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24.13. BREW Interface Wrapper ( 2.0 / 2.1 / 3.1 )

Class Name Description
SFB3D Wrapper Class for the I3D Interface.
SFB3DModel Wrapper Class for the I3DModel Interface.
SFB3DUtil Wrapper Class for the I3DUtil Interface.
SFBAClockCtl Wrapper Class for the IAClockCtl Interface.
SFBAddrBook Wrapper Class for the IAddrBook Interface.
SFBAddrInfo Wrapper Class for the IAddrInfo Interface.
SFBAddrInfoCache Wrapper Class for the IAddrInfoCache Interface.
SFBAddrRec Wrapper Class for the IAddrRec Interface.
SFBAlarmMgr Wrapper Class for the IAlarmMgr Interface.
SFBAppHistory Wrapper Class for the IAppHistory Interface.
SFBApplet Wrapper Class for the IApplet Interface.
SFBAppletCtl Wrapper Class for the IAppletCtl Interface.
SFBBacklight Wrapper Class for the IBacklight Interface.
SFBAStream Wrapper Class for the IAStream Interface.
SFBBase Wrapper Class for the IBase Interface.
SFBBattery Wrapper Class for the IBattery Interface.
SFBBCMCSDB Wrapper Class for the IBCMCSDB Interface.
SFBBearerTechnology Wrapper Class for the IBearerTechnology Interface.
SFBBitmap Wrapper Class for the IBitmap Interface.
SFBBitmapDev Wrapper Class for the IBitmapDev Interface.
SFBBitmapDev2 Wrapper Class for the IBitmapDev2 Interface.
SFBBitmapFX Wrapper Class for the IBitmapFX Interface.
SFBBitmapRot Wrapper Class for the IBitmapRot Interface.
SFBBitmapScale Wrapper Class for the IBitmapScale Interface.
SFBBT Wrapper Class for the IBT Interface.
SFBBTA2DP Wrapper Class for the IBTA2DP Interface.
SFBBTA2DPNotifier Wrapper Class for the IBTA2DPNotifier Interface.
SFBBTAG Wrapper Class for the IBTAG Interface.
SFBBTAudioGateway Wrapper Class for the IBTAudioGateway Interface.
SFBBTAVRCPTarget Wrapper Class for the IBTAVRCPTarget Interface.
SFBBTConnection Wrapper Class for the IBTConnection Interface.
SFBBTDevDB Wrapper Class for the IBTDevDB Interface.
SFBBTMgr Wrapper Class for the IBTMgr Interface.
SFBBTSDP Wrapper Class for the IBTSDP Interface.
SFBBTServiceDiscovery Wrapper Class for the IBTServiceDiscovery Interface.
SFBBTSIOPort Wrapper Class for the IBTSIOPort Interface.
SFBBTSPP Wrapper Class for the IBTSPP Interface.
SFBBTSPPClient Wrapper Class for the IBTSPPClient Interface.
SFBBTSPPServer Wrapper Class for the IBTSPPServer Interface.
SFBCall Wrapper Class for the ICall Interface.
SFBCallHistory Wrapper Class for the ICallHistory Interface.
SFBCallMgr Wrapper Class for the ICallMgr Interface.
SFBCallOrigOpts Wrapper Class for the ICallMgrICallOrigOpts Interface.
SFBCamera Wrapper Class for the ICamera Interface.
SFBCipher Wrapper Class for the ICipher Interface.
SFBCipher1 Wrapper Class for the ICipher1 Interface.
SFBCipherFactory Wrapper Class for the ICipherFactory Interface.
SFBCipherWrapper Wrapper Class for the ICipherWrapper Interface.
SFBClipboard Wrapper Class for the IClipboard Interface.
SFBControl Wrapper Class for the IControl Interface.
SFBCoreNotifier Wrapper Class for the ICoreNotifier Interface.
SFBDatabase Wrapper Class for the IDatabase Interface.
SFBDateCtl Wrapper Class for the IDateCtl Interface.
SFBDBMgr Wrapper Class for the IDBMgr Interface.
SFBDBRecord Wrapper Class for the IDBRecord Interface.
SFBDialog Wrapper Class for the IDialog Interface.
SFBDIB Wrapper Class for the IDIB Interface.
SFBDisplay Wrapper Class for the IDisplay Interface.
SFBDLS Wrapper Class for the IDLS Interface.
SFBDLSLinker Wrapper Class for the IDLSLinker Interface.
SFBDNS Wrapper Class for the IDNS Interface.
SFBDNSConfig Wrapper Class for the IDNSConfig Interface.
SFBDNSConfig2 Wrapper Class for the IDNSConfig2 Interface.
SFBEnv Wrapper Class for the IEnv Interface.
SFBFIFO Wrapper Class for the IFIFO Interface.
SFBFile Wrapper Class for the IFile Interface.
SFBFileMgr Wrapper Class for the IFileMgr Interface.
SFBFlip Wrapper Class for the IFlip Interface.
SFBFont Wrapper Class for the IFont Interface.
SFBForceFeed Wrapper Class for the IForceFeed Interface.
SFBFOTA Wrapper Class for the IFOTA Interface.
SFBGetLine Wrapper Class for the IGetLine Interface.
SFBGraphics Wrapper Class for the IGraphics Interface.
SFBHash Wrapper Class for the IHash Interface.
SFBHashCTX Wrapper Class for the IHashCTX Interface.
SFBHeap Wrapper Class for the IHeap Interface.
SFBHTMLViewer Wrapper Class for the IHTMLViewer Interface.
SFBImage Wrapper Class for the IImage Interface.
SFBImageCtl Wrapper Class for the ISFBImageCtl Interface.
SFBImageDecoder Wrapper Class for the IImageDecoder Interface.
SFBItemStore Wrapper Class for the IItemStore Interface.
SFBJoystick Wrapper Class for the IJoystick Interface.
SFBKeysMapping Wrapper Class for the IKeysMapping Interface.
SFBLicense Wrapper Class for the ILicense Interface.
SFBLocalStorage Wrapper Class for the ILocalStorage Interface.
SFBLogger Wrapper Class for the ILogger Interface.
SFBMcastSession Wrapper Class for the IMcastSession Interface.
SFBMedia Wrapper Class for the IMedia Interface.
SFBMediaAAC Wrapper Class for the IMediaAAC Interface.
SFBMediaADPCM Wrapper Class for the IMediaADPCM Interface.
SFBMediaMIDI Wrapper Class for the IMediaMIDI Interface.
SFBMediaMIDIOutMsg Wrapper Class for the IMediaMIDIOutMsg Interface.
SFBMediaMIDIOutQCP Wrapper Class for the IMediaMIDIOutQCP Interface.
SFBMediaMMF Wrapper Class for the IMediaMMF Interface.
SFBMediaMP3 Wrapper Class for the IMediaMP3 Interface.
SFBMediaMPEG4 Wrapper Class for the IMediaMPEG4 Interface.
SFBMediaPHR Wrapper Class for the IMediaPHR Interface.
SFBMediaPMD Wrapper Class for the IMediaPMD Interface.
SFBMediaQCP Wrapper Class for the IMediaQCP Interface.
SFBMediaSVG Wrapper Class for the IMediaSVG Interface.
SFBMediaUtil Wrapper Class for the IMediaUtil Interface.
SFBMemAStream Wrapper Class for the IMemAStream Interface.
SFBMenuCtl Wrapper Class for the IMenuCtl Interface.
SFBModel Wrapper Class for the IModel Interface.
SFBModule Wrapper Class for the IModule Interface.
SFBModuleSupport Wrapper Class for the IModuleSupport Interface.
SFBMultipartyCall Wrapper Class for the IMultipartyCall Interface.
SFBNetMgr Wrapper Class for the INetMgr Interface.
SFBNetUtils Wrapper Class for the INetUtils Interface.
SFBNetwork Wrapper Class for the INetwork Interface.
SFBNotifier Wrapper Class for the INotifier Interface.
SFBOBEXCli Wrapper Class for the IOBEXCli Interface.
SFBOBEXHeader Wrapper Class for the IOBEXHeader Interface.
SFBOBEXSrv Wrapper Class for the IOBEXSrv Interface.
SFBOBEXSrvSession Wrapper Class for the IOBEXSrvSession Interface.
SFBParameters Wrapper Class for the IParameters Interface.
SFBPeek Wrapper Class for the IPeek Interface.
SFBPhoneCtl Wrapper Class for the IPhoneCtl Interface.
SFBPort Wrapper Class for the IPort Interface.
SFBPort1 Wrapper Class for the IPort1 Interface.
SFBPosDet Wrapper Class for the IPosDet Interface.
SFBQoSBundle Wrapper Class for the IQoSBundle Interface.
SFBQoSErrorSpec Wrapper Class for the IQoSErrorSpec Interface.
SFBQoSFilter Wrapper Class for the IQoSFilter Interface.
SFBQoSFlow Wrapper Class for the IQoSFlow Interface.
SFBQoSList Wrapper Class for the IQoSList Interface.
SFBQoSSession Wrapper Class for the IQoSSession Interface.
SFBQoSSpec Wrapper Class for the IQoSSpec Interface.
SFBQuery Wrapper Class for the IQI Interface.
SFBRAMCache Wrapper Class for the IRAMCache Interface.
SFBRawBlockCipher Wrapper Class for the IRawBlockCipher Interface.
SFBRealloc Wrapper Class for the IRealloc Interface.
SFBRecordStore Wrapper Class for the IRecordStore Interface.
SFBRegistry Wrapper Class for the IRegistry Interface.
SFBResourceCtl Wrapper Class for the IResourceCtl Interface.
SFBRingerMgr Wrapper Class for the IRingerMgr Interface.
SFBRSA Wrapper Class for the IRSA Interface.
SFBRscPool Wrapper Class for the IRscPool Interface.
SFBShell Wrapper Class for the IShell Interface.
SFBSignal Wrapper Class for the ISignal Interface.
SFBSignalBus Wrapper Class for the ISignalBus Interface.
SFBSignalCBFactory Wrapper Class for the ISignalCBFactory Interface.
SFBSignalCtl Wrapper Class for the ISignalCtl Interface.
SFBSMS Wrapper Class for the ISMS Interface.
SFBSMSBCConfig Wrapper Class for the ISMSBCConfig Interface.
SFBSMSBCSrvOpts Wrapper Class for the ISMSBCSrvOpts Interface.
SFBSMSMsg Wrapper Class for the ISMSMsg Interface.
SFBSMSStorage Wrapper Class for the ISMSStorage Interface.
SFBSMSStorage2 Wrapper Class for the ISMSStorage2 Interface.
SFBSocket Wrapper Class for the ISocket Interface.
SFBSockPort Wrapper Class for the ISockPort Interface.
SFBSound Wrapper Class for the ISound Interface.
SFBSoundPlayer Wrapper Class for the ISoundPlayer Interface.
SFBSource Wrapper Class for the ISource Interface.
SFBSourceUtil Wrapper Class for the ISourceUtil Interface.
SFBSprite Wrapper Class for the ISprite Interface.
SFBSSL Wrapper Class for the ISSL Interface.
SFBSSLRootCerts Wrapper Class for the SSLRootCerts Interface.
SFBStatic Wrapper Class for the IStatic Interface.
SFBSuppsTrans Wrapper Class for the ISuppsTrans Interface.
SFBTAPI Wrapper Class for the ITAPI Interface.
SFBTelephone Wrapper Class for the ITelephone Interface.
SFBTextCtl Wrapper Class for the ITextCtl Interface.
SFBThread Wrapper Class for the IThread Interface.
SFBTimeCtl Wrapper Class for the ITimeCtl Interface.
SFBTopVisibleCtl Wrapper Class for the ITopVisibleCtl Interface.
SFBTransform Wrapper Class for the ITransform Interface.
SFBUnzipAStream Wrapper Class for the IUnzipAStream Interface.
SFBvCalObject Wrapper Class for the IvCalObject Interface.
SFBvCalStore Wrapper Class for the IvCalStore Interface.
SFBvCard Wrapper Class for the IvCard Interface.
SFBVersion Wrapper Class for the IVersion Interface.
SFBViewer Wrapper Class for the IViewer Interface.
SFBvObject Wrapper Class for the IvObject Interface.
SFBVocoder Wrapper Class for the IVocoder Interface.
SFBvParm Wrapper Class for the IvParm Interface.
SFBvProperty Wrapper Class for the IvProperty Interface.
SFBWeb Wrapper Class for the IWeb Interface.
SFBWebEng Wrapper Class for the IWebEng Interface.
SFBWebOpts Wrapper Class for the IWebOpts Interface.
SFBWebReq Wrapper Class for the IWebReq Interface.
SFBWebResp Wrapper Class for the IWebResp Interface.
SFBWebUtil Wrapper Class for the IWebUtil Interface.
SFBWIFI Wrapper Class for the IWIFI Interface.
SFBWIFIOpts Wrapper Class for the IWIFIOpts Interface.
SFBX509Chain Wrapper Class for the IX509Chain Interface.
SFBxOpts Wrapper Class for the IxOpts Interface.