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Character-Recognition Application for BREW "Recog" -4/4-

Building the Bitmap Class

Bitmap Class Motivation

A reusable Bitmap class is made to allow applications like Recog to easily read bitmaps.

Bitmap Class Header File

- Bitmap.hpp -

#if !defined(__BITMAP_HPP)
#define __BITMAP_HPP
#include <SophiaFramework.hpp>

class Bitmap {
  SFBBitmapSmp _pbitmap;  // Pointer for bitmap
  SFBDIBSmp _pdib;        // Pointer for bitmap in DIB format

  SFCError GetDib(Void);  // Get bitmap in DIB format
  SFCError Copy(BitmapConstRef bitmap);  // Copy bitmap
  // Constructor
  Bitmap(ACharConstPtr file);
  Bitmap(WCharConstPtr file);
  Bitmap(SFXAnsiStringConstRef file);
  Bitmap(SFXWideStringConstRef file);
  Bitmap(ACharConstPtr resFile, UInt16 id);
  Bitmap(WCharConstPtr resFile, UInt16 id);
  Bitmap(SFXAnsiStringConstRef resFile, UInt16 id);
  Bitmap(SFXWideStringConstRef resFile, UInt16 id);
  Bitmap(SFBBitmapSmpConstRef pbitmap);
  Bitmap(BitmapConstRef bitmap);
  ~Bitmap(Void);  // Destructor
  // Read bitmap from file
  SFCError LoadBitmap(ACharConstPtr file);
  SFCError LoadBitmap(WCharConstPtr file);
  SFCError LoadBitmap(SFXAnsiStringConstRef file);
  SFCError LoadBitmap(SFXWideStringConstRef file);
  // Read bitmap from resource file
  SFCError LoadResBitmap(ACharConstPtr resFile, UInt16 id);
  SFCError LoadResBitmap(WCharConstPtr resFile, UInt16 id);
  SFCError LoadResBitmap(SFXAnsiStringConstRef resFile, UInt16 id);
  SFCError LoadResBitmap(SFXWideStringConstRef resFile, UInt16 id);
  // Create copy of bitmap
  SFCError Create(SFBBitmapSmpConstRef pbitmap);
  // Substitute operator
  BitmapConstRef operator =(SFBBitmapSmpConstRef pbitmap);
  BitmapConstRef operator =(BitmapConstRef bitmap);
  // Get color information of the image
  SFXRGBColor GetPixel(SFXPixelConstRef pixel) const;
  SFXRGBColor GetPixel(SInt16 x, SInt16 y) const {
    return GetPixel(SFXPixel(x, y));
  SFXSize GetSize(Void) const;   // Get size of the bitmap
  UInt16 GetWidth(Void) const;   // Get width of the bitmap
  UInt16 GetHeight(Void) const;  // Get height of the bitmap
  UInt08 GetDepth(Void) const;   // Get color depth of the bitmap


The Constructor, the LoadBitmap and LoadResBitmap functions are all designed to read bitmaps from files.

The GetDib Function: Generate DIB from DDB

SFCError Bitmap::GetDib(Void)
  SFCError error(SFERR_NO_ERROR);
  if(_pbitmap != null) {
    SFBDIBPtr pdib;
    error = _pbitmap->QueryInterface(AEECLSID_BITMAP,
    if (error == SFERR_NO_ERROR) {
    } else {
  } else {
    error = SFERR_FAILED;
  return error;

These are the important points of the previous code.

  SFBDIBPtr pdib;
  error = _pbitmap->QueryInterface(AEECLSID_BITMAP,

_pbitmap is a member variable of the SFBBitmapSmp class. The DIB is generated by calling SFBBitmap::QueryInterface with AEECLSID_BITMAP as the first argument, and a pointer to a pointer (which points to the DIB) as a second argument.

The responsibility for releasing the DIB prior to application termination is left to the user, but fortunately it is automatically handled by using SophiaFramework UNIVERSE's "smart" pointers.


The preceding line is used to make the smart pointer _pdib manage the pdib generated by the SFBBitmap::QueryInterface function.

To avoid numerous ill-timed function calls associated with the smart pointer, the object can be released manually with the smart pointer's "Release" member function.

The DIB generated by SFBBitmap::QueryInterface is independent from the original bitmap. So when the original bitmap is modified, a new DIB needs to be generated.

The GetPixel Function: Get Pixel Color

This table shows the relationship between members of the IDIB structure ( explained in section 3 ) and their corresponding SFBDIB class member functions.

IDIB Structure SFBDIB Class

The data of point ( x, y ) is stored in the [ x * nDepth ] bit, counting from [ pBmp + y * nPitch ].

SFXRGBColor Bitmap::GetPixel(SFXPixelConstRef pixel) const
  if (_pdib == null) {
    return SFXRGBColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

  UInt32 bitsIndex(_pdib->GetDepth());
  bitsIndex *= pixel.GetX();
  BytePtr p(_pdib->GetBuffer() +
              pixel.GetY() * _pdib->GetPitch() + (bitsIndex >> 3));
                // bitsIndex >> 3, equals bitsIndex / 8
                // Get the head memory address where the
                // value of the selected point is stored
                // (Using bit operataions to speed things up)
  SInt08 localBitsIndex(8 - static_cast<SInt08>(bitsIndex & 7));
                // bitsIndex & 7, equals bitsIndex % 8
                // now, the target data can be found
                // (Using bit operataion to speed things up)
  SInt16 len(_pdib->GetDepth());
  NativeColor color(0);
  BytePtr pcolor(reinterpret_cast<BytePtr>(&color));
  SInt08 leftBits(8);  // how many more bits can be inserted in pcolor
  UInt08 getbits;
  UInt16 mask;

  while (len > 0) {
    // getbits is assigned the smallest value between 
    // len, localBitsIndex and leftBits.
    getbits = (localBitsIndex < leftBits)
                  ? localBitsIndex : leftBits;
    if (getbits > len) {
      getbits = static_cast<UInt08>(len);

    mask = static_cast<UInt16>(1 << localBitsIndex) - 1;
    *pcolor = (*pcolor << getbits)
                | ((static_cast<UInt08>(mask) & *p)
                     >> ((getbits < localBitsIndex)
                           ? (localBitsIndex - getbits) : 0));
    len -= getbits;
    leftBits -= getbits;
    localBitsIndex -= getbits;
    if (localBitsIndex <= 0) {
      localBitsIndex = 8;
    if (leftBits <= 0) {
      leftBits = 8;
  return _pdib->NativeToColor(color);

The NativeColor of the target pixel is converted to a SFXRGBColor in this code.

The need to access the buffer bit by bit, makes this code a little complicated.