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SophiaFramework UNIVERSE XML Middleware


  1. Specification
  2. Structure of XML Class
    1. Classes for Creating Nodes of the DOM Tree
    2. Structure of the DOM Tree
  3. DOM and SAX
  4. DTD and XMLSchema
    1. Process XML Document with DTD
    2. Process XML Document with XMLSchema
  5. Create XML Document
    1. Outline
    2. Create XML Document with Namespace
  6. Develop Web Service
    1. SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol
    2. Input Parameter
    3. Analyze replied SOAP message
  7. Restrictions


The XML-related classes included in SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, whose names start with "SFXXML ... ", are classified into the following three categories.

  1. Create an XML document
  2. Parse an XML document
  3. Process Web Services by using the WSDL or SOAP APIs
[ Major Features ]
  1. DTD and XMLSchema are available.
  2. The DOM parser and the SAX parser are available.
  3. WSDL 1.1 and SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 are supported.
  4. Secure Web services over HTTPS are supported.

* SOAP Attachment is NOT implemented. And as for SOAP Fault, only SOAP 1.1 is supported.

Structure of XML Class

Classes for Creating Nodes of the DOM Tree

SophiaFramework UNIVERSE provides you with the following 12 types of node classes for the DOM tree defined by W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium ). These classes inherit from the class named "SFXXMLNode".

[ SFXXMLNode Inheritance Relation ]

SophiaFramework UNIVERSE XML Node Tree

Class name Description NodeType
SFXXMLNode Abstract node -
SFXXMLElement Element node ELEMENT_NODE
SFXXMLAttribute Attribute node ATTRIBUTE_NODE
SFXXMLEntityReference EntityReference node ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE
SFXXMLEntity Entity node ENTITY_NODE
SFXXMLProcessingInstruction Processing Instruction node PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE
SFXXMLComment Comment node COMMENT_NODE
SFXXMLDocument Document node DOCUMENT_NODE
SFXXMLDocumentType DocumentType node DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
SFXXMLDocumentFragment DocumentFragment node DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE
SFXXMLNotation Notation node NOTATION_NODE

Basic Function of SFXXMLNode

Function to Get a Node from the DOM Tree
Function Name Description
GetFirstChild get the first child node
GetLastChild get the last child node
GetNextSibling get the next sibling node amongst
GetPreviousSibling get the previous sibling node
GetParentNode get the parent node
Function to Create or Update a Node of the DOM Tree
Function Name Description
AppendChild append a child node
RemoveChild remove a child node
ReplaceChild replace a child node
InsertBefore insert a node
CloneNode clone a node
Function to Get or Set a Node Attribute of the DOM Tree
Function Name Description
HasChildNodes test if it has a child node
GetChildNodes get all the child nodes
GetNodeType get a node type
GetNodeName get a node name
GetNodeValue get node contents
SetNodeValue set node contents
GetText get texts included in all the child nodes
SetText set a text into its child node
Function to Compare Nodes
Function Name Description
IsSameNode test if two nodes are same
EqualNode test if two nodes are equal

Structure of the DOM Tree

[ Process Flow on XML parser ]

Process Flow on XML parser

An XML parser receives XML documents grammatically checked by DTD or XMLSchema, expands the documents onto memory as tree-structured objects, and sends them to an application.

In SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, the XML parser ( SFXDOMParser / SFXXSDDOMParser ) is created and analyzes an XML document, and gets the DOM tree of SFXXMLDocument.

[ Sequence Diagram ]

SophiaFramework UNIVERSE XML Sequence Diagram

SophiaFramework UNIVERSE SFXXMLDocument

Basic Function of "SFXXMLDocument"

The most important object in parsing an XML document is the root node of SFXXMLDocument in the DOM tree.

1. get, create, update, and compare a node of the DOM tree

2. create a new node type

3. save XML document

4. get any node of the DOM tree as Helper function


There are two kinds of XML parsers. One is the DOM parser, and the other is the SAX parser.

The DOM parser expands XML document onto memory as a DOM tree. With the DOM parser, it is very easy to operate an XML document, but usually a lot of memory is necessary.

The SAX parser is a set of APIs that reads XML document sequentially from the beginning and processes it in an event driven style. It needs less memory and is faster than DOM, but there is no update function for XML documents such as adding, deleteing a node etc.

SophiaFramework UNIVERSE provides you with SFXXMLDOMParser / SFXXSDDOMParser as the DOM parser, SFXXMLSAXParser as the SAX parser.

Basic Function of SFXXMLDOMParser and SFXXMLSAXParser

Function Name Description
Parse read and parse XML document
Set / Get a parser attribute

By default, the attribute value is set to " false " except the SetIgnoreAnnotations function.

Function Name Description
SetGrammar set grammar used by parser
Set / GetDoNamespaces set / get the value if Namespace should be processed
Set / GetDoIndent set / get the value if statements should be indented
Set / GetDoSchema set / get the value if schema should be processed
Set / GetCreateCommentNodes set / get the value if comment node should be created
Set / GetValidationSchema set / get the value if XML document should be validated by XMLSchema
Set / GetValidationDTD set / get the value if XML document should be validated by DTD
Set / GetLoadExternalDTD set / get the value if external DTD file of XML document with DTD should be loaded
Set / GetIgnoreAnnotations set / get the value if annotation elements file of XML document with XMLSchema should be ignored
SetSchemaLocation set XSD file of XML document with XMLSchema
GetDocument get the root node of the DOM tree
Helper function

Only available for the SFXXMLDOMParser class, not available for the SFXXMLSAXParser class.

Function Name Description
GetFirstChildElement get the first child node of the node passed as argument
GetFirstChildElementNS get the first child node of the node with namespace passed as argument
GetNextSiblingElement get the next sibling node of the node passed as argument
GetNextSiblingElementNS get the next sibling node of the node passed as argument with namespace

* To parse by using the SFXXMLSAXParser class, it is necessary to create a class inheriting the SFXXMLDefaultHandler class for setting a handler interface to notify events.

DTD and XMLSchema

DTD and XMLSchema are grammars to validete whether XML document is configured in an adequate format when XML parser analyzes it.

In DTD, data type cannot be defined, and its grammar is not described in XML.

The statements of XMLSchema are described in XML format. Definition of data type and namespace not included in DTD are available in XMLSchema.

SophiaFramework UNIVERSE supports DTD and XMLSchema. When DTD or XMLSchema are used, an error will occur if some data of XML document violate it.

Process XML Document with DTD

In processing an XML Document with DTD, Set / GetValidationDTD or Set / GetLoadExternalDTD of SFXXMLDOMParser / SFXXMLSAXParser are used. When its DTD is defined as another file ( external DTD file ) different from the XML document, the external DTD file should be loaded in settings SetLoadExternalDTD "true".

The following operations are available after getting the SFXXMLDocumentType object from the DOM tree.

Function Name Description
GetEntities get all the entities defined in DTD
GetNotations get all the notations defined in DTD
GetPublicID get public ID of external subset
GetSystemID get system ID of external subset

Process XML Document with XMLSchema

In processing XML Document with XMLSchema, Set / GetDoSchema, Set / GetValidationSchema, Set / GetIgnoreAnnotations or SetSchemaLocation of SFXXMLDOMParser / SFXXMLSAXParser are used.

If SetDoNamespaces is "true", namespace can be set.

Create XML Document

By using the SFXXMLDocument class, a DOM tree is expanded onto memory and saved as a file by using the save function.


The SFXXMLDocument object is the root node of the DOM tree.

You should create a node by using the CreateXXXXXXXXX function, and then create and update a DOM tree of SFXXMLNode.

All the nodes should be managed by the root node of SFXXMLDocument.

[ Fundamental Process Flow ]
SFXXMLElementPtr element = document.CreateElement("new_node"); 
                                 // create new node
document.AppendChild(element);	 // save at specified position

Create XML Document with Namespace

The SFXXMLDocument::CreateElementNS and SFXXMLDocument::CreateAttributeNS functions are provided for processing namespace in the SFXXMLDocument class.

In XML document with namespace, the name format of element or attribute is divided into Prefix ( "prefix" ) and Local Name ( "localname" ) like [ prefix:localname ], which is called "Qualified Name".

When creating an element by using the SFXXMLDocument::CreateElementNS function, an attribute of [ xmlns:'prefix'="URI" ] is automatically created.

When using the SFXXMLDocument::CreateAttributeNS funtion, namespace must be set by using the SFXXMLElement::SetAttribute funtion.

Develop Web Service

There are three fundamental technologies of SOAP, WSDL and UDDI in the Web service. All the data is described in XML format, and those services are implemented by using internet protocol such as HTTP / SMTP etc.

In SophiaFramework UNIVERSE, the SOAP classes of SFXSOAPParser / SFXSOAPWriter / SFXSOAPRPC are provided. In the SFXSOAPParser / SFXSOAPWriter / SFXSOAPRPC classes, function to operate SOAP message and communicate by RPC ( Remote Procedure Call ) are provided.

SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol

SOAP message consists of three elements: Envelope, Header and Body. SFXSOAPParser class inherites SFXXMLDOMParser class and expands the DOM tree onto memory. You have only to analyze SOAP message to get any information on SOAP message. Getting the DOM tree is not needed.

Main Funtion of SFXSOAPParser

Function Name Description
GetEnvelope get Envelope element of SOAP message
GetHeader get Header element of SOAP message
GetBody get Body element of SOAP message
GetFault get Fault element of SOAP message

Main Function of Helper Function

Function Name Description
GetBodyEntries get all the entry nodes in the body of SOAP message
GetHeaderEntries get all the entry nodes in the header of SOAP message
GetBodyEntry get an entry node in the body of SOAP message
GetHeaderEntry get an entry node in the header of SOAP message
GetRPCParameter get parameter element in the body of SOAP message
GetRPCResult get the first child element of the first entry in the body of SOAP message
GetRPCStruct get the first entry in the body of SOAP message

SFXSOAPWriter is a class to create each element of SOAP document by using the SFXXMLDocument class.

SFXSOAPRPC is a class to implemet SOAP-RPC protocol by using the SFXSOAPParser and SFXSOAPWriter classes.

To call Web service, you have only to set the function name of Web service, targetted URI, parameters, IP address of Web service, Web service and its soapAction attribute, and the callback function.

Set the SOAP message created by using the SFXSOAPWriter class to the parameter of SFXSOAPRPC::Invoke function, and call the Web service. In the shortest case, its code size may be less than 10 lines.

Input Parameter

When using SFXSOAPRPC, you have to correctly set parameters based on SOAP documents.

In case of SFXSOAPServiceProxy, you have only to set the input parameters described in WSDL document.

Analyze replied SOAP message

When using SFXSOAPRPC and SFXSOAPServiceProxy, you connect a server through the HTTP / HTTPS protocol.

And you get replied message in SOAP format by using the callback function. The replied SOAP mesage should be analyzed by one of the following three methods. Usually, the third method of using SFXSOAPParser is chosen.

  1. Each element is selected by the helper function of the SFXSOAPRPC class such as a GetResultValueByName function.
  2. SOAP message is analyzed by using the SFXSOAPParser class.

    When maxOccurs="unbounded" is defined in the WSDL document, there is a possibility that same name parameters may exist in the elements defined by XMLSchema. In this case, the last parameter is saved and the other parameters are ignored in Sophiaframework.

When SOAP message including SOAP Fault is replied from a server, the error value to be notified to the callback function will be SFERR_SOAP_FAULT_MESSAGE. Detailed error information is obtained by using the SFXSOAPRPC::FAULT structure.


  1. As for encoding, Shift_JIS, UTF-8, and EUC-JP are supported.
  2. XML parsers need a lot of memory. In particular, much heap memory is necessary when DTD, XMLSchema, or WSDL is used.
  3. XML specification of W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium ) may be updated in the future.