world coordinate frame );
[ public ] Void Pan( SFXGridConstRef grid // grid of the new center in world coordinate frame );
[ public ] Bool ResetClip(Void);
This function is the same as calling SFBGraphics::SetClip( null , 0 ).
[ public ] SFCError ResetDestination(Void);
This function is the same as calling SFBGraphics::SetDestination( null ).
[ public ] Bool ResetViewport(Void);
[ public ] Void SetAlgorithmHint( AEEAlgorithmHint hint // algorithm hint );
The Algorithm Hint is, the prescription while trading off the speed and precision of rendering.
BREW API IGRAPHICS_SetAlgorithmHint | AEEAlgorithmHint | SFBGraphics::DrawPolygon | SFBGraphics::GetAlgorithmHint
[ public ] RGBVAL SetBackground( UInt08Ptr r // the red component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr g // the green component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr b // the blue component of the RGB color );
[ public ] SFXRGBColor SetBackground( SFXRGBColorConstRef color // color );
[ public ] Bool SetClip( SFXClipPtr shape // pointer to the clipping shape UInt08 flag // bitmap flags );
[ public ] RGBVAL SetColor( UInt08Ptr r // the red component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr g // the green component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr b // the blue component of the RGB color UInt08 alpha = UINT08_MINIMUM // alpha value );
[ public ] SFXRGBColor SetColor( SFXRGBColorConstRef color // color );
[ public ] SFCError SetDestination( SFBBitmapSmpConstRef bmpDest // SFBBitmap interface pointer that will be used for rendering, // or null to set to screen bitmap );
[ public ] RGBVAL SetFillColor( UInt08Ptr r // the red component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr g // the green component of the RGB color UInt08Ptr b // the blue component of the RGB color UInt08 alpha = UINT08_MINIMUM // alpha value );
[ public ] SFXRGBColor SetFillColor( SFXRGBColorConstRef color // color );
[ public ] Bool SetFillMode( Bool fill // boolean value: true to turn on the fill mode, false to turn off the fill-mode );
[ public ] AEEPaintMode SetPaintMode( AEEPaintMode mode // the enum value for paint mode );
[ public ] UInt08 SetPointSize( UInt08 size // size (width) of a point in terms of number of pixels );
[ public ] AEEStrokeStyle SetStrokeStyle( AEEStrokeStyle strokeStyle // stroke style to be used for drawing );
[ public ] Bool SetViewport( SFXRectanglePtr rect UInt08 flag = AEE_GRAPHICS_NONE );
Pointer to the rectangular shape, which specifies the area for display.
It returns true only if the displayable area is nonempty and the viewport is completely contained in the physical screen. Otherwise, it returns false. When it returns false for any reason, the previous window settings are retained.
If AEE_GRAPHICS_FRAME is set, it draws the frame. The minimum value for dx, dy is 3 pixel.
If AEE_GRAPHICS_NONE is set, the minimum value for dx, dy is 1 pixel.
If AEE_GRAPHICS_CLEAR is set, it clears the viewport to the background color.
[ public ] Void StretchBlt( SInt16 xDest // specifies the X coordinates of the upper left corner of the destination rectangular area SInt16 yDest // specifies the Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the destination rectangular area SInt16 wDest // destination width SInt16 hDest // destination height VoidConstPtr bmpSrc // pointer to a Windows BMP structure containing the source bitmap // the data beening pointed is without the AEE header // the data should start from BITMAPFILEHEADER // the BMP should be noncompressed AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY // specifies the Raster operation that must be used while doing the bit-block transfer );
[ public ] Void StretchBlt( SInt16 xDest // specifies the X coordinates of the upper left corner of the destination rectangular area SInt16 yDest // specifies the Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the destination rectangular area SInt16 wDest // destination width SInt16 hDest // destination height SFXBufferConstRef bmpSrc // pointer to a Windows BMP structure containing the source bitmap. // the data beening pointed is without the AEE header // the data should start from BITMAPFILEHEADER // the BMP should be noncompressed AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY // specifies the Raster operation that must be used while doing the bit-block transfer );
[ public ] Void StretchBlt( SFXRectangleConstRef rectDest // destination rectangle VoidConstPtr bmpSrc // pointer to a Windows BMP structure containing the source bitmap // the data beening pointed is without the AEE header // the data should start from BITMAPFILEHEADER // the BMP should be noncompressed AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY // specifies the Raster operation that must be used while doing the bit-block transfer );
[ public ] Void StretchBlt( SFXRectangleConstRef rectDest // destination rectangle SFXBufferConstRef bmpSrc // pointer to a Windows BMP structure containing the source bitmap. // the data beening pointed is without the AEE header. // the data should start from BITMAPFILEHEADER. // the BMP should be noncompressed AEERasterOp rop = AEE_RO_COPY // specifies the Raster operation that must be used while doing the bit-block transfer );
[ public ] Void Translate( SInt16 x // the window's origin will be translated by x pixels along X-axis SInt16 y // the window's origin will be translated by y pixels along Y-axis );
[ public ] Void Translate( SFXGridConstRef grid // the window's origin will be translated by a grid );
[ public ] Void Update(Void);
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