PrevNextUpHome SophiaFramework UNIVERSE 5.3

Introduction to SophiaFramework UNIVERSE

1. What is SophiaFramework UNIVERSE?
1.1. Concept
1.2. Configuration
2. Development Procedure
2.1. Installing Development Environments
2.2. Creating Projects
2.3. Creating the BID and MIF Files
2.4. Testing on the BREW Simulator
2.5. Testing on the BREW Device
3. Development with the SFY GUI Framework
3.1. SFY Applet
3.2. Window
3.3. Control(Basic)
3.4. Menu
3.5. Dialog
3.6. Container
3.7. Control(Applied)
3.8. Frame
3.9. User-Defined Event
4. Development without the GUI Framework
4.1. SFC Applet
4.2. AppWizard
4.3. Booting up an Applet
4.4. Implementing the Application Class
4.5. Terminating an Applet
4.6. Customizing
5. Development with the SFR GUI Framework [DEPRECATED]
5.1. [IMPORTANT] To Be Discontinued
5.2. SophiaFramework Application
5.3. Window
5.4. Control
5.5. Dialog
6. Coding Rule
6.1. Including the Header File
6.2. Types / Constants / Modifiers
6.3. Error Handling
7. License Code
7.1. Obtaining License Code
7.2. Setting up the License Code to the Source Code
7.3. Setting up the License Code Using the Resource File
8. Troubleshooting
8.1. Development Environment
8.2. Error / Warnig Message
8.3. Others